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Cynthia Jan 2014
cik grūti ir kaut ko izdarīt
grūti saņemties
un iet uz priekšu
gribu būt brīva,
bez pienākumiem un noteikumiem
gribu dzīvot tā, kā pati vēlos
gribu iet gulēt četros no rīta
un celties divos dienā
gribu izdzert kafijas tasi pēc pamošanās
un ingvera tēju pirms gulētiešanas
gribu skraidīt magoņu laukā
un sajust skaisto ziedu smaržu.
es gribu tik daudz..
bet vai kādreiz kāds uzklausīs?
izdarīs tā, kā  t u  vēlies?
tam ir domāti sapņi
Robert N Varty Apr 2013
Es et rekuyered? Aar dhei rekuyered? But of kaurs, ies!

Uot es e mounten?
Uaer es dhe rever?
Hou aar birds? Thruu uot aar birds?

Uay es ryteng? Uay es dhe sky?
Hou duu ui lev? Uén duu ui dy?

By uot and by huum, spens dhe irth?
Faur uot pirpes, funkten aur kaus?
By us? Faur us? Thruu us? Uethout us?

En dhe seim lyt, en e deferent séns:

Kould bi faur us?
Uould bi by us?
Should bi uithout us?

Béter iet:

**uot aar uirds?
kelvin mungai Jun 2016
Let cheat the night
And Strip under the moonlight
Make the glowing stars jealous
As my palm spanks your ***
Plant your luscious lips upon mine
And taste the product of my gold mine
Let the universe sing at our awe
While you ****** my breath away
Let me labor as i beg for more
As your sensation takes me to ecstasy  door
Trace my mophology
With concentration like you are studying biology
Read My contours,
As my hands take a tour on yours
Let lust burst our love glands
And Wait for momento to land

Lets cross the line
With our whines
As we spice up the night with moans
Gasps and frozen groans
Let our bodies mould
As my pecker roves in your mold
One we become
As the armosphere calm
Deeper let me explore
Motivate me let me not slow
With lust lets as glow
As the night bow
Iet us paint the midnight with slimes of sin
Before the sun rises and naked be seen
Let us sing
As our ****** start raining
ALamar Jun 2017
Despite yesterday's view
In retrospect my perspective was skewed
Imbued by necessity the obligatory nature of my being let me know by the time we got married what I felt for you wasn't love
In my head and in my heart I was in love with someone else
What I felt for you was something else
Worried about what people would think if I backed out and how I would be perceived if I Iet all the people we invited to wedding down
I feel you suspected my feelings of wanting out
So as the paint cracked
And the lies of the facade seeped out Doubt crept in
AND so begins a twisted malodorous case study
Where the relationship that once existed
The thing that brought life in this world
all remnants remembrances and everything that went along with it withered
All that remains is a child who's person and emotions are full of tread marks and darks stains
Along with a relationship with her father that's depriving
By a mother
Constantly striving to lessen the idea of what it means to have a  father
Sedating relational ambitions
Withholding notes and teachings
Exhibiting passive aggression so aggressively
that at 14
my daughter's subconscious tendencies of moments of directed  anger toward me
What I get see is a child with idea of what a Fathers means all I do
I recognize the end game for you was a subterfuge
After all these years in your fight against me
You used our daughter as a guillotine  
Over something that for a long time has been over
You win
It's obvious to me that the power she you over my daughter means I  won't have a true relationship with my babygirl until shes much, much older
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
I feel perfect
Let me embrace my beauty
Let me adore what god made me
Let me ignore the fakeness
I don't want to change I don't want to change
I admire me the way I am
I feel   perfect
Iet me embrace my beauty
I don't need any lip filler or any botox
I want to me as long as I live
I don't want to change I don't want to change
I feel perfect the way I am
for the times
I said the wrong thing

for the gagged silences
I Iet speak for me

for poetic interpreters giving
insecurities creative license

for the things I knew
and didn’t say anything

for letting my fears fester
until they exploded

for the days wasted
and nights tormented

for my sudden releases
on this karmic rubber band

and, most of all, for
how it’s so hard to be

the one thing we both so
desperately need
Yes yes yall yess yes  yall we finna have a ball,,

