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Poet kiri Jul 2018
Run, run, run
Run with the wind
Till the night of the full moon
And fall into tears of joy
To the sight of nature.
As for it is beauty at its best

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Look upon you
And admire all that
Is a blessing
Learn to understand so as to see it
Granted unto you
And appreciate yourself
Till the mirror does back too.
For your reflection is a gorgeous spell

It is I
And my definition
With existence their comes meaning and value
With the world it’s a rule to power.

As red is to…
Seek to see…
We are born to love….

Fall in love to
The sound of life
And the happiness
That we truly deserve

Because we are a being
Meant to love
Born to express, illustrate
And pursue

For as to lose is to gain
And to miss is to know  
From our dear hearts

Born to…we are.

So happy____  to us.

Hello, I hope you are all well and move forward in life to create a better you each day.
I would like to thank you for the continuous support from the community, I am really great full for all the comments and likes.

Please feel free to comment and CRITIC THE POEM.

This poem belongs to the collection Status Rated R.

Thank you.
Poet kiri Jun 2016
Is a beautiful day
So beautiful the walls
Are drizzling with

As the sun rays
Were the perfect artist
Of this morning.

I learn
What it means to be
As for today culture
Breaks the boundaries.
What peace may mean
What emotions
I live to tell and relive  
Cause today I care and tomorrow….

Mystery is believed
And imagined.

For fantasy has proven
It aint’ catchy
If you don’t know the different dimensions of the universe
I hold a hand
To lead and to be lead  
(To hear and be heard)
Cause today the books
Will not tell history as it is but
As it is

I tell you that
I the being are
A broken abandoned home
Scared of my essence
As it’s just how you perceive my existence
Of the foreign language
I speak.

For I will
Kneel and ask
Will you be my
Better of the half
I can’t achieve
Without, your driving
Force I have reckoned with

Without fear
I plan neither to regret
I did it
For I would just like to imagine
What fate the crystal ball
Has history all mysterious about.

I am music at its finest
That the flow of the currents
Is by the tide of the melody
I play in my mind.

For I dreamt in a dream
Of dreams so deep
That I may have
Broken the laws of attractions.
It could be at its finest
Yet, I repeat yet
Finest is for the
Fine china’s that
We break at home
At proper perfection
For it is just the day’s perfection
Considered a mistake to break
The perfect shine

Haven’t we executed the perfect crime?

Knowing that
Today I was served
Reality on a silver platter
For it’s the only dish
Of pure gold ingredients
Brutally mined and
Gently handled.

Today is today
And tomorrow
Will be today
With a greater twist
As beautiful as
The just today has planned.


©Hansmind, 2016
Hello to my followers and fans.
It is yet another Poet Kiri original under a new collection

Thank you for your continuous support. I highly appreciate it.
Poet kiri Mar 2018



I understand now
That I am not
and she is neither
and nor are you.

In Life
is Man,

And I am disgusted  
with my own state of affairs.
that a rat that is not a part of a the race
has a better chance of virtue.

I am not unique but
part of the equation of nature
for a upon a time in history
just as a chicken awaiting
the process of  
the roast.

upon death and decay,
if I am not in history
as a statue to symbolise  

will no longer  
be MAN
with bones undistinguishable from
my kind.  

These words are of a man
man that has nothing
to him and his time
but a chance to reflect on life's
greatest EQUATION
of meaning.

These are the words of the man
that lives like dog
he dares to speak his mind
a man we question his existence and purpose  
we call mad, insane and a savage.

His words will never shake you
if you question

Were you truly listening?

Would you lend an ear
to a
A man that lives like a dog
A Man that lives in concrete

I want you to Think beyond the concrete bubble
you call safe.

MAN + WOMAN x MONEY(NATURE)=...............
whats your equation like?

©Hansmind, 2018
Hello, I hope you are all well.
I would like thank you for the support this year, I am really great full for all the comments and likes.

Please feel free to comment and CRITIC THE POEM.

