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MoMo Feb 2013
First off I am the ****.
I slap ******* in Target
and steal them electric carts
to get away from the popo
I start low speed chases
down sidewalks on three wheeled motorcycles.
I got arrested, but that's a'ite.

I am the ****.
I start bar fights
with pool cues
and hit ****** with beer bottles.
I throw rocks
through car windows.
I got arrested, but that's a'ite.

I am the ****.
I threaten Subway employees
with my ******* gun
while Suge gets mani-pedis.
I get my motherfucckin' sandwich anyway.
I got arrested, but that's a'ite.

I am the ****.
I got fo kids and I keep my guns in a box.
I smoke ****.
It aint a drug.
Its something you smoke when you want to feel good.
I got arrested, but that's a'ite.
Katt May 2015
Why do you hide in the
When there is so much
Why do stand in the
When you can be in the

Katt Oct 2015
You don't have to prove yourself
To anyone
You don't have to prove yourself
Just to be accepted into a group
Or into what others think
You should be
The Beauty about life is you have your own
You decide what to do with it
You can be whoever you want
You can do whatever you want
But please  don't listen to them
Don't be what they expect
Don't try to make
Yourself fit into their
Box of expectations of who you need to be
Please just be you and not them

Katt Nov 2015
I don't know how
I don't know why
But ever since I saw you
It was like a small fire
Was lit in my heart.

Katt Nov 2015
Face it
We all have darkness in us
We all think things that we shouldn't
We all hide in the shadows
The deepest parts,
We never see the light
Once the darkness takes over
Your depressed
You think your unwanted
And you keep letting them take you back
Back into the darkness where we have
All failed and lost something valuable
In bits and pieces at a time
We lost our

Katt May 2015
My mind, its like a maze
Every time I think I do something right
It always ends up wrong.
Its like I'm stuck in my head and can't get out
I'm lost in a maze, how do I get out?
My head how can it be so hard to figure it out
It is my head?
Every way I turn its a dead end
I can't scream for help because no one can hear me
I can't get out of my own maze
The one I created in my head how do I break down the walls
How can it be so hard to get out of a maze I created myself?
Help me please, escape my maze of my mind
So I can finally do things right.

Katt Nov 2015
Just think of it this way,
You are stronger now
Beacause of what they did
That made you fall too hard.

Bhavesh Shah Jan 3
Raatein katt gyi intezaar me tere
Han manta hu hum hai gunegaar tere

Tu he thi jisne mohabbat kri humse
Umar bezar jaegi intezaar me tere

Tere hoth kissi ko chu le aur mai zinda bhi rhu
Galat femi hai abhi dimaag me tere

intiha-e- ishq mujhko nadamat me mila
Raegaan he jaegi zindagi intezaar me tere
Katt May 2015
Your life its like glass
Sometimes its shiny
Sometimes its *****
And one day it will shatter
Glass always has another side
So does life
You can either choose the shiny life
Or you can choose the ***** life
You are the master of the glass life you live
No ones knows when their life will end
But when it does it will shatter like glass

Katt Nov 2015
Listen to me
You no longer  have
To fear
For they are wrong
And you are amazing
They don't know what they are
Talking about
For you are not any of the names
They have called you
You are an amazing person
Don't let them change that
Never be afraid to admit something
For I will never make fun of you
Please don't be afraid

Katt Nov 2015
Please don't  change
Please don't be like them
and leave me hear in the dark
These shadows hunt me now,
They never stop following me
And I don't think the ever will
They sit there trying to pull me down
As I build myself back up,
Everyone leaves me hear in the dark
They just don't  care about anyone
Suffering as long as its not them

Katt May 2015
As I cry my tears burn my skin leaving scars behind them
Its as if I am crying toxic tears
Trying to fight and hold them in is harder then it seems
Everyday I feel so alone wasting all these toxic tears
I'm not sure why but I always cry
When I say i'm ok i really don't mean it
That's just part of the word brOKen.

Katt May 2016
You think you know everyone you meet
But the funny thing is
We all have a chapter
That we don't read out loud
Even if it's the best or the worst one
That we have writen
Sharina Saad Apr 2013
Hundred Things To say.....

I just need one more day..
Before we really break away..
we have chosen our ways...
But there is no reason to keep things that way
Let me clear everything anyway...

Remember the promise we’ve made?
To love completely from the day we met?
But you fell in the arms of unfaithful *****...
You were with Katt and then with your girlfriend Patt..
Think I’d rather feel sorry for you than mad...

Its ok.. I will survive..
Well.. look I am still alive..
You have new game new toy for another season..
I am saying good bye now do I need a reason?

