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Mariel Ramirez Mar 2015
the sky is a warm blanket, yet we
are inconsolable. wrapped and untouchable,
cloaked in isolation
desolation; this is not about crying anymore.
this is not about blood.
this is about ragged breaths, open pores,
mudstains. muddied legs wrapped up in pink
and white and flowered sheets. this is
about needing more. this is about
the hopelessness of the
search, despite and because of
the ceaselessness of the fight.

We will not be falling down anymore,
though our limbs turn jelly: this is about iron
spines. This isn't about eyes. This isn't about
weakness. This is about outshining the sun,
about the unflinching--
not wincing in the face of the truth.
This is not about invincibility:
this is

09/28/14 1:02 PM
I published this elsewhere before but i'm just putting it here for posterity's sake

invalesco (Lat.) - to gather strength, become stronger
Lydia Jun 2017
All of that burning
You wore it like a mask
Or a cloak
You walked away in a veil of catching on fire,
As if you were burning, too
But you were unscathed
Beautiful and unharmed
Hurting me by moving on and forgetting to kiss goodbye
The only burn mark I wanted was your lips on my cheek
Promising that I meant something to you
You scalded me with pictures of her
And you left mudstains walking in and out of my life
One time you left my blood on the carpet without ever touching me
I felt you smiling
You've changed for the worse
As if you could set my ashes on fire again
Darling we were burning bright and beautiful
I almost didn't notice my skin melting off of my body and my drooping smile
I let you mold me a little bit, but I'm steel on the inside
You couldn't bend my core
My ashes blew around us but they were still mine
You couldn't burn who I was, that metaphorical victory where I could walk out of the burning building
But before I could even think,
You put on your fire and disappeared into your facebook wall
The room ignited as I watched
You, undamaged
Please comment :)
Ransom May 2022
abel and cain~ barefoot
in the rain-wet grasses with
mudstains up to their shins.
bloodied elbows and chipped teeth,
we stand alone.
even now, centuries and degrees away
from you, a thousand
miles and lightyears distant, i
remember the way your throat tasted
clutched between my teeth.
i cut my teeth on your knuckles and
choked on my tongue--
you licked the sweat off the backs of my hands
and we share it between us like nothing
was sweeter, not wine

not water.

// jesus wept-- the shortest phrase, the
shortest sentence in
the hebrew book, for a reason.
two singular crystalline tears
shed for the stupidity of the human race
sprinkled the dirt and were gone
in an instant.
just like the twin crystalline words
penned once by a silent monk
and lost to time forever. //
your love was my religion

— The End —