Its going to be the first poem in my 4th collection called
"Seasoned Thoughts"


      Thank you.
Poet kiri Jul 2015
In and out many walk
Change with time
Distant we grow
Closer we brought the loyal

At the end we are
The finish line we see
Along way have we all come
From the start as it is known

Young we were
The days were joyful
Not much was to be worried
Soft laughter surrounded
Oh happy were we for this new stage of life
Although small did we grow to the giants we are now

Many were lost and busy losing
As the bell tormented
As the clock had began ticking
Serious up and down we ran
Abiding to the sound  of the bell
As we held our future at stake

In love did some fall
Only to find themselves  in a ditch
The bright were ruthless
For their competition is endless
Only the shortest faint of  laughter filled the air

Mature we are now
Gathered with experience
From a far the finish we see
As we share memories
Of our past days
Funny they were
Depressing they grew
As we wish to relive the moments
With our fallen soldiers

A hand we lend
To those we care for
And lost in society
For the finish is close
Giving up is not an option

Encouraged amongst ourselves
Our friends of loyalty stand beside us
As we stick together till the end
Abiding by the bell we are not
For we prepare for the future
And the greater bell awaiting

Engrossed in our books
Knowledge we acquire
As we take the final step
The clock is ticking faster
The serious and senior we are
The schoolies we have become

The future we plan
Oh bright it all looks to some
The fun that awaits
And the hardship of the harsh world
Success is what we all look toward
For the best of wishes to others

As we cross the finish line
To the start of another race
No longer do we abide by the bell
That tormented us for an eternity.

©Hansmind, 2015
#A wise word to the world (I say / to listen).
THANK YOU  and enjoy :).
Poet kiri Jul 2015
I quote a quote
That puts price on freedom,
Ever wondered
If words had a price
Would nonsense be affordable,
Or either be a
World of critics?

The world changes
Day by day to it we owe a debt
In life we have a price tag
All at the stack to numerous

The window of opportunity no Longer exist,
Opportunities lack in the mist
That many only dare to explore,
To survive we live
To read between the line.

There's a catch to life
In this second hand world
Were we live to die by the trend,
Yet nothing works to perfections.

That a ***** little secret
Is much sweeter
Than the TRUE value of words.

We're eating from a tipped table
To succeed an accomplishment
Is worth nothing,
Unless they are accomplishments
Whereas we barely get anything
Of our sweet fruits of success
Devoured by the greedy,
Yet they struggle to get in touch with reality.

In this world
Much can get you by
A quote of inspiration,
A valid dream,
Or the billions of wars  
We fight in a day to
Come out victories either  

It’s a cruel world but,
Yet we have to remember

I quote a quote
“Nobody cares what you have to say
Unless it important"
Yet nobody cares what you do
Unless you’re making a change
In their lives and the world.


©Hansmind, 2015
Special thanks all those 233 viewer of "NO LONGER ABIDE Y THE BELL" appreciate it.
kindly enjoy this poem that was my first spoken word piece in to a delegate of CAFOD during their meeting. :)
Thank you again.
Poet kiri Jan 2016
A letter to my dear,
Sons and daughters
In a foreign language
Not known in my time,
But with hope in yours.
Where they may have fixed the
Imbalance of life.

I wish not to depress you,
But repress your mind
As my first impression is to point
A finger to time
The one whom answers
Questions in installments.

For this man once put me on stage
And my agenda was to impress
Twice to the infinite I could count
But I couldn’t find that one in my life.
Where are you?

Thus the nature I was born in,
Is to interest the world
And not bore it with normality
Not knowing that peace comes in many ways

For this foreign language
Seems to be a new era
Of blank pages that could be
Filled with one word

For yesterday I did things of shame
That are great for a story
That would become fame
Just the perfect ice breaker in my time.
Tip for if you ever find\have TIMEtoTRAVEL

Thus my vote belonged to extinction,

Justice is a commodity
Of the rich
As poverty is beautiful
Beautiful without the eye’s of the lens.

Though I don’t have doesn’t mean
Am not/I can’t
As My sight is set to the sky
Chasing a flower in the clouds as
I am still on the ground investing an idea.

Thus the gap of the market to success
Is the economics of humanities fate
As the scarcity of fear rises
Demand and supply seem to be losing
In a relation of ships
At  bay lacking goods.
On this graphic coordinates

Just may you understand
Humanity has no time to
Find you in the dark
For smoke signals will be put out
Neither translate your existence
If it’s not the curiosity that killed the cat.
Like “Chuck Norris whom speaks French in Russian”.