Yes yes yall yess yes  yall we finna have a ball,,

What's up honey, I see you looking good, love dove, come gather a hug,
Im Not a **** or a bug, I just wanna keep you snugged, tight under my sight,
Pictures of us, family divine chosen, graze for the ozem, til we frozen,
Wealth stance, focus on the skies romance,  take a glance, at the weather,
Clouds speaking, saying let's stay together spiritually sewed, so endeavor,
The free breeze, from the wind talking these,    aired out my poetry, symphony,
Babygirl it's just you and me, we ain't gotta be, each others enemy,
Hair wavy, pretty as can be, love the way your honey buns seats,
Greets, a certain kind of measure, love ya feminine texture, quoted in scripture,
Psalms 31, and I knew this day would come, kiss your tears, sway from the slums,
And baby girl dont play dumb, followed the heartbeats to your drum,
And how come, so many wanna see us, break males out the scenery,
Sweet scent so heavenly, cleverly I sit back and watch the bees, laying honey,
Its funny, these leeches ain't got no heart, stuck with you, from the very start,
Couldn't see us apart, ways everydays I think of new ways, to glaze,
Ya mind shine, like the sun half women half amazing, eyes glaring staring,
Deep into my soul, feel your love losing control, Iet me take steer,
Of ya wheel, give you a feel that you could never feel, true whip appeal,
Baby face, lotions is potent got my nose open, visuals to a scoping,
Slim waist, gave my mental glands a taste, leaning on the tips of faith,
Got me losing hope and, wicked shell, got me looking jealous as hell,
Must a be spell, somewhere I'm fallen like Denzel, will I ever prevail,
They say love and lust, dont go together but I see they love to be severed,
I put my money, over mind and mind over time, chilling in the lights of lime,
Sublime signs, giving to me be the unruly divine, lay my finger tips on ya spine,
Look deep into your eyes, count the sparkle, like the sunrise, hot in your thighs,
Feel your pie, baking soon begins, a vibration, channel the station,
It's just you and me, taking on society quietly, I write so peacefully,
Can you see me, naw dont run from the treasures, of nights in pleasure,
I can tell, ya vibes got alot on ya shell, so just let my love dwell, break ya spell,
Kiss and tell, yo it never fails, let me stand on top, knock out ya knots,
Ya so ****, you could make desert rocks cry, without tears falling, from the sky,
And dont ask why, I feel like this, I m.just letting the spirits walk this,
Talk into your brittle soul, regain the console, from the degrees of your angle, let me untangle, your love bow, I can feel it deeply in a strangle,
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2020
in ref. to parliREACH: my own revision of "standards" / a return to fully functioning descriptive attaches / cubism / no! to colour-blindness / poetry of whites / communism was good because mostly starving Ukrainians or Kazakhs or other "badziewie" / pressure to instigate overt-nuances of language: a necessary intro. of ciphers / alt.? scythe and stone for every hammer and sickle... ardently pro private property - my own personal library would shame the Romford public 'un... excuses? none: at "face-value"... literally... let's not bother with transcending the man the albino the **** similis - there is nothing essential about a man's personality / character: i don't have a dream - all the better - a return to basics: fully primed HD vintage - bone-sore plum mascara pulp of a face in detail... yes... let's goo!

Afghani or Afghanistani -
         teasingly -
               tip of toe to the burnt heel -
bazar of spices -
and some angry prefix lady:

asian dub foundation: flyover -

iowa or ohio?
         'no iraqi ever called me a ****-'
this huge and coincidentally
hiding rainbow of
alphabets and a peoples
with strap-on or donning wigs

'burning up the Urals in south
little mongol warrior -
mongol or mongrel?

   the plethora of diasporas:
    and of course: angry prefix
dull twisting: a vaguness
of eyes and a schizophrenic's Is:
this iota a push-push of
plural with a possessive article

     Mr. Ghan -
mr. gali-gali in old Bengal -
   cinnamon lives matter...
copperskins and culprits when
not smooching a molten heap
of choccy-blues...

my own stint at gammon:
hyper-inflating a lost character but....
this pronounced idle of...
himalayan salt: pinkish: really though:
pink through and through...

tired of the tan - tabs of a vit-D iet
nonetheless required:
the colour of wheat -
   a faint description of cardamom
once exposed to too much
sunlight -
              breaking barks of wood
in the same disease of the sun...

a running against eskimos -
    ******* a lemon to squint since
not endowed with enough eyelashes...
it's not an anger it's not
a gimmick -
            revelations of
accusations - no more mythical
sha-tan -
               a case for: digging trenches -
in the mud of flanders
better still: no flanders -
a knee deep ******* side of whittle
essex that almost all of
England wants to tease -

the origins of oranges -
and the whitening of teeth -
no one ever mentioned the whitey's
envy of the negros ivory?
pristine white in the ivory
and the sclera?

hyper-"racism"... a poetry that would
have someone bewildered at
terms 'apricot' / 'cinnamon' applied
to a dog's fur -
   yes... the thesis of anti-racism was
to dig deep into an essential man...

apparently that's not necessary
anymore -
there has to be a return
to picasso's african mask cubism:
the exfoliation of details:
and excuses of them...
no apology required...

nothing worse these days
than being colour-blind:
of missing the descriptive utility
of this tongue...
afro like sponge mingling with
cotton-candy in sensation...

too bad for the superiors:
h'arab and beijing middle-kingdom
ya'llah! imsh'e...
      sinking in that dead sea
black custard thick:
a camel jockey and his camel;
choo! choo! the mercedes-benz
E B Apr 2020
You smelled like a perfume I smelled a few years ago while dancing with the idea of falling in love
We sat in a dim lit corner as our eyes danced across each feature on our faces -
I glanced at your shirt, trying to figure out if you had galaxies resting on your chest
The wave of your hair
care free,
but well groomed
as if you'd made sure each piece was laid in a perfect fashion

the curvature of your chin and the shape of your lips put a weight on my chest just looking at them

Your hand reached out and touched my neck,
softer than velvet, smoother than silk -

My jaw clenched and every word I had said to you replayed back in my thoughts,


until you kissed me-

our mouths open as wide as the sky,
a cloud of birds between them,
the entirely of the world opening beneath me
trees rooting into river beds

I lost it for what felt like hours -

and I Iet go of everything I've ever known about love

something about this,
something about you.

I'm not looking anymore.

— The End —