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Josiah James May 2010
Walk walk walk
Fortify your freakish walls
Step up and fall upon the pulp
Of holy minds for precious law.

Gather, creature, gather
Absorb these crude misleadings
Regret the future, deviate
Flushed-out skies and rigid feelings.

Wait, then stop and wait
Start again, without the hand of fate
Till depth do us part
In the valleys, as a traitor.
Copyright 2010. Josiah Mortimer
Jasmyn 'Ladi J' May 2013
I lay here open
Open to possibilities and opportunities that present themselves for me with you
But i Can't seem to break through this wall I have put up
A wall made jus for me to protect and keep me from harmful situations
Many contemplations about how am I gonna get through this again
So I kept building and building on my personal wall
Yeah see I built this wall with pain over and over and over  
A lil dab of betrayal
A pinch of some scorn
Oh and shovel full of layers of scar tissue covered with stitches for recovery
Yeah I built this wall meticulously
I would sometimes feel like I'm a guest
Sometimes like an outsider in my own skin
Moving along like a night rider
Nobody seeing me or believing me
So I carry some heavy footgear
Holding them in my rear stow away I use it to move along through life without any scars, or that's what I try to do
This footgear feels great because I can stomp, jump, and even do cartwheels over all my enemies
Ancient conviction
Shindy misleadings all leading up to my success
Leaving me blessed
Riding along this pack train saying hello mufasa and simba
Oh and rifiki is there
What's up....
See I admire their strength and agility
I even know who continues to keep me
A higher power and His name is Jesus
Love Him to pieces
But someone came outta nowhere
Out From left field Try to catch the Foul ball
Jumping over bases and even some left field men
Trying to Break through my wall
Shining some light on my night rider journey
Complicated feelings taking many meanings
My head is spinning
Fear rising...leaving me paralyzed even though I still feel your touch when I'm away from you
I'm scared...even some what terrified that I lie here and all I can think of is you
Wondering if my brain waves can send out a signal over to you so that you know how I feel
See night riders they don't open up
Staying closed
Sign on the door...
No more customers...the day is over
See We ride in the dark
Trying to keep feelings secret
A loner when it comes to sharing emotions
Commotion on the inside but calm on the outside
But maybe you can be my knight in shinning amour breaking down my walls
Chipping and chipping away through all the dust and the rumble
I may even stumble over you but at least I'll be in your arms
Feeling safe through your touch that even peels away some of the hurt
So right now I may be a night rider but I'm moving towards the horizon that is the beginning of some light
Mikayla Shaw Apr 2014
I can sense your harsh glare
As I descend the stairs
The room is full to the brim
But your seemingly placid face is all too grim
An eerie silence chills me to the bone
Though I am anything but alone
My eyes follow you slink through the crowd
The choir voices echo loud
Now here you are, offering me a gloved hand
Which I accept upon your demand
I know not who you are
Only that you travelled from afar
With all the guests in black and white,
Basking in the glow of the chandelier light
My crimson dress is much too brazen
For this joyous occasion
You pull me ever so slightly, begging me to chase
Under the mask, I do now recall your face
My mother flirted with you many a year
Unlike many, not succumbing to fear
You lead me down a windy stair case
Making each move with elegance and grace
Deeper and deeper into darkness we descend
How strange this is how I should meet my end
It is not as I had dreamed
Without any wicked schemes
Gentle, kind, and wise
Compassion lies in those soulful eyes
You wipe away my single tear
Though I do not cry from fear,
Instead from the strange misleadings
Of those poor gents up above pleading
‘Do not take me, this I pray’
But on this warm midsummer’s day
I learned the truth about you
Nothing they say is true
You are not cruel, are not devious
Not a thing about you is mischievous
I know who you are, yet I am unafraid
Though I am much too young for this, never would I evade
Your sweet embrace
Death’s sweet embrace
Poemasabi Aug 2013
The Man was a man of a color they were afraid of
so they hated him already.
When he offered his hand so that they could walk together
down a new path, they chose another hand.
A hand from behind
from a dark path covered in the sharp thorns
of intolerance
of hate and fear
of lies and misleadings.
So they rejected the hand of The Man
and turning their backs on him
strode proudly into the dark
where their clothes and skin were torn
and cut.