For they live on a constant
Quote status of
“I am available, but busy
At school watching a movie,
While at work
With a battery about to die
So I can’t talk, Whats App only
In a meeting at the gym
Sleeping on urgent calls only.”

As I myself live knowing
What is your translation of my existence???
For it seems your mistaken and troubled.
For generations to come.

Yours sincerely;
Poet Kiri

PS: Life has gone digital
       Thus its STATUS RATED ®.
                                     Yours truly;
                                       Is to be the ONE.

©Hansmind, 2016
Hello again to all.
Thanks a lot for your support each and every day.
Thank you so much again.
( The ending poem of collection STATUS RATED R.)
Poet kiri Oct 2015
It's said
That a picture is worth
A thousand words
Yet today
A glimpse of life
Writes  a
Series  of novels

The word impossible
Lacks an existence
For we have done
it possible the unbelievable

Bringing hell
Upon Heaven
Yet still
Bare to live in it

Humanity is a failed
Experiment in this scientific lab
Where we going as the end gets closer
The truth is set to put us on the wrong
In a time like know
We  need the key to freedom
Not only choose a new destiny
But one for our home
Stop searching
The answer is in front of you
Have a glimpse
And listen to the
Voices of the poetic mirror

You can't ******* a giant
With a vision, is a plan

If dreams are delivered by
Passing comets
There worth a wish
We grant ourselves
Yet prosper to make them valid

To be  seen is
You looking in the mirror
To be  felt is
Facing the world head on.

©Hansmind, 2015
Hey guys it been a while since i posted but i am back.
Thanks for the continuous support with the posted poems already.
This poem is part of my collection STATUS RATED .
(which i recently completed).
Read, Enjoy, Share and Like
Thank you.
Poet kiri Dec 2017
Time has a lot to tell....

I wonder with age

Which  holds more relevance
The pleasure of thought or the dangers of feeling?

I am a fool but I can tell you,
that history is due to repeat itself.

We desire revenge
dig the grave we will lay in.

Change is inevitable and
so are the laws that govern death.

Do you understand...

Time has told us a lot, DON'T YOU THINK?

©Hansmind, 2017
Hello, I hope you are all well.
I would like to wish you all a Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year.
Thank you for the support this year , I am really grateful for all the comments and likes.

Poet kiri Aug 2015
Always a wish I dreamed of
From my birth to death and soul
With only one lie changing everything
In a blink of an eye
For the wind to blow it
Away into the strong and fierce plains
Full of trees and wonders
Leaving me searching and wondering
How to regain my trust
Until then they would never believe me
Even though I say the truth.


©Hansmind, 2015
My first ever poem.
The beginning of history as it is now.
Poet kiri Jul 2015
Am not just saying
But sharing .

I share a reason
With one
And many
A similarity
With those whom
Understand / understood.

Patience has a measuring
That can get you drunk
Within this cup,
Thus mugged along the rims
Of the stars you see now
In a parallel world
not much a far.

That the silence
Whistles a song
To the wind,
In a room
Barren of life.

Another round
Waiter, waiter
A-weight  my order.

Am getting tipsy
As a song plays back
My I-tunes
I don’t play around with numbers
As nine, eight, seven
Fear ran along
The murderous number line
Revenge was 7 (seven) letters exact.

As My measuring cup
Was to full too
Rely on a detective ,
As human rights laughed away a pun
The digits playing with us now
As the digits kicked up cost of death to the human race.

Am still in a pickle
About the one
After one short year
I fell ill/short of perfection,
So I thank a sin
For as  culture needed a place
In the universe to settle
For the decade.

A-weight  the
Burden of the cups
Full of tips,
Yet mine tips
On the edge of the margin

To the likes
Of inspiration,
They too have lived
On the top of the
Edge balancing a-weight.

