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*** you a riddle that anyone can get,you was born out of nowhere, you came out of nowhere.,,you are the evil secret weapon,you came and control  people's lives who are you ***? why are you here? Why are you so painful to our lives? Why do you bring destruction to our world? It was our world then but  since you enter this world you control it as if it belong to you, you have our belongings into your hands and you direct usto death through hell                                             *** you are cruel ,you just three letter but you so powerful and every letter of you have a sadness meaning,,Letter H-which means hell,you drive us to helll ,,Letter I-illness,you are the illness that weakens our body and Letter V-virus, virus you are the last course we need, you destroy people's lives and suparate their feeling into million pieces                                                      *** you've done and still done painful things, you get into people's live and caurse kios into in people's relationships, you take parents away from their children and leave their children homeless, you make people to give up their lives, you made us live in fear,you get into people who never though it will be them who contacted you, you crep around the coner with no footstep to hear                *** we all live in dfear odf you,we will stand up  without shedding a tears,this is our live come on only "we" can judge ourselves its not about willing to give up, its about willing to fight back and take whats belong to "us" which is health,life an world *** you are people's unwanted friend that they will live with day to day till God remembers them
The most fearfull deases "***"
Long time ago, there is a legend about a lady who has been cursed to have a daughter half human and half snake, the story is known by many but all are skeptic because they didn’t saw it personally. One day there is a group of villagers who hike into the mountain of Zeraya, this mountain is famous because it is said to be the mountain of mysteries. The villagers are looking for some herbs that will be use as an ingredient to their medicine. One of them is Kio; a brave man and a very kind person; the villagers decided to spend their night on the mountain for it is dark to go across its forest. They set all their tents and burn some woods to keep them warm. The villagers didn’t notice that there is someone who is sneaking on them at the very minute they step into the said mountain. Everyone is ready to go to sleep except for Kio who chose to stay outside the tent for a while. He walks near the river and didn’t notice a pitfall on his way, he fell and became unconscious, along came a mysterious girl named Jiana and save him out off the pitfall, Jiana is the daughter of the lady that had been cursed, meaning, she is the girl half human and half snake, she was also the one who is watching them as they step into the mountain, she is lovely and she is pretty even her body was a snake. She stare and smile at Kio as if she likes him, well, she do likes him because she kissed her on his lips and Kio felt her lips. As he wokes up, he saw the other villagers staring at him, the girl vanished and Kio think that it is only a dream even though it is not.
            The next day, it is time for them to leave the mountain and go back to the village but Kio is still thinking about the ******* his dream. He can’t forget her lovely face so he decided to go back near the river. He saw Jiana and scream as he saw her body… Jiana glides away from him and hide on the back of a tree. Kio noticed that Jiana was scared. He stand and say, “My apology for what I’ve done, I was just shocked for what I saw, don’t be scared, I’m Kio, I think I saw you before; who are you? May I know your name? Is that real?” Jiana is still scared but she answered Kio, “I am Jiana, I live here in the forest, I am different from you but I am not a monster, it’s not my fault I am like this… In fact, I was the one who saved you from the pitfall. Kio realized that the legend was true and decided to keep it secret, He then asked Jiana if they can be friends, Jiana think for a while because she don’t know if she can trust him but Kio explained everything. Jiana accept Kio and Kio accept her for who she is. Their friendship digs deeper as Kio visits Jiana everyday and bring her foods. Their relationship became serious and they fell in love with each other.
            One evening, Kio went back  to the mountain, one villager secretly followed him, he found out why Kio is always out of their village, he even learn about Jiana and their secret relationship.  The villager immediately went back to the village and told everything he knew about Kio and Jiana. The same night, all the villagers march into the mountain holding their torch and weapons as they shouted the words, “**** the Lady Snake, **** the Monster!” Jiana sense that the villagers are coming to **** her so she hugs Kio and told him that she is scared; Kio said “Don’t be scared, I will protect you, I won’t let them hurt you or touch you either.”
            The villagers arrived and told Kio to leave Jiana, Kio answered, “No! I will protect her from you, she is not a monster, she is innocent and you don’t have the right to **** her, maybe her appearance is different from us but her heart is pure of love and kindness, she’s just a girl who seeks for acceptance, for friends, and for family, she have been alone for so long and I will never let it happen again.” Jiana realized how important she is to Kio. “That girl is using you, you’re out of your mind Kio” said the villager, “Pointless, you cannot judge this girl because she’s different from us, you don’t know her, you don’t even know her name, you don’t even give her a chance to show how good she is. You are the one who is out of his mind, if you think you’re good enough, believe me you’re not, try to look in the mirror, and you’ll see who the real monster is. Why don’t you try to give her a chance, give her the freedom to be one of us, she doesn’t deserve to be treated like a monster. Please, open your eyes and your mind, look on to her heart and not on her appearance. We all deserve to be loved.” The villagers then realize what Kio is trying to say, Jiana thank Kio for what he said, Jiana cried as she felt Kios’ true love. Everyone apologize to Kio and Jiana and accept her to live with them, the villagers learned that they were wrong about Jiana. Kio continued to protect her and love her with all of his heart. He asked Jiana to marry him, and at the wedding day, Kio kissed Jiana in front of the altar as his oaths to love her forever and always. Suddenly something mysterious happen; the curse was destroyed, and Jiana became completely human. Kio was very happy for Jiana, she hugs her tight and say, “You don’t have to be scared anymore, the curse is already broken and we already have each other.
The two had their own family and they all live happily ever after.
Moral of the story: We are all unique in many different ways, we are not made perfect and most of all we are not made to judge other people according to their physical appearance. We need to learn how to respect and accept every person we met. Learn to love and beloved.
“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”. –Anonymous
©2013 J’Vincii Code. All rights reserved.
Alvian Eleven Dec 2024
Sebelum 07 Oktober adalah normal lama.
Orang orang Gaza masih punya kehidupan.
Kehidupan yang telah menjadi masa lalu.
Masa lalu yang hanya bisa dikenang.

