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gurthbruins Nov 2015
She looks upon his lips, and they are pale;
She takes him by the hand, and that is cold;
She whispers in his ears a heavy tale,
As if they heard the woeful words she told;
She lifts the coffer-lids that close his eyes,
Where lo, two lamps burnt out in darkness lies:

Two glasses where herself herself beheld
A thousand times, and now no more reflect;
Their virtue lost wherein they late excelled,
And every beauty robbed of his effect.
“Wonder of time,” quoth she “this is my spite,
That thou being dead, the day should yet be light.

“Since thou art dead, lo, here I prophesy
Sorrow on love hereafter shall attend.
It shall be waited on with jealousy,
Find sweet beginning but unsavoury end;
Ne’er settled equally, but high or low,
That all love’s pleasure shall not match his woe.

“It shall be fickle, false, and full of fraud;
Bud and be blasted in a breathing while,
The bottom poison, and the top o’erstrawed
With sweets that shall the truest sight beguile.
The strongest body shall it make most weak;
Strike the wise dumb, and teach the fool to speak.

“It shall be sparing, and too full of riot,
Teaching decrepit age to tread the measures.
The staring ruffian shall it keep in quiet;
Pluck down the rich, enrich the poor with treasures.
It shall be raging mad, and silly-mild,
Make the young old, the old become a child.

“It shall suspect where is no cause of fear;
It shall not fear where it should most mistrust.
It shall be merciful, and too severe,
And most deceiving when it seems most just.
Perverse it shall be where it shows most toward,
Put fear to valour, courage to the coward.

“It shall be cause of war and dire events,
And set dissension ‘twixt the son and sire;
Subject and servile to all discontents,
As dry combustious matter is to fire.
Sith in his prime death doth my love destroy,
They that love best their loves shall not enjoy.”

By this, the boy that by her side lay killed
Was melted like a vapour from her sight,
And in his blood that on the ground lay spilled
A purple flower sprung up, chequered with white,
Resembling well his pale cheeks, and the blood
Which in round drops upon their whiteness stood.

She bows her head the new-sprung flower to smell,
Comparing it to her Adonis’ breath;
And says within her ***** it shall dwell,
Since he himself is reft from her by death.
She crops the stalk, and in the breach appears
Green-dropping sap, which she compares to tears.

“Poor flower,” quoth she “this was thy father’s guise,
—Sweet issue of a more sweet-smelling sire—
For every little grief to wet his eyes.
To grow unto himself was his desire,
And so ’tis thine; but know, it is as good
To wither in my breast as in his blood.

“Here was thy father’s bed, here in my breast;
Thou art the next of blood, and ’tis thy right.
Lo, in this hollow cradle take thy rest;
My throbbing heart shall rock thee day and night.
There shall not be one minute in an hour
Wherein I will not kiss my sweet love’s flower.”

Thus weary of the world, away she hies,
And yokes her silver doves, by whose swift aid
Their mistress, mounted, through the empty skies
In her light chariot quickly is conveyed,
Holding their course to Paphos, where their queen
Means to immure herself, and not be seen.

William Shakespeare
Eleete j Muir Jan 2012
Preponderant enchantments written
With dawns bereft tears
Of a hircine mendicant
Upon a necromantic acorn
Thirsting times wild-wize monition
During a week of sundays
Atide sins wake awash
Clarities purification.
Natures immure debt drawing
Maledictions masterpiece,
Leys bane web mercifully mirroring
Obsidian sibilant eyes
Peccably prenouncing the portent
Languid whisper inquisitorially;
Heavens augumented vestments
Distinguishable amid eternities
Pensive shade as thuriferous
Hallowed tombs loom black
As ink, somewhere that was
Thought to be void far between
The dark hour anchoring the
Fractured talisman of loves memoirs.

