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Blest pair of Sirens, pledges of Heav’ns joy,
Sphear-born harmonious Sisters, Voice, and Vers,
Wed your divine sounds, and mixt power employ
Dead things with inbreath’d sense able to pierce,
And to our high-rais’d phantasie present,
That undisturbed Song of pure content,
Ay sung before the saphire-colour’d throne
To him that sits theron
With Saintly shout, and solemn Jubily,
Where the bright Seraphim in burning row
Their loud up-lifted Angel trumpets blow,
And the Cherubick host in thousand quires
Touch their immortal Harps of golden wires,
With those just Spirits that wear victorious Palms,
Hymns devout and holy Psalms
Singing everlastingly;
That we on Earth with undiscording voice
May rightly answer that melodious noise;
As  once we did, till disproportion’d sin
Jarr’d against natures chime, and with harsh din
The fair musick that all creatures made
To their great Lord, whose love their motion sway’d
In perfect Diapason, whilst they stood
In first obedience, and their state of good.
O may we soon again renew that Song,
And keep in tune with Heav’n, till God ere long
To his celestial consort us unite,
To live with him, and sing in endles morn of light.
James Carney Oct 2020
On a ridge by the ocean, the dragon respires.
Hide rugged as the coastline, against him the eons crash like waves.
Legend enchants the seabreeze, an inbreath to a shimmering trance.
Before the incandescent glow sparks like innocence into a fire.
The crystal-eyed call this Hollywood.
I discovered you there, costumed in flames, as the discharged smoke became your disguise.
Together, we performed as if we were in the dark.
Scorching exhales fogged your glasses and stifled my voice.
They say, “When you are mad, you see nothing”.  

All saints watched us in the dark this time.
Camera lenses covered your eyes and captured the revellers.
Tides ****** my mind and erased the crime.
Until they told me that I was on fire.
Misted glasses repelled your kaleidoscopic sublime.
So, from the stake, I rasped for nothing more than an ashen grey.

Orbs burning, in smoke's efflux, blindness grew.
My gilded urn haunted you, gold’s sharp sting.
Fairy-dust spells your name, always sparkling.
Fractured glass and lapsed cinders don’t brand you.
Only your frame in my pillows would do.
Like rogues caught in opulence, we're running.
They say, “When you are mad you see nothing.”
But madness is what you chose to see through.
And you saw blue in eyes I thought were grey
With iridescence glowing from your face.
You tasted darker than the fruits I stole.
And I’m the secret that you won’t betray,
Fused to your body by slumber’s light lace.
See through me, as my words sound in your bones.
This is my first poem I've published here! It's a love poem inspired by fantasy/fairy-tales and how they make you feel. Really hope you enjoy!
Pearl Feldman Mar 2014
You are always with me
Even though I have separated from you
Even when I feel alone and unloved.
You are always with me

You never forsake me even though
I  have forsaken you,
Your love is the gentle breeze
That ruffles leaves on trees.
It is the glue that holds mountains in place
And keeps Earth on its axis.

And even though I have forgotten
All my  highest aspirations.
Your love is in the warm darkness of caves,
And the light of dragonfly wings.

No matter where I hide and what  I do
You never forsake me.
Your voice is in the sound
Of every inbreath and outbreath I take.

The Earth my mother caresses my feet,
And holds my head pointed
Straight to you in the heavens.
The sun shines even behind clouds,
And the moon casts a heavenly light
Over Earth as I sleep.

Like the catterpillar I gratify only my earthly needs
And forget my  highest aspirations.
I even forget that within me
Lies the promise of the beautiful butterfly I am.
It is only when I begin to love the catterpillar within
Will I soar to my highest potential
Stephe Watson Jan 2021
I believe I believe
I believe in the stars
I believe in the sound of the rain
I believe in the seas
I believe in the ear on the track and the sound of the train.

I’m no monk
I’ve no gasoline can
I’m no protest symbol
I’m no match for the believer with struck match
I believe in the unseen support of the choir
I believe we can sing out, shout out, or flame out
I believe we can’t tire out or put the fire out
I’m no monk
I’ve no match
I’ve not set myself afire.

But I believe
in the echo’s return
But I believe
in a soul fire’s ash-free burn.

I believe in the felled forest
I believe in the dissipating clouds
I believe in the march without rest
I believe in testing those testing us
I believe in the pains cried aloud
I believe in the speech no longer allowed .

I believe in the unvoiced voices
I believe in the tentative choices
I believe in the scarred bark
and the broken branch.
I believe in the disease’s footprint, this burl
I believe in the taproot, the sunshine; this world.

I believe in the electricity
I believe in the chemistry
   (Not in the wire, not in the flask.)
I believe in the electricity and chemistry
between two hearts with everything to sing
and nothing to ask.

I believe in the broken voice
I believe in the stolen tide
I believe in the dying breeze
I believe in the bald cypress, lonely on the cliff
I believe in the windblown tuft of seed
I believe in the healing palm and loving hand
I believe in the rot and the pebbles’ fate
to return to these beaches one day as sand.

I believe in the scent of frankincense
and the furry power of the purr.
I believe in the smile
I believe in the tear

I believe in the lamplight
I believe in the campfire
I believe in the stories planted in songs
I believe in the buzzard
I believe in the Sky.

