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jane taylor Jun 2016
born in illusory chains
gnarled metal
encrusted in my broken skin
the copper colored dust
of rusted steel
infectiously envelopes

shaving off antiquated layers
of fundamentalist religion
encrusted for generations
unpeeled until raw
an unsophisticated method
ancient lodged glass shards
colored with deceit

brought before their court
unfathomably skewered
an eerie salem witch trial
in modern times

barbarically they shun me
i wander aimlessly
smelling the rotten decay of deceased community
as splinters pierce my feet
from the crooked wooden plank
i walk alone now

an unfathomable inner ache
kindled a residue within
igniting a wildfire from the darkest shadows
uncontainably erupting
i dance savagely
naked in the orange moonlight
and in every shaded edge
lit my soul ablaze

i am a nomad sheep
‘tho not one of their color
no pasture to contain me
no shepherd i can follow
theological safety nets
no longer there to catch me
i plunge

free falling
stripped wide open
reverses gravitation

i soar amongst
apricot tinged clouds
my skin still wet from rebirth
and rise with the flaming coral sun

you cannot destroy me
i twisted in your decrepit pencil sharpener
and with fresh mettle
cut through the chains that bound

you can have my ego
but you cannot have my soul

dismantling domestication
transcending limitation
wildly untamed
i fly

my husband and i left the mormon church and lost many friends, family, and community
Amanda Dagnall Nov 2012
Colours flash past me,
A deep passionate red.

What do these mean?
These sharp flickers of light.

My emotions
My colours
That is what they are.

I am afraid;
Afraid that I will soon awaken
from this blissful Utopia.

A flash of indigo takes hold of my thoughts;
without warning my heart leaps
as an infectiously happy yellow
overpowers its ominous threat.

My fear is diminished.

I live in bliss
in this brilliant canvas they call life.
Lexander J Dec 2015
Guided by beer light down moonlit streets
pockets stuffed with stale tobacco and receipts,
pariahs of the night, queens of the teen-age
attacking their youth in a drug fuelled rage

shaking their bodies 'neath schizophrenic lights
a typical night filled with hatred and fights,
the bloodlust was fun, a midnight boogie,
danger both caustic and infectiously groovy

girls all wearing dresses too small for their *****
disk jockeys playing electro-pop to please the masses -




like raving corsairs they arrived; guitars lean, leather jackets sublime

o'behold the rip-roarin' Raven's Clandestine

["People ARE YOU READY?!"]

they played rock that growled in your ears
snazzy lyrics metaphorical tears,
indulging in passion, ***, alcohol and heavy drugs
dismissing dire warnings with cockily executed shrugs

swaggering to blistering tunes in front of the crowds
singing songs '******-*****' and 'Rebel-Tastic' obnoxiously proud,
falling in love on the stage, falling in love in their beds,
adorning their wild hair with tassels and threads

blissfully ignorant they simply didn't care
wanted to do what they want, alas life ain't that fair -

the bassist met a rogue *****, contracted ***

the guitarist lost his sight, carried on playing though he couldn't see,

the drummer lost his cool and battered a fan
found high on *******, for 10 years locked away more than

and the lead singer, with his hip swagger 'n jive,
suffered a massive stroke, upon the stage in a screeching solo he died

[he hides his sinister within songs
died gazing at *******-clad chicks in fluorescent thongs]

promising to be legends they rocked the 1970's ambiguous nation

alas their substance abuse and ****** desires had already cursed them to damnation.
Zombee Aug 2014
something  about  how  the
sound  of  Death  was  deafinitely  Hu­mming:

ugly  but  Comforting  n  utterly  Beautiful,

beautifly ­ enCompassed  n  disgustingly  Haunting,

tauntingly  inTrepid  n­­  infectiously  Foul.

something  about  how  the
louder  it­­  Gets........regrettably  Numbs  me:

lovely  but  Smothering  ­n  ****­ing  inScrutable.

brutally  it  Clutches  n  seductively­  Calms ­ me,

calling  me  to  Bed........collecting  me.

ever  ever­  heard  ­of  the  Butterfly  effect?

anything  it  Follows  is ­ followed  ­inCessantly.

emptiness  is  Wallowing  --  swallowing  Everything.

everything  is  Hollow  so  how­  could  you  Question  me?