A woman's just a padded cell, in situ:
With mirrored tile reflections, of former occupants
Reveals their once desires, like long past feast
That's been viewed only partially, through a narrow hall,
And though her cushions can't stop your fall
They soak up life's effluvium; for she's an island
In the lull; most co-morbidly, antediluvian:
And as it cradles the body's living estate,
Her rocking-horse frame can't navigate
The ground swell of presumptive grace.

Let's pretend, that the dizzy motion ride
Has provided real progress forward, in spite
Of strong waves, that coupled oceans bring;
Jump saddle, on her coiled and double-jointed springs.
Bright enameled eyes might rein you inside
For your brief spate, of the near total ingress:
Waving haloed hips of plastic'd flesh; her glide
Could stay stationary, until you confess.

Only she knows well, the secret of assuring you
You'll not drown, of her swirling vicissitudes;
And if once you abhorred your childhood name;
Now can use same call sign, for your idling engines
Of a certain procreatively inspired invasion
As she whispers it; says it loud, clenching need
Of the second's singlemost long duration.

When she finally unlocks your prow from docks
Post haste, of body's self-deceptive clocks
Inside her temples, rising incense of sweat
Mingled with undertows, of past vibrations; and her smell
Itself: a briny distillate, of a pheromone tonic; forensic clue
Of a decidedly amber hue; the body's cyclonic age of man
Keeps travelling it's way, down her plundered mnemonic.

You can feel the straight jacket's razored sleeves,
Beginning to loose your constricted lungs;
And your ***** overflowing; becoming a sieve:
If you could keep on riding, you'd be quite sure
That eventually, just a small band-aid could cure
The slight, though badly malformed scar;
From the still flowing toxins; to soon immure-
Hard to believe, how far gone you were.

Forget old self; a newfound confidence;
Makes you forestall the inevitable trip
Down to the corner, second-hand store,
As now is revealed, that her paint's become chipped;
And the horse's eyes are now rolling inward,
As if looking there, for some positive proof,
From the prying, irreverent eyes of the world-
But you know it too well: she's just a padded cell.
Michael P Smith Mar 2013
The road to truth has many  immure & acquiescent turns
Many tough battles with fire has left marks from many burns
Gruesomely the darkest hours of life are in the nugatory lies
The state of mind conforms with with deception as it so complies
It repeats on and on in the wild confines of a diabolical sequel
Its seems life is so riddled with impractical & daunting ways
People with poisoned minds, so narcissistic & shameful as it stays
To intersect with a soul of opulent  loyalty & truth is seldom & blessed
But the severity of impeccability & prevarication having a fine line,
is a realization so strongly stressed... 
©Michael P. Smith
Lin Cava Oct 2010
Kiss me only with sweet poetry
Dance with me only with your words
I live in a room there
Hidden between the lines

Carry the touch of your heart on wings
Given flight in lyrical symmetry
So your music can play me safely
Where my heart answers back

A taboo – never to be
Examined like lost stones -
Mettle never to be tried
By time or hardship.

The gift, a safe harbor
To immure stubborn affections
For what can never be.

Lin Cava ©
Creative Commons
Joy Ceye Apr 2017
What would I find if I broke down your wall?
Taking it down brick by brick.
If I looked inside I would find nothing at all?
Yes you would you stupid *****!

What would I find if you broke down my wall?
Moving it round trick by trick.
If you looked inside would you see it or call?
No you wouldn't you make me sick!

Why do I find that I like my closed wall?
Hiding its sound tick by tick.
If you're living inside then how can you fall?
The coffin is ready better be quick!
Deep Oct 2018
Caress me, melt in me
let me see the love in your eyes,
Brimming, ululating passion
radiating in delight.
These lips craving for the touch of mine
Like the falling star
waiting to touch the ground,
But in vain, our hopes are
Vanishing before our eyes
with the rising sun.

