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Leonardo J Mar 2016
The Cheshire moon smiles down on me tonight.
I’m completely out of synch with this cycle,
once again in the trough of the ever oscillating wavelength of life,
of emotion, of shifting energies, of morphing shadows casted upon by the apathetic celestial bodies who glide along through the heavens with such certainty, such staunch punctuality
as to give hope where there is none,
to know the sun will rise,
to know with certainty, with utmost faith that the moon will fall,
that the biting cold in the still night will turn into golden rays of illumination and warmth in a mere few hours,
a transformation that if somehow seen for the first time, would constitute as a miracle.
Apathetically they trudge along in their formations repeating their cosmic dances into eternity, the hands of the clock, casting shadows which decree time as we know it;
we kneel before the laws set forth, faithful and non believer, criminal and saint, man and women, there is no question of fealty,
for all subscribe to the church of time,
the tracking of shadows,
the calendar of Gregory.
The shadows smile at me tonight, but I don’t smile back.
Sean Keane Mar 2010
The clock strikes three
and the people are happy,new life begins

The clock strikes six
The people get indifferent,and the government wins

The clock strikes nine
The people start to notice the government is obtuse

The clock strikes twelve
The people are outraged, all hell breaks loose

The clock strikes three
The people are happy, but they only think they are free..........
Sean Keane Mar 2010
I want to jump off the earth and into space
As vast visions of knowledge graze my face
Laplace's demon I wish to be
But that hypothetical is not me
To witness planets and stars humans never see
Floating in space will set me free
Milky Way, Andromeda, perhaps a Magellanic cloud
Vega, Rigel, and Altair are my shroud
Antares and Arcturus burning up high
Adara and Bellatrix in my night sky
Life like Eridanus, the end is Achernar
So beautiful up close, and from afar
Horologium watching my every move
To Hydrus and Leo, my courage I must prove
Sun Ra taught me that "Space Is The Place"
When I journey forth, Ill shall adventure with grace
Thanks again Jessica you kick *** for making this perfect

— The End —