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PoetWhoKnowIt Feb 2016
Take me off the pedestal
I am not what you see
That man's a miscreation
It's what i'd like to be

Take me off the pedestal
For it is far too high
For if I trip, slip, or fall
You'll think I was a lie

Take me off the pedestal
One cannot comprehend
To think 'tis where I stand
Make me not king, but friend

Take me off the pedestal
I've never felt so wrong
But please, oh please keep me in
your heart- that's right where I belong
Long time no see, folks.
Sarah Wilson Feb 2010
Dear legal codependents,

I am not my daddy’s girl.
I am not my mom’s best friend.
It’s not my choice, it’s who I am.
Have you ever stopped to think, perhaps,
That maybe one of those people you so harshly judge
Is sitting across from you- your own flesh and blood?
How can you love me anymore?
According to you, I’m just a *****.
Abomination, miscreation, I love you, I disgust you, I know.
You’ve lost a daughter, she’s moving on.

Sincerely- your daughter, your first born, your pride.
Sincerely- bisexual, immoral, criminal me.
this poem was done in september 2009, for my creative writing class- the form was a letter poem.
Angel of Sin Feb 2016
Caught beneath the curse of genetic abomination
I am the final inheritance of my line of disease
**** my seed!
So that I may not spread my contamination
End my line!
I am an insult to those of purest blood...

**** me now or share my pain
Fettered in chains of my desolation
Make me fall before I rise up
And give power to my miscreation

Bound in shadow
I am the progeny of disease
In a world of beauty
I am an infection, festering and rotten
I am a scar, wishing only to be forgotten
sever and broken all the world
all that’s loved, all that’s lost
all that searched through empty lots and ducked
all that slips through the night
like a broken playground dream

. . .and all that could have been, condemned and contained

like all the putrid of miscreation
. . .and all scorned with painful regretation

like all those born with a tortured soul

and all that are and all that could have been

I am your placid thought
hiding your wicked desire of plasticity
I am the trees’ haunting

. . . I am your forgotten, by all it seems
I am your ruined . .

Bury me inside your favorite dreams.
Written in 2007
AR Apr 2014
Drowning below the surface
You pull me in.
Saving me
in exchange for purity.

Drowning below the surface
You pull me in.
You see the imperfections left behind.
Wretched miscreation.

Drowning below the surface
You hold me down.
Trying to absolve me
Of what scares you.
Retro Jun 2018
My heart beats against my chest,
The adrenaline rush getting to my head.
I’m scared and stuck in public,
Lying awake to the paralysis as it’s subject.
I look around and my vision is obscured,
My mind full of aches, my words matured.
I try and try, but it all goes wrong.
My head, my words and even this song.
I wanna see you, but I don’t want it to go away,
I don’t wanna disappoint nor do I wanna Say...
I wanna go home, but this feeling forces me to stay.
The problem is, If I let it all go...
I’ll forget this ever happened, I’ll bow to my audience and I’ll call it a show.

Every time I speak, I see myself in a mirror!
Every time I look, I see my life disappear!

You heartless *******, you’re just hallucinations!
Go burn in the hell, you call home!
You’re nothing but a miscreation!
So I bow my head, and I’ll tell you...
I’m sorry and I can’t hold on much longer,
I love you.
I don’t expect this to skyrocket.
Arbin Moreira Jan 2018
Here it comes,
The passage of decision,
And miscreation’s.

Pacing back and forth in my mind,
I knew the lightning I saw wouldn’t strike,
Not twice in the same position,
The strength of my gravity and actions,
My struggles defining my oppositions.

Deliver us from evil… in God we believe in,
Still pacing in my mind,
I can’t possibly receive this,
The counter arguments to my achievements,
The blessings and miracles expressing,
Expressing the hysterically critical and cynical,
Deceptional thoughts being my downfall,
Watch this lightning hit me and be the uprising to my greater efforts and timing,

This Divine hysteria is my personal malaria,
This disease that consumed me and the thoughts in my mind,
The kind thoughts I cherished,
They just perished.

Still pacing I feel my heart racing,
The suicidal angels need to learn patience,
With all this hate being the usual state,
Religious solutions needs to make haste,
Recreational activities only serving purpose is to remind us of disabilities,

Painful mirrors revealing the beast in me,
Can’t stand the feeling of all this energy,
Mind keeps pacing to the point of seizure,
Where I discovered my new enemy.

Me, myself and I,
To be Divine we must divide,
Unite under a different name,
Under a different shape,
Deprived of being ashamed,
To be Divine  my mind needs to stop,
Stop being black and white,
And finally show me my true Divine fate.

— The End —