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S Olson Sep 2017
my brain is a clenched fist
and five acres of jungle
have burned
as you've read this;

humanity, spitting in the face of peace is
wholly miraculous, but a blind eye of mud;

your planet is a cosmic apple
what is god
sustains the creature.

the Thylacine, otherwise known
as the Tasmanian tiger,
was one of only two marsupials
in which both sexes harbored a pouch;
an equal home without genetic
misogyny; by 1936, the Thylacine,
the harbinger of the unlocked jaw,
the carrier of equal protection
had been hunted to extinction

with capillaries like ingrown flowers,

careless, hapless human fingers
tore a genome into garbage
piles as you have read this;

harvesters are celebrated
all, together germinated
with minuscule ignorant hands

we nurture ourselves into dust
with concrete, reinforced eyes

thinking the world a zoo
and that we are separate

but wolves can change the course of rivers,
think of freeway infrastructure

think of cows knee deep in ****
in former verdant land

this abomination with teeth
is a blue light in an ocean of darkness

and if we mine the root for the fruit
the tree will fall out of the sky.
D Conors Oct 2010
(O Fortuna! had re-gained popular attention when it was chosen as the theme song for the film, The Omen, the story of a child who was the Anti-Christ.
The entire performance of Orff's Carmina Burana is gripping and spine-chilling. I had the pleasure of watching it from a box seat the the Broward Centre for the Performing Arts back in 1999, played by the Florida Philharmonic (defunct) led by maestro James Judd--it terrified me so much I couldn't sleep for days!-D)

1. O Fortuna (Chorus) (O Fortune)

O Fortuna O Fortune,
velut luna like the moon
statu variabilis, you are changeable,
semper crescis ever waxing
aut decrescis; and waning;
vita detestabilis hateful life
nunc obdurat first oppresses
et tunc curat and then soothes
ludo mentis aciem, as fancy takes it;
egestatem, poverty
potestatem and power
dissolvit ut glaciem. it melts them like ice.
Sors immanis Fate - monstrous
et inanis, and empty,
rota tu volubilis, you whirling wheel,
status malus, you are malevolent,
vana salus well-being is vain
semper dissolubilis, and always fades to nothing,
obumbrata shadowed
et velata and veiled
michi quoque niteris; you plague me too;
nunc per ludum now through the game
dorsum nudum I bring my bare back
fero tui sceleris. to your villainy.
Sors salutis Fate is against me
et virtutis in health
michi nunc contraria, and virtue,
est affectus driven on
et defectus and weighted down,
semper in angaria. always enslaved.
Hac in hora So at this hour
sine mora without delay
corde pulsum tangite; pluck the vibrating strings;
quod per sortem since Fate
sternit fortem, strikes down the strong man,
mecum omnes plangite! everyone weep with me!

"Carmina Burana is a scenic cantata composed by Carl Orff in 1935 and 1936. It is based on 24 of the poems found in the medieval collection Carmina Burana. Its full Latin title is Carmina Burana: Cantiones profanæ cantoribus et choris cantandæ comitantibus instrumentis atque imaginibus magicis"

"Orff first encountered the text in John Addington Symonds's 1884 publication Wine, Women and Song, which included English translations of 46 poems from the collection. Michel Hofmann, a young law student and Latin and Greek enthusiast, assisted Orff in the selection and organization of 24 of these poems into a libretto, mostly in Latin verse, with a small amount of Middle High German and Old Provençal. The selection covers a wide range of topics, as familiar in the 13th century as they are in the 21st century: the fickleness of fortune and wealth, the ephemeral nature of life, the joy of the return of Spring, and the pleasures and perils of drinking, gluttony, gambling and lust."
by Carl Orff
(July 10, 1895(1895-07-10) – March 29, 1982)
Chuck Feb 2015
Oh,' be young or old, courageous or wise,
Whatever you do, whoever you are,
Beware of those souls whose words are the guise
Hiding a past marked with an ugly scar.

Their face may be benign hiding malus
With an altruistic front for a show;
Fragrance of a rose hides a soul callus
Envious heart wanting to take your glow.

Yet, your love and honesty guides your fate
No matter what others would say and do,
Love's the beacon to steer away from hate
Enjoy life and show the world the real you.