©Hansmind, 2015
It is a poem that is part of my poem collection STATUS RATED R.
Enjoy my first poem to be posted on the internet ever may their be more .
Please leave a comment .
Poet kiri Apr 2018
May you let me READ ALOUD to your soul.
Trust me
So we can find love
And share the mirror
I see through
For it is never a hawkers game
A key to the many that
Let's us be one for eternity
For a white lie
Isn't strong enough
To win a game of poker against it                                                                          

Where's your mind
When beauty is your agenda
Or was the cover of the book too
great to read on the suspense
That now laughs aloud in your conscious
At you.
READ ALOUD may I continue
Or is this such
Of the many tales
You read  as a child
That let life blind you
With all its folds.
If so let me correct you
As I now
READ ALOUD mine to you.
With the simplest of  words
That I would like to read a book
Of many genres
I will love and
Forever think of for eternity  (life at death)
And write one back that you will too
Kicking fiction off the shelves
With a bestseller
Which we will read to the joy of our hearts
and one day we shall tell the story
Beyond us and this bubble of a wall.
As it will be in the best of cursive
Furthermore a script
That makes fantasy
Think twice before writing itself.
And end with THE END.


©Hansmind, 2015.
Hello, I hope you are all well.
I would like thank you for the continuous support from the community, I am really great full for all the comments and likes.

Please feel free to comment and CRITIC THE POEM.

keep an eye out soon for more and new coming soon. :)

This poem belongs to the collection STATUS RATED R.
Poet kiri Jan 2016
Doctor , doctor
I got a knife
Through the back of
My heart

I seek for advice
Yet you hand me
A prescription
Written revenge

That the pharmacy
Is selling over the counter
A pill I seemed to have overdosed on.

I swear I could
Hear my unconscious
Shout STOP
Enough is enough
As it regained conscious.

Yet one pill
Is all I took.

Coming back for an alternative
That could help me
Deal with my victims haunting
Whose case is now the living dead.

while my pain
Became guilty
Thus your prescription
Received a judgment
From the law.

I stand in a box
Behind bars
With an addiction
So sweet you could
Taste the sour bits.  (Vice versa)

As I thought outside the box
Floating along the Mediterranean

What else could you
Prescribe for I the being
Whose love is over diluted
And depression  is a trending disease
And all that you are meant
To make feel better.

My story
Is now your study
As you google through books
For a diagnosis.

©Hansmind, 2016
Hello, and a happy new year to all.
Thank you for your continues support.
Thank you.
(belong to poem collection STATUS RATED R.)
Poet kiri Aug 2015

United we should stand
Up and down
The top peak of the hills
Under  the deep blue seas and oceans.

Lets open our eyes
Followers we have become
Morals we lack
Even the blind have a strong stand to live by,
United we should be
A  chance of change and support
The bright light is the key to our success
Oh close it is  from our reach
The right choice at our control
Clearly we will see.

REFRAIN :verse one

Divided amongst ourselves,
War we create amongst ourselves,
The innocent suffer in fear
To an agreement should we come
For the peace we cry for daily
Our minds we can control
Lost they are in the misleading
Lacking the creativity and brilliance
To build a better world of peace.


Lead by the unwanted in society,
Corrupt we let rule our lives  
The  right and brilliant we reject
For  the truth we all refuse to accept
But live a life of lies and torment
Hardworking we all will be and can
shortcuts we run for to succeed
Only to regret the consequences in the future
We corrupt our future
Refuse to a change
For the morals and civilization of the civilized
We need to build.


©Hansmind, 2015
Thank You and enjoy.
Part two coming soon.
Stay turned.
Poet kiri Mar 2018
I don’t see
The meaning of hate
If  X is part of
The alphabet
While Y is the
Question that follows after
As A,B,C,D,E
Are the multiple choices
You got out at sea
When team Q , aRe
S, T and U
While M is the                                                              ­            
First set of twins
Cloned from N
Thus V and W
Followed the trend.
Well the sky
Seems to be the limit
For K,L and M
As I is for I
And I alone (I am the being).
Although I got a thing for Q
Thus Z played a
A clever game
Zipping up the show
For the audience
F,G,H,J, O and P
Pleased from the performance.

©Hansmind, 2018
Hello, I hope you are all well.
I would like thank you for the support this year, I am really greatfull for all the comments and likes.


                  Thank you.