Your love changes in any seasons..
You are running away without solid reasons..
Hundred words of lies are your reasons..
Stay for a while and try to listen...
I have hundreds of things to say..
Before we break away....
Listen, I dont love you anymore.. . anyway...
Dear me (9 years from now),
You're 25... And I have some questions.. sorry but I want to know..
Do we ever get out of our emo phase
(Please tell me we do)
Are we In college?
Do we succeed in art or are we majoring in something that makes us miserable in order to create a better life for the kids I insist that we won't have?
Are you still waking up every Saturday morning at 4 am to make grilled cheese and watch Disney films until 10 o clock? Or do we grow up?
Did we become who my parents want me to be or did we decide to follow our heart and not care if we like the same gender?
Dear me in nine years, do we still go by Katt instead of Katalyna? I'm sorry but I want to know... Do we get over our obsession with coffee? Do we ever stop craving the weird things like peanut butter and oreos, sour cream and hot fries, or apples and Chile powder?
Dear me in nine years I'm sorry but I want to do we ever stop caring so much about everything or do we have daily anxiety attacks? Do things get better? I'm sorry but I want to know...
Katt May 2015
It feels like there tearing out my soul from my body
Everything seems like it's failing, my life
So I cut myself looking for a cure
A cure for my pain
I think suicide but then i second guess myself
I want to live but also to stop the pain
Why do they keep doing this to me?
Why don't they stop?
I'm tired of being treated like I'm a nobody
All I wanted was what everyone else wants,
To be accepted and loved.

Katt May 2015
As I lay in my room pushing my face into my pillow to hide it from the light coming through my window I feel a shiver going up my spine
The shadows on the wall never stop following me,
I feel so alone
Everywhere I look its like a sign pointing in every direction saying LOST
I don't know where to go from this point,
Everyone acts like I don't matter
Its like I'm lost in the dark, NEVER letting light in
Always hiding from it
It feels like I'm in chains,
Ones that belong to the shadows on the wall
The ones that NEVER stop following me
They always seem to be pulling me back into the dark
Right after I get into the light again
When will these demon's stop following me?

Katt May 2015
I sing because I want to ease the pain
I sing because it calms me
I sing because I want to
I sing to escape from life
I sing because I need to
I sing to tell a story
I sing till I can't
I sing because I love to

sycokitten Feb 2015
I would destroy myself to save you
Do whatever I had to
If only I could help you
Just don't know what to do

I let you slip away from me
Hoped that you would be happy
I've watched you struggle for so long
Seen how she has done you wrong
Wish that you could only see
That you need to just be free

And I would destroy myself to save you
Do whatever I had to
If only I could help you
Just don't know what to do

Kitty katt I miss you much
Wish that you would keep in touch
Its hard for me to call you friend
When this silence has no end
Years have passed since I've seen you
Wonder what you've been up to
Starting to think that I should quit
Just give up and forget

But I would destroy myself to save you
Do whatever I had to
If only I could help you
Still don't know what to do
Katt Nov 2015
I can feel them coming
out of the shadows again.
They'er here.
Trying to drag me
out of the sunlight.
They seem to never fail.
But this time they'er
not here for me.
They'er here for my

Katt Oct 2015
Why do they keep leaving
Why don't they ever come back
Why is it happening so fast
All at once
They left us here hoping
That we could see them again someday
Wishing they hadn't left us here
It is raining
Pouring even

Katt Nov 2015
I am afraid
To close my eyes
And go back into
The darkness,
I am not the same anymore,
I fear what others don't,
My dreams
They are the darkest,
Coldest place that I know
That I can never go back  to
But I have to,
I can't keep my eyes open
Maybe its okay
Maybe tonight
Will be better
Then the last
I might just find my
Within the dark.

Katt Nov 2015
I sit here I think all that I have known
That has made me be myself
Around others
But the way I get repaid
Is by getting yelled at
For just being me
And possibly loosing what has made
Me be myself
Before others just sat there and said
That I was boring because I never talked
Well I do I always have
I am one loud person
don't let what you first see be my personality

Katt Oct 2015
Don't be afraid  to dissipoint People
The ones that want you to fit in their box
Their idea of beauty is not the same
They can't make you be someone else
just for their own good
Be you
Not who someone else wants you to be
Don't fit in their box
You are beautiful
Be you
Don't be them