-   Headless Equestrian.
Miss Grim Mar 2016
Deep down,
We always knew we didn't belong together.
Like oil and water, separate, yet floating along in unison.
I can see it now.
I was always water, bubbling along trying my best to uplift those around me and nourish their souls with my vital compassion and generosity, springing new life into every crevice that lay in my path.
But then you came along, and covered me with your toxic love. It was thick and all consuming, slowly killing all the life force within. With arrogance you spread infectiously throughout my mind until the only thought I had was you. Once in a while the sun would shine upon you and I was in awe at the magnificence of your shimmering beauty as if for a moment, I thought I saw the real you, but it was merely a facade. A clever predatory disguise to mask the horrors of your deadly true self.
Pretentious description, maybe.
But since that fire was started I've been trying my hardest to burn away every trace of you from the surface. Hopefully in time your toxins will evaporate from my body and life will begin to flourish once again.
Until then I will wade along, watching patiently as the evidence of your oil spill dissipates into clarity once again.
JWolfeB Aug 2014
Lets name her Lynn for short.

A girl with gorgeous hair. A place for wind to look beautiful. Without this girl wind is something invisible. She gives form to the breeze. The same breeze that carries her voice. One voice told so many I love yous and a few secrets I can’t speak of.

She had a heart of a locomotive. Traveling the world infectiously spreading joy into the ears open enough to hear her step upon the doorstep. Steaming up and spreading precious moments spoken from non other than the movement of her frame. A train off track and causing chaotic freedom to something that can’t be held down.

This girl I am speaking of has eyes of the future. When used they can’t tell you of the broken glass of the past but of the future possibilities she will be giving to you. The moments of forever, happiness, and pure elation. Those same eyes are the ones with a history. I want to be her historian. I want to study every date of her life to know every moment of triumph and every fall. I want to study her bones to see the indents made from the people who have experienced her grace. I will tell you everything about her. Writing a book about the times she stole my words. There will be books of blank pages if that were true.

Lynn has a way to put a definition to personal warming. Warming hearts and melting pasts. Giving light to those who are lost. Bring in the cold, lost, and fragile to place them somewhere of meaning. A way of true refinement. I can now see from the times were once dark. This girl has an infinity for endlessness. I have never seen something so completely, infinite.

Everyday I live with this girl in my chest. She has built a home there. One of structure. Fortified and permanent. And each day this heart grows with the constant fulfillment it finds from its new owner. A new forever has been written on my spine. This forever will be one spent with you through each and every moment found in my brain. A moment of now and forever more. The last moment before you fall asleep. That moment when you have your best thought of the day but your body is too tired to write it down. I want to live in your thoughts. Because from here you are living in my heart.
dancing and dancing all throughout
the house.

playing hide and seek and a game of
cat and mouse.

a very happy little girl and that's all i
hope she'll ever be.

loveable and having a heart that's wild
and carefree.

childhood memories of how things used
to be for this old broken man.

if things were seen through my old eyes
how much would she understand?

old eyes versus the newly opened eyes
of a brand new day.

would she change the world infectiously
to see things her way?
for Laila...........
Madison Lee Dec 2018
Sweaty palms & nervously clenched teeth,
His piercing, welcoming blue eyes have me shaking the earth beneath my feet,
His soft & plump lips look appetizingly sweet.
How could a boy, who lights up an entire room full of people with just one purely genuine smile,
Fall for a girl; who can't even keep the flame within her burning longer than just a little while...
Was it the way her infectiously, intoxicating laugh made heads of strangers turn to admire,
Or potentially, did he notice the flame light up within; when all she could speak about was the hopes and dreams that her heart had hopelessly waited to tell to someone who would make her feel desired...
I made my first move soon as the traffic lights turned green.
Ran after you for I was following my heart.
You were with your friends enjoying your girls night out, when their faces turned to mine and they took me for a thief because  i was all sweaty and dressed in rugs
Somehow you ignored them and listened to me when I asked you to.
We dawdled by the river side in the silence of the leaves adorably, sat by the river side admiring the stars and how the waters glinted with light.
Talking and laughing infectiously,
I saw perfection in you as I was already falling for you
I was desperate to make you mine that's why I sang you your favorite song.
I believed that day my life would be whole again.
A happier one than  before for I saw it in your eyes  
Unfortunately,  the wind of change passed by and carried you along without a goodbye
Was it an illusion that gave me those butterflies?
Mateuš Conrad May 2022
502 bad gateway:

title: left-over meat
left-over: d'ah beat!
boom! Chloe wadies in
the hizz dep.
shout the harem chant
out loud!