         #STATUS RATED R.
Poet kiri Aug 2015

Open your eyes it's much safer
Before walking to a ditch deep
As the depth of hell
The world is not a horror
It is for we make it one
Put on your torches
And light your way out

The smallest of situations
Lead us to fear
Back to the dark
And in the ditch we go

Each lesson is a mark
And step to mature
The needle and thread
Never mends the broken heart
The pieces missing do
Put back to their spaces

That whistle endless with the wind
As it passes swiftly through
Judging us as heartless
And empty bottle *******

Ignorance and neglect we walk with
As for we cannot see it
For we refuse to open our eyes
Neither follow the light
At the end of the dark
Out of the fear
Of failure and understanding
Of the misjudged world

Hard to accept the truth
From the ones who see
In the dark we build a
World of imagination
Only to find we cannot
Co-op with the world
As our corpses
Are closed into darkness
For an eternity
Unable to fight out of the dark
As the light fades away
And wish we grabbed the chance
To success


©Hansmind, 2015
PART TWO  as promised. a continuation of part one. Plus a special thanks to all viewers and enjoy the poem and Thank you.
Poet kiri Dec 2017
They said,
I live amongst the unseen,
I run wild like a gray cloud
That rains sunshine
And hope under the storm
That a mob could cook up,
But the smell only tickles from the chimney top.

They call them the cowards and humble
Who live like flowers that blossom to pieces
Left, to ripe and continue to flow the cycle.
My existence was just but human,
Full of lust like a desire to have the thigh of a chicken
So tender I knew what love was not,
I saw a vision to a time I tell you.
Existed to feel the blood only pump through my veins
With no will to testify,
I lived amongst the disturbed and unseen
I was displaced in the odds of the truth of life you could not get a glimpse of.
The color of an apple is nor dripping red, like *** on the edge on a hot chilly night
Because I was just but human to the point
It was indeed.

As my father once told me
Fear is a friend while hate is a story,
Concur your weight and curve the other to your imagination
And see like the rest
Be the coward like the snakes that slither
Around you like emblems they desire,
Humble yourself to the sky
For there is no limit and soar like the wind for
You’re not the bird that follows but
Understands that life could be history
And you will forever be

1000 Signatures.
Poet Kiri.

©Hansmind, 2017
Hello, I hope you are all well.
I would like to wish you all a Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year.
Thank you for the support this year , I am really grateful for all the comments and likes.

Poet kiri Mar 2018
I have been thinking
What would it be like to know the truth?
What would you do about the truth?
What would you describe it as?
What if I told you the truth?
That the truth is more than one.
How curious are you to know?
Would you handle it if it was ugly
And made YOU look like it?
Would you still be ready to know the rest
Only would you recall that its hard to accept
And easy for all to see
But prefer the darkness better to trust it.
Your running away
far away from what is our aid
Take your TIME but not to long
Your in a race against it.
Are you ready
Either strong to handle it
Quick to overcome it
Or tumble down to the pit
For its the ugly truth.
To the truth
We are a novel
A new one each step we take
An open book
As it may see.
But to us the truth
Is a whole big question
A mysterious myth only
Few have faced in reality.
What is the ugly truth
May it be that we are all in the dark
Unaware of the ones next to us
Or is it that death  walks right in front of us
But none can see it.
Many say the truth
Is the light
But would you believe them
If you sat down and
Saw the other side of it
Only to find out it walks with misery
In the dark as the light we seek.
We've been living a lie
A lie so big that
Our minds run of imagination
And nightmares of the future
We are not safe
Buts it's too late
It’s a revelation, a revelation of our kind.
We choose to follow
Than stand unique
Divided amongst many
Unity was brutally murdered
Trust no longer exist between true blood
That the word blind no longer describes us.
But yet the ugly truth
Holds more than we can see
And imagine
It's time to face it
Fast faster than time will lapse
And save the future.

©Hansmind, 2014
Hello, I hope you are all well.
I would like thank you for the support this year, I am really great full for all the comments and likes.

Please feel free to comment and CRITIC THE POEM.


      Thank you.
Poet kiri Mar 2022


I have returned from the seeker,
The oracle that sees all.

I have seen my life,


What a life I tell you, of a  young man named Kiri has lived, seen and experienced.