Hassan selalu senang tiap jumat siang.
Setelah shalat jumat dia bisa makan enak bersama keluarganya.
Lalu bersantai di tepi pantai hingga sore.
Itulah normal lama Hassan.

Tiap hari Asmaa bersemangat mengajar.
Pelajaran bahasa Arab untuk sekolah dasar.
Murid muridnya selalu berisik di dalam kelas.
Itulah normal lama Asmaa.

Samara selalu merayakan ulang tahun anaknya.
Dia membuat kue **** dan memasang hiasan lucu.
Boneka besar menjadi hadiah untuk anaknya.
Itulah normal lama Samara.

Tiap sore Mai selalu menyetir mobilnya.
Pelan pelan melewati jalan Al Rashid yang ramai.
Sambil melihat lihat suasana tepi pantai.
Itulah normal lama Mai.

Mustafa sibuk bekerja siang malam.
Mengumpulkan uang untuk membayar dowri.
Agar dia bisa secepatnya mengawini gadis pujaannya.
Itulah normal lama Mustafa.

Fadi selalu begadang tiap malam.
Saat listrik menyala dia sibuk melakukan banyak hal.
Mengecas laptop , mengetik makalah , mencuci baju dan lainnya.
Itulah normal lama Fadi.

Tiap hari Mariam selalu sibuk.
Pagi hingga sore dia berada di kantor.
Bekerja mengurusi periklanan dan digital marketing.
Itulah normal lama Mariam.

Heba selalu senang belanja di pasar.
Dia membeli daging , sayuran , buah buahan dan bumbu masakan.
Saat tiba di rumah dia langsung bersemangat memasak.
Itulah normal lama Heba.

Saat pagi Yousef sering pergi ke dermaga.
Dia melihat laut sambil menghirup udara segar.
Lalu membeli banyak ikan yang baru ditangkap nelayan.
Itulah normal lama Yousef.

Mohammed bertubuh kekar.
Tiap sore dia rutin pergi ke gym atau latihan tinju.
Terus berolahraga menjaga kebugaran tubuh.
Itulah normal lama Mohammed.

Lulus kuliah Abdullah masih menganggur.
Dia sering berhutang apapun di toko tetangganya.
Saat ditagih seperti biasa dia selalu menghilang.
Itulah normal lama Abdullah.

Keluarga Ali punya kebun olive.
Tiap musim panen dia selalu senang memetik olive.
Sambil makan manakeesh dan zaatar bersama keluarganya.
Itulah normal lama Ali.

Tiap malam Tareq sibuk belajar.
Dia ingin mendapat nilai tinggi saat ujian tawjihi.
Agar keluarganya merasa bangga padanya.
Itulah normal lama Tareq.

Ayahnya Omar bekerja di bengkel.
Dia sering memasang tabung gas untuk mobil.
Sopir sopir taksi tidak perlu membeli bensin.
Itulah normal lama ayahnya Omar.

Tiap menerima gaji Khaled merasa senang.
Dia selalu mengajak keluarganya makan enak.
Menyantap berbagai hidangan sea food di restoran Abu Hasira.
Itulah normal lama Khaled.

Wajah Eman selalu tampak cantik.
Dia rutin pergi ke salon melakukan perawatan.
Produk produk kecantikan juga dia beli semua.
Itulah normal lama Eman.

Ketika musim dingin Aya selalu senang.
Dia menghabiskan waktu membaca koleksi novelnya.
Sambil makan burger dan mereguk hangatnya sahlab.
Itulah normal lama Aya.

Tiap hari Walid selalu keliling Elsaraya.
Dia menyopir taksi mencari cari penumpang.
Sementara anak anak jalanan menjual tissue dan biskuit.
Itulah normal lama Walid.