in the full stare of the sun i sometimes feel like
the music dictates to me:
somewhere between Julian Winding's neon
demon and anything by Boy Harsher:
country girl e.p. / the song pain...

for the first time in my life my grandmother didn't
call me up to wish me a happy birthday...
i was always of the impression: cringe...
i don't like to be awarded anything: esp. when
it's a given: it's not ******* accomplishment...

i can remember having about 3 birthday parties
in my life...
one where i screamed: i'm afraid i'm afraid
for having to pop off the cork of a make-shift
non-alcoholic champagne bottle:
which i later spilled onto the glass table
and started slurping it like a dog...
like: a dog...
whereby i heard the prompt:
Matthew! we don't drink from the table!

what was the surname of those two boys?
Zawacki... no no... Ostarek... that's ******* *******...
i just made that surname up...
Ostatek! yeah... those boys...
i bashed one of them months later and
ripped off this crucifix: geld necklace...

one other party in a bowling alley...

my 21st? oh sure... sure... that was "great" too!
i had to manage the crowd
and also deal with a jealous girlfriend
tightly knit in her spider-web of jealousy
smoking marijuana in my bed...
wanting everyone to leave:
because she couldn't stand me getting any
sort of attention...
then my high-school friend whom i invited
to stay over with three other high-school friends...
drinking too much...
vomiting outside the toilet on the carpet:
me... having to clean it up...

Jesus could have washed feet!
**** Jesus! i was cleaning up puke!
   to hell with that sociopath!
            hell: i'll grow my hair long if i have to
be missing a towel... i'll wash feet from dust...
you want to take care of
a, a Roman **** feast of bulimia?!

and why is it, that i don't celebrate my birthday?
a bit pointless...
now that my grandmother stopped giving a ****:
my maternal grandmother...
my paternal grandmother i don't even know
what she looks / looked liked...
she abandoned my father so she abandoned me...

woo boo hoo: who hurt you?!
   no one...
         that's why i go and visit prostitutes
to relax my heart...
like my maternal grandfather said to me once:
make sure to keep your heart small:
then you'll have people in the clench
of your fist...
              that's of course when...
my maternal grandmother phoned me two days
prior to my grandfather's death and told me:
oh... he's about to die...
2 years later... ah... the anaesthetic is finally
kicking in... for me!
   she's dead already...
3 ******* months prior i was sitting with him...
getting private dental treatment
because... England is a place where you
find: the non-existence of teeth!
people just slurp pre-digested proteins and
other assortments of shakey-shakey:
vegan "milk"-shakes...

             i managed to find... karl ove knausgaard's
alternative project after his magnum opus...
my struggle, i.e. Autumn...
  that part about eating the entire apple...
with the core... i sometimes do... whenever i feel
like eating an apple... rarely i stopped feeling
it was necessary to eat apples...

it's so much more simple when...
   you have issues with... your grandmother...
than... say... a past girlfriend...
so much... simpler...
               because the "misogyny" is not so...
harsh... so... obvious... sexually related...
   no no... it's... subtle... it's more on the level of:
distinction: i'm a man... and you're... a woman...
let's compare...
it's not like i want the stereotypical antagonism
of misogyny of: i want to **** this woman
but she doesn't want to **** me...

oh no...

oh look, who's here? Sylvester ******* Stallone...
i can be proud of my cat...
maybe it's just me...
   moo... he actually ******* moos and there's
the moon and i want a simple meow
but... after a certain hour when the foxes run
rampant i don't want to let him out:
but he wants to go to the toilet...
meows like Sylvester ******* Stallone speaks...
i have to chase him into his cuvette
whereby he... d'uh... decides to leave me
a doughnut's worth of **** in those flakes
associated with cat-litter...