Though he advised that I  must deliver these messages to you,

In order of the actions I took,

I believe truly the universe has secrets to tell.


I have been running baba,

Running backwards as is my nature,

To the point I have grown eyes in the back of my head that see, my family, my friends, my lover , angels and seek my enemies and seen the knives that have struck my spine to the core of my heart on this path I walk facing the past and clearly seeing the future.

Some have called me “stupid”, for walking backwards yet I see forward and always arrive where I am supposed to be.

Others , have called me a “snake”, yet I question don’t you have to be a snake yourself to recognize one yourself, or is it that my loyalty has been to you and no one else but my creator.

Though I must say they have been meals to themselves, and tasted their own karma on their scales.

Many have called me a “thing”,
A compliment only nature can/has accepted

And some seek to know why I speak a foreign language in this global village,
Yet their eyes drip of pain, fear and disgust that I know who and what they really are.

Baba, it’s important we acknowledge

We are of the same seed, and tree

before our journey takes on different paths,

I must share the messages that seeks to tell of our ancestry and the branches that hold the leaves together, before the arrival of winter.

In a world where man mirrors man
And history never repeats itself, but man does.
And under this very sun, nothing new has existed
Since the discovery of the 10,000 things in the way of Tao in the East and its death in western culture.
Your confidence is a facade of “incomplete equations”

(RIP master Tzu)

I chant my chant as I walk backwards 88 steps and feel the vibrations of this universe and it’s doom, if we make no change.

What a life I tell you, of a young man named kiri has lived, seen and experienced.



The seeker commends our strength and acceptance of its existence

Even though

I have asked myself, why?
Now I seek to know when.

Truly “I am just but human”

And through you,

I have learnt to welcome death and enjoy a dance with her before my last step, strength, rhythm and rhyme are lost in this simulation, that quotes Jesus feet.

I must say it was a beautiful dance.

Though Baba, I must ask

Why is it I have lived through this pain,

Faced death in the eyes a million times,

And through the soul of darkness I have seen the light.

Is the journey ahead serving another 25 to life in this simulation the true light,

Yet the artificial lights  blinded me like the men in the cave

to busy in the art of betrayal to see who they are really at war with?

I have died before, and a million times over, and the man I stand as today, Baba

I see the beauty in death and the pain in this simulation,

How peaceful it is to be among the stars having known I have served my purpose

And ready to shine in the light of darkness,

What a life I tell you, of a young man named kiri has lived, seen and experienced.


You are a fool my son and you have shamed me in this global village, I am disappointed in you.  Don’t you know your commandments.

“ Children honour your creator, in times of love, pain, death , suffering, and abandonment, no questions asked” (Baba)


You fool I am your creator, and as I brought in this world I shall take you out with the knifes dangling through your back


I met an old lady on the path home,

She warned me of the doom that awaits a head and as I ran from her she chased me with a mob,

What did she want, she probably recognised your foolishness(Baba)

Her chant was faint but chilling,

“A stolen soul, will haunt you forever. until returned home, you will be in a prison of betrayal, snakes and darkness."

Whats so chilling about that, you little wimp (Baba)

I turned and saw my back was stuck to a tree of thorns that slithered and planted their spikes on every inch of my body.

And when I awoke the old lady was gone,

Yet her chant rang loud in the mist of the fog.


What a life I tell you, of a young man named kiri has lived, seen and experienced.

Who the hell is kiri, whose name is that? (Baba)



Are you done wasting my time, did the mail man give you any mail for me.(Baba)

Yes, Baba

Here it is!

Read it to me, I cannot see in this room full of darkness.(Baba)

The first letter,  is from your friend in Israel “Samson”.

He is writing to you to inform you that he cannot live any longer with the guilt that eats him alive every day.

He knows a secret that can tear apart the fabric of your simulated illusion.

He is facing justice for his actions and before  you go your separate ways he wishes to let you know….

He is sorry and that two of your many children are his , he is the intruder in the night who

Stole the heart of mama and why she has never loved you since and never has.  

You will always be her audience in the darkness as she puppets the simulated illusion you call life.

He will be facing a judge tomorrow and getting his sentence for a “prescription written revenge”.

You will meet in another life.