Once again we have to part;
Once again we have to die,
Till night comes
And breathe in us life

Alas! Why this sun, why the morning?
Why this rein fall on innocent lovers?
Who want nothing but to lay in each others arm
Today, tomorrow, after morrow.
Go and love first!
then only then you’ll fathom
how sharp your rays are that slice
one soul in two, every dawn.
Still, your rays are not
Half as strong as our love
Stays fervid with every partition.

You, my love, the smile of my life,
Immure these tears inside eyes
Cheeks are mine not them to kiss.
Come in my arms, clasp me so tight,
Canoodle, smooch, implant equal kisses
a clock runs in a day; my sole sustenance.

If I do not return with the return of twilight
Then let loose tears, with them, me too.
And grant this fascist sun victory
over transient us,
But not our love,
We’ll kindle our love
by making dreams our home.
genre tried is aubade or alba
Dark n Beautiful Jun 2015
Nine, five, one, three
Is all I have of you?
What do you have of me?
if you would only slow down
and see what’s before you

Your way of life is so mysterious.
your six sense and knowledge of women
Fall flat like a stack of dominoes
So vile, so unsure, so immure:

Please help me to understand
You often said that men is
So lame to be tame
Because most guys think with the wrong head
and feast on whatever is on their plates: so you said
Sister, sister, if only could only slow down
Because we are half way there

When an old love becomes a chapter in your past
That’s a sign that you have completed the task.
His number kept floating in my head

Nine, five, one, three, is all you have of him
Help me to understand,
Why it’s so hard to love them
Safana Apr 2023
Bring me to the closure.
I will take it to the endure.
to the last of that tenure
I will not decay like manure.
for the reason that no procure
I will bow down to lure
for sincerity and impure.
They will not give me failure.
to mix my clothes with soilure.
Let my life grow, not to immure.
because I will be good for sure
When I meet the mature
It will feel so, with some pleasure.
You are the forest of my dreams.

You sway with the wind and tranquilize the unsettled horizons from restless cacophony.

You descend with the nightfall and melt the angst of advancing insomnolence.

You embrace the immure Sun and echo the wakefulness of a fading garden.

You whisper in the breeze and the Spring embosoms the fallen Autumn leaves.

You are the forest of my dreams.

You are the enchantment of my screams.

You travel through the perpetual reminiscences of an endless pathway.

You dance with the grasshoppers to the anthem of the reawakening civilization.

The syllables from your voice create a bird's nest in the branches of my endless thoughts.

Your unearthly tranquility creates ripples on a decade old river that flows through this ancient lover's timeless memories.

You are nature's sweetest hymn.

You are the forest of my dreams.
Bleak existence portrayed,
nonetheless this (baby
boomer) hybrid dreamer
oft times evocative
edenic reveries bekiss
mine psyche with pastoral trappings
evoking utopian bliss

on par with drawing
winning lottery ticket,
which fantasy I quickly dismiss,
where dolorous voices within me hiss
mocking pipe dream compensating
for unlived life hide miss

whiling away hours
of young adulthood...
this threescore aged man did blithely ****
away enraptured with Swiss
Family Robinson fantasy,
gladly exchanging tsoris

entailing breathtaking adventure
versus sequestered bookishness burr
rowed nose engrossed
with page turner capture
ring imagination of this erstwhile drifter
addressing, fixating, and keeping coiffure

as disheveled appearance, where daily
father and mother showed me the door
particularly on account, cuz for one more
nanosecond, they could not endure
this healthy sole son vaping expenditure
as both parents toiled away,

they tired trying to swallow failure
while primarily main feature
of this poem lackadaisically
exhausted as an Evansburg Park fixture
(calling squirrels on first name basis),
no sooner this bookworm gave vague gesture

after setting foot inside abode - 'pon dusk
asper whereabouts, off
into bedroom I did immure
and disappear into story
maybe one about main
character pledging indenture

role as heavy footsteps shook
324 Level Road domicile infrastructure
awaiting the wrath
of Khan spouting ultimatums
our father/son rapport long did inure
a "NON FAKE" wall not immune

to malicious, noxious, vicious... lecture
to offspring who long outwore his
Harris Tweed Scottish welcome mat,
yet... feared testing nonsecure
mooring which familiarity bred contempt!
analogous to a fish out of water

Ever since being a little gull hubble buoy,
I bobbed (while donning square pants)
like spongy flotsam and jetsam at sea.