he actually needs me to watch him urinate...
so i can immediately clean it up and
he doesn't have to bother with the "hide the evidence"(!)
side project...

moments later... Sylvester ******* Stallone:
meows like moos like the final speech
in the boxing ring of Rocky... it's doing my head in...
i go back up... number 2... with a slight tease
of diarrhoea... now i have to clean up...
and wash the ****** up...

i look at him now: lying in my bed...
sort of happy-proud that he has an owner that takes
care of him...
if only i had a child... eh... i sometimes wish...
but as a Mary Shelley experiment...
oh no... not with a partner...
i'd like an experiment as a male: not a single mum...
that must be fun...
you can play around with language...
morph, mutate... it would be...
then again no: people have their own agency:
young people succumb to peer pressure..

- but it's different now...
   oh who hurt you? who? might ask some "future girlfriend":
ah ha ha...
my grandmother did...
she told me only two days prior of my grandfather
and best friend being dead...
but she knew he was deteriorating a month prior:
and i had all that spare time on my hands:
i could have cared for him!
fishing trips! climbing trees! horse riding trips!
foraging for mushrooms! sure...
he did drink! that's all she remembered...
he drank because of her!
trips to the metallurgy plant!

i've learned my lesson: money's on the table...
i can only be gentle with prostitutes...
or let's put it this way...
whatever violence was performed on prostitutes
in past centuries... esp.: notably in England in
the 19th? that's *******, gone!
that's done and over and... gone... ****!

i couldn't harm a *******...
whenever i visit: i don't visit her for lies...
if she wants to say some truths most women are afraid
to say: fair enough...
i'm there to ****...
like i go to a butcher's for a pound of cool, red, raw,
Tartar... beef!
like i go to a florist for a bouquet of tulips...
i'm not there for some ***** **** latex suit gimp
fetish ***!
   i'm not saying that's wrong:
but like i already said:

once you walk through the desert of ***, less, -ness
long enough: you stop being thirsty...
and it doesn't matter whether you ******* or don't...
i tried both avenues...
you are simply turned off...
or rather: prompted by cues from animals...
pigeons do it too often... on rooftops...
you need a female cat and groom her while
she raises her **** of an *** with her nail
wriggling toward your nose...

that's how i was woken from my slumber...

it felt so good not hearing and good wishes on
my birthday from my grandmother...
for once! finally! i'm freed from that superficial *******!
i didn't accomplish anything by being born!
so why the **** would i celebrate this day?!
sure... it's nice when it's covertly celebrate:
no chores around the house...
no cooking... some champagne... fair enough...
but... oi oi! gather round! friends! family!
what a load of crock-****!

- today i was curating my eucalyptus tree..
cutting excess branches...
not a bad beginning... i'll be keeping the CROWN
of the tree... let it grow higher! higher!
but i'll need to cut off the branches outgrowing

while doing just that... i was prompted
by a memory at "work": the first and probably the last
time a **** tried to work around me:
instruct me... "tell me off":
became angry with me...
     all of this is of course in my head:
what's outside is usually cordial, formal...
she said: you're not supposed to be here!

i should have said: and you should stop being
so confused, pretending to be macho!
why be ******* with me while at the same time
wanting to **** me!
******* ****: macho ****** are a massive
turn off... turn off the lights
and i still would do doggy dodge-style...

i have an ego of an iron maiden in my head....
it's all nice, politeness on the outside...
in the shallows of a veneer...
dig a little bit deeper and i'm savage...
today i proved that to myself...

it would have been so much different if i were
that stereotypical male hurt by his ex-girlfriend...
sorry, girl... that spot is taken...

so while i was curating my eucalyptus i was also
rummaging in my garden...
this poor apple tree... infested with parasites...
it's in ******* plain sight!
a bit like seeing the parasite mistletoe!

people hide, when cancer attacks: but trees are
in plain sight...
i don't even know what attacked it...
fruits about to blush further up...
but further down... these *******... critters!
these... aphids... i don't even know...

i don't care... i didn't... dearest mother was supposed
to spray these ******* off...
no... can't wait... i know a better procedure...
i'll just cut off the infested branches off...
and i did... threw the cut-off branches into a bag...
sealed it: now! suffocate!