Saat ada orang menikah Nassar selalu diundang.
Dia menjadi fotografer untuk memotret pengantin.
Pernikahan meriah di hotel dan resort tepi pantai.
Itulah normal lama Nassar.

Saat ramadhan toko Fatema selalu ramai.
Orang orang datang membeli berbagai kue buatannya.
Kaak , qatayef , baklava , kunafa dan lainnya.
Itulah normal lama Fatema.

Ketika hujan deras malam hari.
Kakeknya Ashraf selalu mendengarkan radio.
Menunggu lagu lagu Fairuz diputar sambil menghisap hookah.
Itulah normal lama kakeknya Ashraf.

Saat pertandingan El Classico.
Khalil dan teman temannya selalu pergi ke kafe.
Nonton bersama sambil bersorak sorak.
Itulah normal lama Khalil.

Huda kuliah literatur Inggris di Universitas Al Azhar.
Dia senang menghabiskan waktu di kampus.
Nongkrong di kantin atau baca buku di perpustakaan.
Itulah normal lama Huda.

Ketika musim panas Kareem tidak betah di rumah.
Dia sering nongkrong bersama teman temannya di tepi pantai.
Sambil makan jagung , kacang dan minum barrad.
Itulah normal lama Kareem.

Generator di rumah Shayma sering mati.
Biasanya dia keluar membawa laptop nongkrong di kafe.
Mereguk hangatnya mocca sambil mengunduh film dan anime.
Itulah normal lama Shayma.

Ayahnya Lubna punya kebun buah buahan.
Stroberi , jeruk , lemon , semangka dan kurma.
Tiap hari kebun itu selalu diurus secara telaten.
Itulah normal lama ayahnya Lubna.

Malak sering ikut kegiatan.
Pemberdayaan dan kreatifitas anak muda.
Dia belajar coding dan konten multimedia.
Itulah normal lama Malak.

Setelah lulus kuliah Zaina sulit mendapat pekerjaan.
Dia membuka kios kecil yang menjual falalel.
Orang orang selalu datang membeli falafel buatannya.
Itulah normal lama Zaina.

Dima punya banyak koleksi novel.
Dia sering membeli berbagai novel di toko Samir Mansour.
Lalu dia membacanya sambil berbaring di kasur.
Itulah normal lama Dima.

Tiap pulang sekolah anak anaknya Hussein selalu senang.
Mereka dibelikan Playstation agar bisa bermain game.
Ada balapan , pertarungan dan petualangan.
Itulah normal lama anak anaknya Hussein.

Tiap hari Reem selalu enerjik.
Dia menjadi instruktur fitness dan aerobik.
Tak mengherankan kalau tubuhnya tampak langsing dan kencang.
Itulah normal lama Reem.

Masa akhir kuliah Amal sibuk belajar.
Dia ingin segera lulus dengan nilai yang bagus.
Mendapat beasiswa kuliah ke Eropa adalah impiannya.
Itulah normal lama Amal.

Menjadi ahli bedah adalah pekerjaan Dr Ghassan.
Selama puluhan tahun dia menjadi dokter di rumah sakit Al Quds.
Walaupun gajinya tak seberapa tapi dia selalu semangat bekerja.
Itulah normal lama Dr Ghassan.

Ahmed dan keluarganya baru saja pindah ke apartemen.
Apartemen berfasilitas lengkap yang dibangun di tepi pantai.
Kehidupan terasa nyaman tanpa mengalami masalah apapun.
Itulah normal lama Ahmed.

Setelah lulus kuliah medis Aboud langsung bekerja di rumah sakit Al Shifa.
Dia senang bekerja dengan rekan rekannya yang penuh semangat.
Menyembuhkan orang orang dengan berbagai keluhan penyakit.
Itulah normal lama Aboud.

Kehidupan Mahmoud benar benar bahagia.
Dia tinggal di apartemen mewah bersama keluarganya.
Berbagai bisnis yang dia punya terus menerus untung besar.
Itulah normal lama Mahmoud.

Tiap hari Sham senang menghabiskan waktu di rumah.
Berkumpul bersama keluarganya menikmati kebersamaan yang menyenangkan.
Baginya keluarga adalah segalanya.
Itulah normal lama Sham.

Sondos kuliah hukum di Universitas Al Azhar.
Dia mempelajari hukum internasional dan hak asasi manusia.
Dia ingin Palestina yang terjajah mendapatkan keadilan.
Itulah normal lama Sondos.

Melukis adalah hobi Bayan dan Layan.
Mereka paling senang melukis langit seperti lukisan Van Gogh.
Bagi mereka langit menyimpan segala misteri yang tak diketahui manusia.
Itulah normal lama Bayan dan Layan.

Normal lama berakhir setelah 07 Oktober.
Orang orang Gaza tidak lagi punya kehidupan.
Hanya ada masa kini yang menyakitkan.
Dan masa depan yang terancam.

November 2024

By Alvian Eleven

— The End —