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bobby burns Jan 2013
they say if a tree falls in the woods
and no one's around to hear it,
it creates a silence
in vibration,
without even
deaf ears upon which to crash.
and they say if a tree dies in the woods,
the only formalities it receives
are a coffin of moss and lichen,
a bouquet of fungi,
and a burial in overgrowth.
and i say, if a man dies in the woods
at the trunk of a silently falling tree,
then i am that man,
and the funeral would be attended by none,
and i would garner little more sympathy
than the corpse of the last man before me.
and finally, i say too that
this poem is inaptly named,
for i have no victim
to suffer
Christopher Lowe Jan 2016
So we live life
Live it with theses...
With these things...
These things...
So inaptly named
All the time
Confused about things
Like why these photographs
Really aren't frozen memories
And looking back
On love and such
It was so much more...
Much more than...
More than...
Used to name things in the end
Lady Wolf Apr 2015
Through a loophole
you caught me searching
Looking all alone,
Through the cups
Of empty trust
lingering and yearning
with a jaded heart.

As I wonder when
Should the parachute open
convince me;
****** me;
to jump in it again.
With you on the other
from the faraway corner.
Consuming the gap
as if originally there;
yet inaptly belonged.

my piece,
my spark.
But to move
is only way further
drawn to you.

The risks of this
recounting feelings
I can only stay as I am
with this crooked teeth
'til it's all true or
when it's right.


— The End —