I believe in the human heart
and the bird brain.
I believe in the whisper of pinecones
I believe in the spirit
   of komorebi,
      of petrichor,
         of kami,
            of qì.

I believe I believe
I may be deceived
but I believe I believe
I believe in the power of song
I believe in the shade and the lit
I believe in mosses and stones
I believe the weak are also strong, always strong
I believe in taking a stand and the power of sit
I believe in losses and bones.

I believe in the Elders
   I believe in forgetting.
I believe in the Ancients
   I believe in remembering...
I believe in the handprint in ochre.

I believe in the great and the lost
I believe in the good and the grand
I believe in the minuscule and the beginner
I believe in the mediocre.

I believe in the story of soot
I believe in the heart as well as the foot.

I believe in the canker, the scar
I believe in the cancer
trying to carve a life from life.
I believe in the piglet
and the nest-fallen, crestfallen wren.
I believe in the inbreath, the out
I believe in the powerless and the rumbling of stomachs.

I believe in the plaintive howl of the empty.
I believe incense rising in silken curl
I believe in the dragon and the caretaken pearl
I believe in the cold and the dying
I believe in the old and the ancestral
I believe in the young and the transcendental.

I believe in the moon a balloon
caught up in January trees.
I believe in the rain droplets
   (long after the Rain)
I believe in the dew droplets
clung to fern, clung to turtleback, clung to clay
   (long after the Sunup)

I believe in the frost-heave
of silent sod on a Winter’s eve.
I believe in the hoarfrost
I believe in the petroglyphic vernal pool,
closing in to itself, cracked and drying
and too parched to be crying.

I believe in the sweet pull
of angular momentum;
rounding a corner too far and too fast,
palming the corner or column
and swinging unaligned to face a new path.

I believe in the the cat's fur and the cat's purr,
the sound of lark and the scent of the larkspur.
I believe in the post-rain bejewelment of Winter birch branch.

I believe I believe
And though I know
I won’t achieve
the depth of belief
of a shorn-headed man in a robe
taking a match to himself for the globe
I continue to believe that I believe
in the many simple things
the many simple not-at-all things
that the mind brings to light
and the light brings to mind.

I believe in this moment
that I believe in this moment.
martin challis Jan 2018
Our words were mesmerised, unable at
each attempt to describe the end of day
the sun took its story - the spectacle of hues and ribbons between gold fire and greyblack crimsons - beyond Wolumbin - reclining grandmother - crag head facing skyward - omniscient - pausing inbreath grandeur

Taking our gaze, the cloud hummers went westerly - tribal souls migrating in unison -
their mentor and guide a following breeze
and curiously the stars appeared above them
as if flying in formation against the trend
missiles or satellites - not afraid - in awe - we saluted the spectacle - swaying in silence and wonder
Martinos @ 2018
Wolumbin is the indigenous name of Mt Warning - an ancient mountain that was once an active volcano
Harmony Oct 2020
Let them teach you what to be aware of
Thank them for being there
But do tell them "I know you're here"
Weave them between the heart and breath
May they soften with attention

Let them know you are aware
Thank them for the company
But to tell them "I can breathe now"
Weave them through and through
With each inbreath and outbreath

Do be careful to deal with just one
Hold just one emotion at at time
For each alone can be rather timid
When attended to with compassion

Let them dissolve into the pool of wisdom
May your journey be lighter
With each emotion attended to
Shines a light into the unknown
Rosarlei May 2019
A Dance of Bliss and Sorrow*

In the beginning there was expectation,
And a curious gaze on the unsuspecting pray.
As the mercurial snake dives into a tickle,
All points are plastered on the firmament, with
A promise of redemption on each and every reflection.

The first inbreath catches the Red Thread
Forever binding you to impress.
Now amidst sworn enemies an emerging stage,
May the meek bow under, be hailed by roses;
Let the nails fly through, build that castle in the sky.

An innocent relief delivers into darkness.
Click, tick, flick of the tongue lights the torch,
And forgotten dreams are fleshed out onto walls.
A dance of bliss and sorrow leaves a story to tell,
By the blind with hope, able to give, willing to see.

Eyes battle the blur as lungs are rescued.
Senses venture beyond known territory.
A voice from the past raises the guard.
What was once cramped is now ready to be honored.
Now in place of threat, nothing but respect.

The primatic eye lies on you as it,
Splits reality into an altar for two.
A restoring gaze carrying dust remains
From across the line of recklessness
Innocence is blazed back on the page.

The unruffled woodland in brimming with life
and yet, no critter in sight.
As the back and forth teasing
Lulls you back into the nigh,
Your life is not yours to ****,
No matter how hard you try.
More often than not you'll give it your best,
Only to realize you left a ****** mess.
But fear not, for with this word
I dub you thee master of swords

Now raise to the fierceful elegance
Who makes weakness barely consequential,
And your gifts only providential.
Be made into the secret
Of the skilled, the persistent,
Who's uncommon kindness,
Brings euphoria to the heartness.
But don't forget to keep me a gentleman,
I would not want to end up wrecked by the shore.
Genesis, Innocence

— The End —