i hate to see a suffering tree...
i guess: more than seeing a suffering animal,
more than a suffering human being...
because... trees... are mute!

so Edward Secateurs came into play...
no... no need to wait for spraying these ******* off...
i'll just cut off the branches infested...
put them into a bag: suffocate them...
cut off their live supply...
       i will embrace a rat...
vermin: king of the hierarchy balance...

i still don't understand why it's almost, somehow:
oh so, "normal"...

i think i idealised women once upon a time,
that's why i allowed myself to love them...
within the confines of a prescribed narrative...
my heart's too small to love like
a teenage boy, ever again...
i idealised women once upon a time...
after all: once upon a time there was
a once upon a time that was spread infectiously
like a cognitive-pandemic...

if i were to replicate my fish-dinosaur genes
any time soon... eh? too many complications...
potatoes cost too much:
i don't feel like driving or owning a car...
i don't want to extend the misery...
or pursue it in a linear fashion...
    i better be dressed for a vertical take-off...
white shirt, black tie, blak shoes...
                  black trousers, bye-bye...
oh... right... some underwear would be nice...

i figured it out though...
i'm not lonely: i'm longing...
that's the crux of the debate:
no one is truly alone... no one feels lonely...
lonely is sick... it's a sickness... it's parasitical...
i figured it out...
not now... some hours prior....
i'm... longing... i am prone to project vague:
idealisms on people... it's a sort of a 2nd reminder
of Romanticism...
i'm longing... wow! even i'm astounded!

ich bin sehnsucht! i am longing!
that's my only counter: when people try to make the distinction
between being lonely and being alone...
me? i'm simply: longing...
it's what drives me forward...
that does not give me exacting coordinates of
existence... in situ / in vivo / in vitro...

i need: ich brauchen bewegung!
i need movement!

for sure: polite societies: salon societies once
need rhymes and piano / violen concertos to
entertain the ladies to be a better: ****...
but... no...
talk is cheap... art is cheapest...

those botanical parasites attacking my apple tree
sure as **** got their worth's worth...
i almost cried with joy cutting the infested
branches off... stuffing them into a plastic bag...
sealing it... hello gas chambers two-point-oh!
unless any willing vegans might want to
change, their minds, any? any?!

well then... limb by limb we go.
Dear loved one,
I am here in a lost world, all on my own in an abandoned environment.
No one to talk to, no friend to disturb, no one to crack a joke for me, no one to hug, no one to kiss, no one to love.
This place feels safer because I don't hear **** from people but among the things I miss is hearing from you.
I understand I have a big problem and I never admit that I have lost. It's so hard I can never find any other like you but if the winds wish me good, they should blow you to my direction.
I am standing on a cliff holding a photograph of you smiling infectiously.
It shows your powerful divine beauty and I'm placing it on my chest. If you could imagine it, then you could feel my heart racing for you.
I do not know how to swim but I'm actually ready to jump.
If you can't love me on earth, then maybe you will in the after earth.
Before I do so, remember one thing. If there's any good thing I chose in life, its to love and be with you.
This is my goodbye
Travis Green Jul 2023
He grabs hold of me
And makes my heart and soul sing
The sweetest sensual tunes ever
I groove on his good-lookingness
Taste his manliness within my existence

Dream of him, sink into him
Feel my heartbeat race
The more he embraces me
Amazes and engages my attention
Put me in a trance when he romances
Every fraction of my foundation

My king, my strength, my dreamboat
I wanna roll with him, hold on to him
To be bound to his high-powered towering playground
I can’t resist his manly perfection
Being in the closeness of his grandioseness

He is my brilliant luxuriant dream
That shimmers for hours on end
Bright beams of the sun
That run through my mind
So insanely man ****
So infectiously beardalicious

His refined, inviting lips make my mouth water
His handsome iridescent eyes
Make me feel like I am floating
High in the glowing sky
Surrounded by sunny, serene clouds

Escape into his tastiness for a lifetime
Cherishing the way he checks me out
How he has me so drunk on him
So hung up on him
So nuts about his super toothsome thugness