Yours truly
Samson from Israel.

What a life I tell you my Son. I must find these intruders and chase them from my home. (Baba)


What does the second letter say, read it out loud quick I have to pack my luggage and leave this place and handle my affairs, I am no fool.
I am a confident total man. (Baba)

Are you sure you want me to continue, Baba?

Yes you fool, you could even be the intruder in my house and I am entertaining you, haven’t you ever heard the saying “**** the messenger”. I am your creator you fool, obey me or Die (Baba)

Yet I am the “Poetic Mirror” of you.

Read the second letter you ******* (Baba)

The second letter is from the receptionist who likes you at the hospital “Joy”

She is writing to you to tell you of a dream she had of you,

She says that she couldn’t sleep because her heart will be broken if you leave her for she has an eye not visible to mortals and wings that keep her in the clouds when she thinks, sees anything and all about you.

Her dream was of your demise,(your death)

And she is worried it will come to be,

She dreamt you had stollen a young , beautiful and innocent soul and killed it before offering a sacrifice to the Creators.

Your death was long and tiresome as you ran from the mob that was relentless to end you.

Your demise was the end of the power and foundation of a home you so badly wanted.

She warns that Mama is not your lover but the master of the illusion in this simulation you call life.

She would like to invite you to her home for an evening meal and be delighted to have your company over for a cup of coffee, maybe she could stop your demise before the cycle repeats itself and bring light and balance to it.

Yours truly,
Joy the receptionist from the hospital.


I need to pack and leave immediately my son, we will meet once I return. (Baba)



What (Baba)

Take me with you on this journey for the seeker told me of your fate.

Tell me Baba,

What is the story of our ancestry,

I must know you Baba,

For you are me and I am you

We are of the same seed and tree

That was forbidden, yet the universe had a purpose for us.

Let me save you and show my gratitude to my ancestors

For the gifts of life and repay our debt to the creators

As we are men who never betray ourselves for nothing,

But betray ourselves to rise above from the ashes

For we “no longer abide by the bell”

Before the universe sets our paths apart,

In this mortal world.

Lets go my son(Baba)


My son,

As we walk backwards in this journey,

You must remember,….

You will be a king,

And as a king does, you must learn,

In this simulated game of chess called life,

The universe is the master and Mother Nature the teacher,

You must learn to loose, you must learn to win, and you must learn to evolve or die.

A man is his tools and his knowledge his power,

With out one the other is useless.

It is as beautiful as it is ugly,

And “rules will be broken”

But “today”

Be the water bearer you are

And love & cry, learn & fail , smile & frown,

Though in the mist of these 10, 000 illusions,


In the way of the Tao, nothing is ever permanent

Change is a process

And you are the key.

Just like the universe and Mother Nature,

One needs the other.

This simulation is an endless cycle of premiered illusions on repeat,

Look for the angels among us, and in between the lines you read,
you will find the “ugly truth”.

I Love you my son, forgive me for my actions

I am proud of the man you have become,

I must go now, we shall meet when I return.

Thank the oracle for me and tell Joy I would be glad to have dinner with her once I return.

Thank you Baba, I love you too Baba, and I forgive you

I look forward to hearing the tales of your journey through the universe.


©Hansmind, 2022.
Hello, I hope you are all well and moving forward in your life to create a better you each day and over coming the pandemic.

My deepest Condolences to all the people who lost family , friends and loved ones during the pandemic.

I would like to thank you for the continuous support from the community, I am really great full for all the comments and likes.

Please feel free to comment and CRITIC THE POEM.

This poem belongs to the collection "The Life Of A Young Man Named Kiri".

Poet kiri Dec 2019
If I found I,
Then who are you?

If I found my demons,
then where are my scars?

If my Eyes are the window to my soul,
then where are the blinds, to keep my house in order.

I know a story of a master
who let his servant rule his estate,
now he is a prisoner in a dungeon
of his making, a servant to the servant.

one needs another
yet another needs one.

Its chaos, chaos,  peace, chaos.
what a lovely tune, in working sync with life. 
I had a childhood friend
once upon a time,
He found his peace in the dark
I found mine in illusions
what can I say my imagination
was of his doing....