ZACK GRAM Apr 2024
Ran from the police
120 cruise control
Full load
Quarter ton
Quarter water
Why you run
I got away son
8k a year 100k bill
1 billion to a couple billion
Still whip the streets
Slowly creepin
Neighbor hood watch
Fully equip 1 billion bullets 10 minutes
Pack them shells
Load that copper
In the chopper
F35 hover b f22 rapter
Gone g
Tanks like jackie chan
**** around an find out
Ran a stop sign shook run over
Locked up
Straight to jail
Hit the prison system
****** a cell
Before bail
No new whips
Have my ***** keister
A blick
**** a reaper
Actin rico
Slaughter charge
George no form
Rocca ella katt to late
Big tenn nasa bamma
Lay a moon landing
Smoke gods dust an blind you
You my slave
Born an raised
Slave you want 10 million
Hit up big homie
Free world
But the day come
Aliens attack
Big Zack gonna blast
Have fun an body ******
To many piled up burn them at night
Like i said
30 mins 50 billion rounds
No wood alive
Brick wood felon happy
sycokitten Feb 2014
And I've got this sweet lil katt ~ Who does sweet lil things~
It's like I'm rolling around in sugar, and he's lighten up the world as he sings.
Katt Nov 2015
Everything will heal
You just have to give it time
You are beautiful
Don't let them bring you down
Don't listen to them
They are lying to you
Listen to me
You are beautiful
Never change who you are

Aryan Sam Jul 2018
4:00 AM
Kuj yaadan ne terian
Kuj dil wich thoda jeha dard a
Ena sab kuj bhulan de lai
eh choti jahi umar bi ta katt a.
I would love to have a beer with Duncan
And get totally ******
Wobbling all over the fucken floor
Giving every girl a kiss
Being intoxicated is what we do for fun
I would love to have a beer with Duncan
Cause he’s number 1
I would love to have a beer with Patrick
Cause he is a father figure, yeah
He will show me the right way to get drunk
So we don’t have the cops spoiling our ****** fun
He would jump up over me
Ready to fucken spew
I would love to have a beer with Patrick
Cause he’s a cool dude
I would love to have a beer with Barry
When we go to the pub
And then some guy cause him a great big old fogie but nowadays that guy is probably a snob
Barry will buy a packet of the finest chips, oh yeah
I would love to have a beer with Barry
And give him the stare
I would love to have a beer with Paul berenyi
Because he is so cool
He will drink methane like it is going out of fashion, to improve his next life who is driving trucks in the mines
You see whether it is a boy or girl mate he will still do that
I would love to have a beer with Paul berenyi
Cause really he is a cool katt
I would love to have a beer with Christopher
Yes that would be pretty cool
He is succeeding in his job and he is having fun
And yes oh yeah he breaks no rule
You see he provides for his family
Which means a lot
I would love to have a beer with Christopher
Cause he is no silly sod
I would love to have a beer with Alexander
I would love to have a beer with my pop
I would drink with him forever
Right untill the world goes pop
Giving gifts of oysters and two lambs ready to eat
Because if I have a beer with Alexander I will get a good treat
Beer beer ****** good beer
Having a good beer with everyone here
Drinking the worlds finest beer
Fast or slow Duncan is here
I would love to have a beer with Duncan
Yes getting ****** sounds so cool
You see Duncan has proved to us
That by all means he is no fool
Everyone who was mentioned
Having a beer with me
I would like to have a beer with Duncan
Oh yeah that makes me happy
I’m a happy dude and I am a party dude
You are an angry dude
Never ever a happy dude
ZACK GRAM Mar 2024
Year of truth
Im going to die after this
Puffy killed me
Like Michael Jackson
Whitney and Alieya
Im the Arpril 8th Red Heffer
Im King
Teleconesis Alien
**** a King I **** Gods
Hey Snoop you slipped
70% Black Music
Im paying 100 million per head
Lets go billion *******
Cleary im Albino
Cleary Im dna by a woman no man
I seen it all i warned you
Golden Age
Here Zack Come
Best build me a bunker
Im blood by Christ
I am alive
Last night i got shot
It bounced off
Ramen noodles
Wal Mart
An bottle Water cant free you
70% water 70% indicted
It now takes a real man to speak up
Im going to End All of You
Im prepared
Money is paper homie food should be money
Were hominids not on mars
You want rims
I want a God on Earth
Im here to die to save you
I will take out the trash
Me against all
**** it
Im barely breathing
World War means burn all books
Yet you still dig in the dirt
Its all of us
We are power
We are vision
We run the amujah
That means real hebrew on earth
God Rah
You tested my gangster
Now its my turn
I take back whats mine
Whats yours
An turn this ***** to smoke
Civil war is 100 years before gods return
Its 6 days 1 day of rest
Puff you speak names or cancel
Save me
Ask fif
Ask everyone
Media is a keyboard
Tell them Mike G
Tell them Tommy
From what i see
Russia killing skin heads
How you gonna impregnate a belief
7 billion people involved
70% top 100
World Peace thru my eyes
Or just simply DIE

— The End —