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John Aug 2013
It seems it's always rainin'
But the Suns out today
And I ain't complainin'
Today I just wanna play

So sit right down next to me
As I press down on the gas pedal
The flowers in your hair keep blowing
The more I push the pedal to the metal
Your smile just makes everything better
And I smile when you smile
Never really was the biggest go-getter
But, babe, you put me in overdrive
Wanna go to the creek at the top of the hill
Step to the edge, hold my nose and dive

The words that keep spilling from your mouth
Like milk on the kitchen floor
No matter how mad, no matter how happy
I just keep on wanting more (and more)
I mean, I know you've got a boy
Waiting for you at home
I'm just like a ******* toy (to you)
And I really don't mind
I don't at all, really I couldn't care less
Because even if you're not mine
I still feel like the one who's blessed
But when the time comes just gimme a sign
Because when you and him are over
I'll be there, I'll be there with open arms

Oh, babe, this is all for a reason
I can go, I can so go
With you it's so pleasin'
And if you want more just let me know
I'm just overflowing with ways
To talk, to be, to stand next to you
I'm probably a little selfish
But it seems I'm stuck like glue
And I can't help these feelings
You just **** me with those big eyes
Your soft hands and milk and roses skin
I just wish, I just hope, I just wait
For the best to begin
Påłpëbŕå Dec 2021
and as the year ends
nights and days blend
into this beautiful place
where we shall trace
a new art
through our hearts
and welcome with sheer
joy and love this brand new year

~from me to you
a very happy 2022 :)
well, i know it's too early for a happy new year poem, but c'mon i couldn't stop myself from writing it........2021 has been an experience, but then every year is.....i've fallen, i've risen only to fall again and this page has witnessed each of those moments.......i've found people and lost people, i've learnt so much and yet felt pretty empty on so many days........but you know what kept me going? that i'm not the only one.........yes, you pretty reader, if you're still reading........then i must tell you this that you too have survived and fought and came out a stronger and better version of yourself.......this isn't a mental health speech or something because i personally don't believe in all that stuff.......self-help is helping yourself in the best way you can and for me it is writing whatever and however i want.......i don't create literary pieces here, but blurt out the first thing that comes to my i hope you have an amazing year ahead and just be whoever the hell you want to be........

andTilly Jan 2021
the happiest step into your New Year
and each and every fear that feels near
let it just step into the light and disappear

happy New Year’s
Steve Jan 2023
Marking the moment
When 2023 was sent in from the cold
And 2022 bent to take the knee
The moment we all focus
On the year ahead
And wallow in our memories
Amongst the living and the dead
A time for hope
A time for prayer
A time to reaffirm existence
And welcome in another year.

Never got around to posting this one, but let’s hope 2023 can be half of what we’d like

— The End —