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Big Virge Feb 2020
So It’s CLEAR That ...“ ILLUSIONS “ ...  
Are Now Being ... PROVEN ... !!!  

So ... Alphabet Genders ...  
Are Now The TRENDSETTERS ... !!!  

From Stage To TV ....  
What Was Once Freely Deemed As Being OBSCENE ...  
Is Now Being Seen On ... Various Screens ... !!!  
Talking of Screening ....  
When It Comes To Policing Their Illusion Feeds Screaming ...  
Because of The Dealings of Police With NO Feelings ... !!!  
Who Really Give Beatings To Those They Be Deeming ...  
To Be ... BAD Human Beings ... !!!  
But Movements They’re Using PROVES That Their Illusion ...  
Leads To Their ABUSING The Truth For .... MISUSING ...  
Their Powers Like Cowards Who Live In DARK Towers ... !!!  
Like Those ... “ HOLDING POWER “ ... !!!  
Whose Truth Eludes Clues That Gives People Proof ...  
WITHOUT The Illusions That Keep Them From Movements ...  
Where They Stand In Court ...  
Due To Lies That DISTORT ...  
The Truth For Their Moves ...  
Like Paedophiles Teaching ILLUSIONS To Youth ...  
That Lead To Abuse That Then Hits The News ...  
Like ... Calls For Impeachment ...  
That Are ******* ... By Proceedings ...  
Their Illusions KEEP Sneaking Into Their Public Readings ...  
So Folks Be Believing Illusions Where Scheming ...  
And Payoffs Have Leanings ...
That STOPS Evidence From Leaking ... !!!  
Money Infusion Creates These Illusions ...  
That Truth Is What’s Used ... Inside of Courtrooms ...  
Where High Fliers Cash Is Used To Pull SCAMS ...  
Where Loopholes Are Found ... Due To Dollars And Pounds ...  
Instead of Strong Cases That Have ... SOLID Grounds ...  
Well Right About Now ....  
Illusions Surround And Drown Out The Sounds ...  
of Those Who Speak Out About How We’re CLOWNED ... !!!  
By Laws That Are Flawed CORRUPTED And BOUGHT ...  
By ... POWERFUL Guys Whose Money Now Buys ...  
FREEDOM From Truth With Water Tight Proof ... ?!?  
Because They Collude With Those In Courtrooms ...  
Before Things Are Heard And Public Observed ... !!!  
You’re Being ABSURD To Believe What Is Stirred ...  
In Pots Filled With Plots Like Those of ... Ridley Scott’s ... !!!  
Confusions Polluting ...  
MUCH MORE Than Young Students ... !!!!!!!!!!  
They’re Dealing In ... “ TALES “ ...  
For Illusions To Sail So The Truth Gets DERAILED ... !!!!!  
It’s Time For LESS LOOSENESS ... !!!!!  
And Corruption Where Movements Are Suitably NEUTERED ...  
For These Liars To Hide ... Behind Their ......  
...... “ Illusions “ ......
Brittany Jones Mar 2014
That sad moment
When your fingers can’t type acros the keybboard.  
Because itall runs together like something
From another time whe nthings were less
Than they are now. It’ s always easier, you know,
With less. Always easier when hnds run smoothly
Over the snow or the leaes or the sun
Because they arent shaking quite like they are
Now. Now, with more thought, more feared, more lost
To the losing of days that always leave, evntually.
More to keep you up at night as your hands
Shake but tryto type throug it anyway. More
To keeep you distracted from yourself
But also more to kee pyou all too concentrated
On the world, thatthing that makes you rhands shake,
Tha thng thatis always more thn you want itto be.
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Apr 2014
............. What did you not read but feel,
Can you stop to contemplate real.
And yet im digitaly bored,
With things called normal i can't afford.

twirler swirl life goes by,
Could you see it if you try?
Your dreams aren't meant for sleep,
There our sanity we keeep.
Etoilette Jan 2018
It is deep deep pression
I can keep keeep this session
Till the end of this obsession
Of enjoying this dark poison.

— The End —