Still The Man offered his hand
and a way out of the darkness
of the lies and intolerance
of the hate and misleading
of the fear...
But the hands from the dark kept a firm grip
and the voices of the blackness
called out to them and played upon their fears
of the new
of the different
of those who were not the same as them
and they kept walking backwards
into the dark.
when they had reached the deepest darkest bottom
and their clothing had been rendered from their bodies
and their skin was shredded and bleeding
and they had nothing left
they realized...

and they turned to look for The Man
but they couldn't see him
for they were in too deep
and had turned from him
when they had had the chance...
the chance to walk together with the rest of us
into the brightest of forwards.
Jasmyn 'Ladi J' Jun 2013
How can you reach the unreachable
So high that you are beyond the sky
Subconscious moving to your conscience
Making reality real
Sometimes it's a steal from your memorization
Libations to your membrane
Feeding it to exhaustion
Maybe you will get lost in plant 54
Making you want more till you've reached your limit
Maybe jus one more minute till you get there
Feeling experiences that seem to be so rare
Cases if boxes packing and packing away your cares while you climb to plant 54
Store open for business
Satire feeling
Metaphorical misleadings
Stairs leading all the way to the top of plant 54
Shouting from the top or actually the peak of mount leaf
Feeling like the chief of a tribe
Strive no starving for better
Maybe I can get a letter from my favorite person all the way on planet 54
Mitchell Mar 2011
A corner's edge bends in the twilight of the day
Morning moves its precious moments
I'm feeling alone and oh so ****** stagnant
Lingering along in a world with a dying song
I looked out my window to look again for you
A feeling inside that I believe that might make me alright
But oh the fates of the world at large
With the running rivers and the men up north in charge
Were nothing in the news unless you can sing the blues
Make an act and sell your soul for a stack
Take what you will as you write your own mother's will
And the drinks will be bubbly as you tie up your snuggie
Alone with a bone that will soon be laying rotten
New York New York you dropped me off from the wrong stork
Melting methodically I rehearse my own day
Mirrors move in unison, hearing the sounds of people being born again
A whisper from the racket, a sister tying her jacket
As God weeps tears and sneezes in His son's hair
Contrasting religion as my soul is a sizzlin'
A night spent away from myself is like forcing myself to love on the 12th
So many hours spent wishing and fishing for answers
As well as millions of days waiting to get plastered
A twisted controversy of miseries misleadings
Tells me to continue on with my own silent song
Roads will weather me and of course try to tether me
Dollar signs flash bright, but there is an end in that sight
For the night with the stars and the all night bars
Makes me wink to the one behind me, I'm already too far
Tricking myself to believe that a future is on my sleeve
Today I will be new but tomorrow I might be calling Sue'
Breathing openly about all these sorrows as I slowly rock
Could it be? Could it be? Could it be?
That I was never meant to turn out to be me?
Heckling hordes remain stiff and act bored
Oh how fast and hurried I tend to get sore
Pitching these tents on hills that are burning
And all the time I dream of what it means to truly learn
I must be crazy to riddle off these rhythms
In a place where everyone's obsessed with the years current lace
Turning literature into amateur caricatures
Highlighting my own sad life
Kicking back a line from way back when gripping the knife
And I'm trying to keep myself inside this life
No no no these words are nothing special
Eternity marries the elder in the middle of April
Not a joke is said during the morning bloom
For everyone around me is still struggling with their own tune
Flicking the tube on and I got blue on
A face that looks like mine has become one in his own time
A flick away from salvation and I'm running to escape false elation
I might be here now, but tomorrow, who knows the land?
Ika Aug 2014
I'm as cold as ice, and
As warm as heat,
Depending on what mood
I'm feeling. No wonders
Are observed, just the way
You mistreat me. I have
Eyes and ears, that see
And listen to your exaggerating
misleadings. Maybe I'll be warm;
But for now this heart
Is not beating. My soul is
Ruined because you said
"You have no meaning"
So my heart is set straight
To all those words you said to me,
Knowing it was irritating. Again I'll say
You killed me; but I'm here
Showing you that maybe
Yenson May 2020
And you see them with Cheshire smiles
and a cache laden with chameleon messages
with victories in misleadings
and allegiance to confusion
the two-faced bloods in ritual masks
in servitude to the raised clouds
selling betrayals of black earth

And you see them speaking in false tongues
appeasing to displease in soulless diatribes and lies
the merchants of identities
counterfeits nationals in false nations
the negative blanker devoid of integrity
scoffing the communion plonk
embracing dutifully the Judas kiss

And you see them holding court in charlatan pits
in serpentine tuxedos they are waiters and bar-men
bellboys and hoops at masters pleasure
devoid of conscience fodders
forfeits intelligence if its unjust
two-tone shiners raised for feet level
where are men of honor and integrity
Real men of wisdom, knowledge and truth
in the crucible of creation
as two footed man awoke
some walked into clouds

— The End —