Now as one decrepit
humble lumpenproletariat neopoet,
I experienced existence
with pronounced sentience
heavily accentuated courtesy
acute social anxiety,
which fostered kinship
with all creatures great and small.

Camaraderie long fostered
across global - webbed, wide
whirled real estate
among flora and fauna,
especially animal and plant species,
not linkedin with beleaugured **** sapiens
biological diversity livingsocial without war,
nor chose total mortal kombat
rather idyllic, edenic and authentic entities
simon pure non

genetically modified organisms
thriving in their natural environments
without threat of extinction
since the presence
of peaceful cohabitation
will be blessedly integrated
within Deoxyribonucleic acid
of every cellular group
kindled, limned, minted...
under the nearest sun.

I Yearn analogous to phototropism
for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness
allowed, enabled, and provided
every quintessential organic material
jump/kickstarted on planet earth,
without gofundme seed money
yet painfully accept
nevertheless, no heavenly delight
promised for this atheist!

No matter bleak existence portrayed,
nonetheless this (baby boomer) dreamer
oft times evocative edenic reveries bekiss
mine psyche with pastoral trappings
evoking utopian bliss
on par with drawing winning lottery ticket,
which fantasy I quickly dismiss,
where dolorous voices within me hiss
mocking pipe dream compensating

for unlived life hide miss
whiling away hours
of young adulthood...
this threescore plus three
amazing gracefully aged man
did blithely ****
away enraptured with Swiss
Family Robinson fantasy,
gladly exchanging tsoris

entailing breathtaking adventure
versus sequestered bookishness burr
rowed nose engrossed
with page turner capture
ring imagination of this erstwhile drifter
addressing, fixating, and keeping coiffure
as disheveled appearance, where daily
father and mother showed me the door
particularly on account, cuz for one more
nanosecond, they could not endure
this healthy sole son vaping expenditure
as both parents toiled away,

they tired trying to swallow failure
while primarily main feature
of this poem lackadaisical
exhausted as an Evansburg Park fixture
(calling squirrels on first name basis),
no sooner this bookworm gave vague gesture
after setting foot inside abode - 'pon dusk
asper whereabouts, off
into bedroom I did immure
and disappear into story
maybe one about main
character pledging indenture

role as heavy footsteps shook
324 Level Road domicile infrastructure
awaiting the wrath
of Khan spouting ultimatums
our father/son rapport long did inure
a "NON FAKE" wall not immune
to malicious, noxious, obnoxious,
pernicious, vicious... lecture
to offspring who long outwore his
Harris Tweed Scottish welcome mat,
yet... feared testing nonsecure
mooring which familiarity bred contempt!
Universe Poems Sep 2021
Each drop that flows,
provides an expression,
that grows
Soft ripples
Release from immure
Not against,
the will anymore

© 2021 Carol Natasha Diviney
Matthew Edeh Nov 2020
Imagine the world without music
Pipe no Piper
Beat without rhythm
Immure flows of joy

Imagine the world without love
Peace will hiss
Diss will fizz
Miss and care will be unkissed

Imagine the world without men
No Adam no father
Void of toil and invent invention
Mockery for quest of knowledge and discoveries

Imagine the world without Time
Callous and untrammeled
Laziness in stability
Instability of late instant

Imagine the world without women
Fussy ornament devoid of beauty
No mother no children
An island of insipid love

Imagine the world without food
Gnashing of teeth
Enzymes jostle in anger
High taste of silly hatred and threat

Imagine the world without you and I
Good for nothing
Nothing for good
Stale and stink of extinct.

— The End —