I am now an empty canvas staring back at one myself.
I wonder if he is still alive,
I could use his wisdom right about now.

I am a man of my word,
And I plan to play God,
Because I am.
I know history hasn't been kind to my kind
But it's called playing/being Professional.

It's a facade

Hello, I hope you are all well and making moves forward in life to create a better you each day.
I would like to thank you for the continuous support from the community, I am really great full for all the comments and likes.

Please feel free to comment and CRITIC THE POEM.

This poem belongs to the collection Seasoned Thoughts.

Poet kiri Mar 2022
I betrayed myself,

I stand grounded in chains 10x my weight not knowing what the judgment will be

What a life I tell you of a young man named Kiri has lived, seen and experienced.

I betrayed my ancestors,

For I was certain I was to be with them soon,

Though this simulation seems to want to add another 25 to life to my sentence,

How heavy of a debt is betrayal to yourself and those in the life before, now and the spirit planes.

A Genie granted my first wish of peace, success, growth, positive blessing and wealth in abundance in all aspects of
My life for me, my wife, my family and those who impacted our lives in positive and healthy ways.

For I now have two left

I hope that the judge sees my innocence and grants me my freedom to be me and true to myself.

For I must deliver a message (warning) to my creator of his death before we part ways in this life

As Socrates once said during breakfast where I couldn’t help but listen in before his last sip “Make your Ideal a reality or slightly preferable your reality ideal”

For this life is full of uncertainties, and on this ground which I feel the vibrations of all,
And the light shine through the other side breaking the walls of the universe,

My betrayal is what eats and taunts my soul,

For I betrayed myself for belonging, for family, for love, for friendship, for enemies and for the this simulation I called my world

I should have answered the call of the stars earlier and joined my ancestors in spirit planes

What a life I tell you this young man named Kiri has lived, seen and experienced

I am ready to pay the price and give this endless cycle a new life, under the sun that has evolved and changed but never offered anything new but the illusion of it.

Justice is karmas favorite nephew

Even to the innocent,

You are the light that they refused to accept and cursed you the black sheep,
As they Sat in the Darkness in Awe of the delusion this simulation premiered in repeat,

Unaware of the cage,  inside a cage.

What are you responsible for?

In this simulated game of chess ♟


©Hansmind, 2022.


To: My Ancestors,

       I seek your forgiveness and guidance in this life, for I may live to immortalize you for the growth and success of our families, Children, future generations and those who need our help in this simulation.

        I am sorry I betrayed you 🙏🏾.

Yours Truly;
A young man named Kiri
Hello, I hope you are all well and moving  forward in your life to create a better you each day and over coming the pandemic.
I would like to thank you for the continuous support from the community, I am really great full for all the comments and likes.

Please feel free to comment and CRITIC THE POEM.

This poem belongs to the collection "The Life Of A Young Man Named Kiri".

Poet kiri Mar 2022
Memento Mori

The simulation is as beautiful as it is ugly,

The beauty of talking to yourself is that you know the pieces on the board.

The terror of knowing a man’s death and it’s connection to you, tears you to pieces, because your words could be the end.

Knowing you should be dead is understanding that your queen could be your Delilah

And your Achilles heel, yourself,

What is yours will always be yours

Know your worth.

And check mate yourself always my son,

That’s the life of a young man know as Kiri

And just like Clark Kent doesn’t tell everybody he’s Superman, remember nobody knows Superman is a man known as a Clark.

The universe is bound to balance the simulation,

In this game check mate yourself and know you know nothing of who you are until you see your face at the base of a *** of boiling water.

Then…will you understand to the core of your heart who & what you are.

Pick your poison, ascend to the stars and shine for a millennium or to the depth of the ocean where the souls lost in the this cycle of the simulation drown there screams in sorrow of the never ending torment. The choice is yours, unless you are the black sheep .

Let’s play Chess son,

Your life depends on it.



©Hansmind, 2022.
Hello, I hope you are all well and moving  forward in your life to create a better you each day and over coming the pandemic.
I would like to thank you for the continuous support from the community, I am really great full for all the comments and likes.

Please feel free to comment and CRITIC THE POEM.

This poem belongs to the collection "The Life Of A Young Man Named Kiri".


— The End —