There is no other substitute
That moves me the way he does
Being by his side drives me wild
Guides me to the brightest depths
Of dreamy, vibrant paradise
Travis Green Dec 2022
I wanna feel your long dominant rod
Rock the inner muscles of my walls
****** deeper into my guts
Make me utterly lovestruck
Lost in your untouchable ***** seduction

You deconstruct my lovingly lush kingdom
Serve me your vigorously delicious masculinity
Light up my feminineness
Let me take in every exuberant and passionate inch
Of your splendidly rude and sinewy lusciousness

Fill me up with your game-changing
And high-ranking enticingness
Pound me out hard-heartedly
With your ripe, aggressive flex
Take me into your untamed flaming thunder
Where I can feel your thrilling beastlike slickness
Where I can get an eyeful
Of your dangerously domineering immersiveness

You work the innermost recesses
Of my radiant entrancing sexiness
Traverse into my wetness
Rotate your hot, velvety sausage
Deep into my hotness
As I rub your strong and flawless arms

Feel your delectable and sweaty abs
Pressed against my impressively incredible back
Inhale my sweet, appetizing fragrance
Astound me, bang me, restrain me
Stuff your precious and magical gifts
In my rare and fabulous treasure chest

Make me say your name
Feel your rain your smoke
All up in my heart and soul
Bliss me out with your utter firm assertiveness
Your grand and magnificent spectacularity
Mysteriously ****** and supersonic star attraction

My eyes roll back incessantly
The more you flow deeper into me
The more you arrest and mesmerize
My infectiously majestic confectionery
Show my ***** your mad splashy moves

Keep me bent over, ride me like
A glowing and showstopping rodeo
Make love to my bare burgeoning floppers
Cause me to moan and create crazy hot
And creative sounds, feel my boy ***** open up to you

Deeper and faster you go
With each long and gratifying stroke
How you enrapture and grasp
My indulgent, voluptuous hips
How you sneak into my sweet spot

Make me so ******* *****
As you **** me into your monster **** ****
Mmmm, strapping and smashing Zaddy
You know how to **** so **** good
You take me to your badass banging boulevard
Where you feed me your exceedingly
Exquisite and edible treats

Make me swerve in your incomparable
And everlasting verve
Enfold me in your dopeness
Work your massive immersive disturber in my innerness
Release all your pressure upon my homosexualness

Push harder into my creamy center
With  your mind-blowing veined pipe
Such explosive and superhuman art
I am so hung up on its thuggish thundering structure
How your low-hanging walnuts enthrall me

I will do anything to chill with ya
To mack with ya freaky freshalicious finesse
Let you stroke me up, rough me up
**** my fundament up
Make me have killer wicked twitches
The more your thick, heavy poker
Controls and torpedoes my hole

Give me all of your dope *** smoke
Lick me up and down like succulent rainbow ice cream
Intimidate my sensations
Cause me to bite my lips
While your ****** my ****
And squirt your top-drawer
White-hot  ***** colada all over
My eye-popping and sparkling rearguard
Travis Green May 2022
He soaks me in his dopeness, his splashy sensual seas
Holds me captive in his attractive majesty
Unravels me piece by piece, let his hands ooze over
My seductive budding *******, playing passionately with my ***** tips
Makes me quiver with his intriguing, irresistible grip on my body

I blossom boundlessly in his marvelocity
How his fingers ecstatically dance on my soft, lush neck
Allow his enchanting manliness to command my feminineness
Swallow my aromatic, intoxicating sweetness
Feel it stream through the tantalizing tunnels of his throat

******* **** velvet poetry on his smooth, exquisite lips
My eminent, incomprehensible, and fervent metaphors on his tongue
Let me stroke his hunky succulent honey shoulders
Kiss his vivid and picturesque chest, so confounded
By his impressive mountainous majesticness
His oil-slick, sun-kissed, and glistening flesh

Listen to the magical musical beat of his heart
Let my palms ease over his deliciously solid stomach
Gander at his endless extraordinary rarity
His dreamy, suave, and exalted indescribableness
He is the most infectiously evocative triumphant treasure ever
The highest passionate tune that thrills me all over
I covet for us to fade into each other
Relishing the powerful, sensual connection that we share

— The End —