When deceptive people spin their charmed lies
Let not their words fool you, learn to be wise.
Blythe is my adopted daughter on HP:) we have been learning from each other, since we joined HP. It was a pleasure writing a Shakespeaean Sonnet with her. I wrote, the first line and every other line. I'm happy with the way this evolved.
Salmabanu Hatim Jun 2018
What a surprise!
A single bud on a rose tree,
Blushing to open,
As glistening dew bathe it.
I moved down the orchard,
Ah! The Rose Family (Rosaceae),
Apples (malus),
Raspberries (rubus),
Strawberries (fragaria).
Having a morning chat,
In awe to see the blooming of their cousin,the rose,
Their leaves trembling with joy.
Roses are red my love,
So are their cousins Prunus,
Plums and cherries,
Red as fresh blood,
Nodding in the gleaming sun.
What a get-together!
Acora Oct 2020
Today I fill my stomach
With happiness and greed
I use you and you use me
But not just for the means
I’m here because I want to be,
Because you asked me, kind;
I savor your lips on my lips because
you asked if I would mind;
The way the empty cavity
within my chest is now close to bursting,
You destroy me and distract me,
somehow without the pain and hurting.
She teases me but it’s a welcome sensation

Apple blossom, or the flower of fresh joy, optimism, and even new beginnings
blythe Feb 2015
Oh,' be young or old, courageous or wise,
Whatever you do, whoever you are,
Beware of those souls whose words are the guise
Hiding a past marked with an ugly scar.

Their face may be benign hiding malus
With an altruistic front for a show;
Fragrance of a rose hides a soul callus
Envious heart wanting to take your glow.

Yet, your love and honesty guides your fate
No matter what others would say and do,
Love's the beacon to steer away from hate
Enjoy life and show the world the real you.

When deceptive people spin their charmed lies
*Let not their words fool you, learn to be wise.
Shakespearean sonnet style. Collab with my HP father - Chuck :)
Loved writing with him. <3
When I was still a newbie here on HP, he was the one who taught me different styles of poetry.
BardOfTheNorth Apr 2015
"O Fortuna
velut luna
statu variabilis,
semper crescis
aut decrescis;
vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat
et tunc curat
ludo mentis aciem,
dissolvit ut glaciem.

Sors immanis
et inanis,
rota tu volubilis,
status malus,
vana salus
semper dissolubilis;
et velata
mihi quoque niteris;
nunc per ludum
dorsum nudum
fero tui sceleris.

Sors salutis
et virtutis
michi nunc contraria,
est affectus
et defectus
semper in angaria.
Hac in hora
sine mora
corde pulsum tangite;
quod per sortem
sternit fortem,
mecum omnes plangite!"
Written in the early 13th century. Later translated into song by Carl Orff, in Carmina Burana.
g clair May 2015
An apple core fell to the earth
released by me for what its worth.
I had no thought nor care for it
for seeds don't look like trees from birth.

The flowering trees are brightly lit
as branches reach towards where i sit
to shade the seedling while it grows
the fruit from one discarded pit.

The orchard with it's many rows
of crimson leaves, each sunset knows
the crispness of this autumn air
will ripen what the sower sows.

And all too soon the branch is bare.
I cannot reach for apples there
but eat my applesauce with care
while rocking in my Malus*  chair.
Malus - the wood of an apple tree
Aeia Jun 2014
Dearest fair Lilith, impure and horned
The same indeed we both have scorned
For Adam, as well, did not intend to forsake
But your luscious beauty were all it did take
And what of Eve, who could not imagine such sinistry
She got just one taste of you and abandoned her ministry

Dominus Deus above, bearing good tidings and wrath
And Malus Infernus below, with all his pitiful chained
Together they attempted to divert us from this dire path
Yet neither could keep us prisoner against the preordained

So, with bells and umbrellas we skipped straight out of Eden
Hand in hand now we stroll among the bruised and the beaten
Too many souls perished when we were denounced as forbidden
This shall be a lesson to learn not to believe what is written
Now entangled in each other and quite merrily depraved
Lilith and Eve cannot ever be saved...

— The End —