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The Good Pussy Sep 2014
                            ****  ****
                        **** **** ****
                       ****  ****  ****
                **** ****           **** ****
            fuckfuckfuck    fuckfuckfuck
           **** **** ****   **** **** ****
                **** ****           **** ****
Z Mar 2013
oh, hello there,
you can call me, the master of the **** ups.
the leader of the young bucks,
who strikes the streets with bad luck.
who's always up for a quick ****,
a little nip/tuck,
you feel like you belong?
welcome to the world,
now you're stuck.

you should have stayed home,
in your warm bed,
with the pillows cuddling,
your fragile head.
where in your dreams you can see,
whatever you want them to be,
trust me, kid,
you don't want to end up like me.

you can call me the spinner of dark rhymes,
on my down time,
i like to write lines,
that can help define,
the chaotic thoughts,
of a twisted mind.

i don't like this,
or where it's going,
my rhyme's don't seem,
to be flowing.

i guess i'll go now,
never knowing,
what'd it'd be like,
if i kept
I don’t need all this ****** ****.  *******. **** elegance. **** arrogance. **** your infinitely vast reserve of information ultimately leading to information that already existed elsewhere and is already being over-looked, ignored, or forgotten by the hopelessly absorbent reader.  **** what you think. **** what you believe. You’ll end up thinking in circles, cooking up what you’ve already thought, but this time in a different flavor.  And you’ll believe the next person who makes eye contact with you for longer than 15 seconds at a time.  **** your pen-pals.  Update your status on a personal basis because if only 3 people care then what the **** do you care what the other 697 believe? ******* all. I ******* hate you.  A bunch of snot-nosed-screaming-and-kicking-malignant-*******-tumors spreading ignorant ******* rumors.  **** your fear. **** your ******* plague that spreads nearly as quickly and in no way as apparently as the oil in our water. **** oil. **** assurances and insurances, you’re all liable to be unreliable.  We’re all ******* lie-able and don’t waste half a second proving that. **** what you hear, **** what you wear, **** what you think is right, and especially what you find to be fair.  **** every part of your own body to purge the incessant urge you have to **** every one elses’ with your ever-inflamed-self-absorbing-*******-convulsions.  **** Me, *******, **** Yourself.
Morgan Jan 2014
i took the metal out of my face
but i couldnt carve the art out of my skin

i took the words and swallowed them
but i couldnt stop the thoughts from

i lit a cigarette
but never smoked it
you said
you can take the
tobacco out of your
hands but not
the tar from your lungs

i looked in the mirror
so filled with regret
i felt it spilling out
of my pores
pulled the covers
over my face for days
woke up
and was the same

nothing good ever
i have a headache
that won't *******
go away
Kasey osvirecic Mar 2014
I never believed in love
It was fiction
Because it only existed in fiction

My parents were great parents
But that’s all they were
The hollow title of husband and wife
They were parents
They were not lovers

My grandparents were different
They held hands often
He held the door for her
She laughed at his jokes

But they fell in love ages ago
Before society was corrupt
When chivalry existed
Doors were held
Hands were held
Hearts were held

Now doors are slammed
Hands are clasped tight in each other
Praying for a miracle
Hearts are broken

Until you, who held the door
My miracle
"Prayers" suddenly answered
Mending my broken heart

I believe in love
It is real
Because it exists in me and you.
brian car Jul 2016
Sitting in a café waiting t̶o̶ ̶d̶(̶l̶i̶v̶e̶)̶i̶e̶. There is dogfood art on the wall and I’ve got nice coffee from a barista [Barbie] with tattoos. Pull in one [a(?)] direction already. Like a kite in a park with no kid attached. Gone, going, past. Compliments are t̶o̶o̶ ̶c̶h̶e̶a̶p̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶f̶e̶e̶l̶  valuable these days. “All the girls drink for free.”

“****. ****. FuckFuckFuck.”

*******. Drink your sweet, dark-cherry stained lips. Dead eyes masked in mascara masquerading as more. “Bought with bourbon and goes down easy.”

Commodify, objectify, consume. Transactional romance drives a BMW.
John Carpentier Jun 2013
Good morning my dears.
Good morning.
Do not rush to rise,
breakfast will wait a few sleepy seconds.

Come forward; grab a bite.
No, not of me, thank you.
Play nice.
Take a chew toy, we have time to play
with friends.

Please stop nuzzling.
No cuddling.
No purring.
No licking.
No tail-wagging, please.
stop loving me.
Just eat.

Eat more. Crunch as much kibble as your hearts desire, even if
your stomach protests. Enjoy.

No don't play with me.
Frolic with your real friends.
Go and eat and play and love and live and
Back to bed everyone.
Lights out.
Farewell for now.
                                    no.                 stop whining.            stop. stop.
never be distraught by my departure.

Good morning my dears.
Good morning.
Do not rush to rise,
the day will keep a moment more.

Please, do not rush to me.
take your time
slow down i'm begging--

This way, friends.
No, we play in another room today.
stop trusting me please.
This way. Through here.

Yes, everyone into the cage.
Hold on, I cannot play with everyone at once.
please stop fighting for my affection.
no don't come to me please. no.
not you. don't--
Very well. Let's go play.

No, I'll carry you.
stop purring please
your love is lost with me.
Onto the table.
Everything's going to be fine.
Everything is--


It's what you think it is.
run please.
claw away from me.
resist me i'm begging you.
i'm begging you
i'm begging you
**** me **** me **** **** fuckfuckfuck

fight me.
do anything but give up.
do anything but burn into me with those sad, shiny little emerald eyes
and stab into me with wisps of wilted innocent love.
Such simple beauty is wasted on me.
It brings me pain where there should be pleasure.
See how lost I am.

at least show me
you hate me.
let me at least be innocent
of betrayal.
give me one crime to not be party to.

Don't be sad little love.
This is just another sleep.
Your soul is safer than mine.
Huda Aug 2015
-Could I, should I? I won't, defiantly not.
-I'm missing something, probably missing that one person but no defiantly not.
-I need a cigarette, lots of cigarettes.
-it's too cold, it feels nice.
-I'm not lost, I'm home. You're home. We're home, I think.. We'll reach there.
-Don't try, it's not worth the effort.
-it's not your fault, it mostly is but at least not completely. Please believe that.
-You look crazy, take a sip of something.
-Wasted youth? Blekh
-Do you believe that we have our own scents? Just like flowers, and just like flowers I want a pretty color to be. I think I hate flowers sometimes, only a bit. No I don't hate flowers, I like them more than humans so yeah, no. I like flowers, I love orchids.
-Think, think, think of the happiest things it's the same as having wings. Not quite.
-What you fear is probably what you're going to lose, fear that. Fear less, fearless.
-don't talk, it'll come out as nonsense and just be annoying noise to them.
-don't, don't go there. Oh ****.
harlee kae Sep 2014
some days i convince myself that i'm completely fine. and others all i do is stare into space thinking fuckfuckfuck and trying not to cry.
some nights i fall asleep peacefully as soon as my head hits the pillow. and others i can't force my eyes to shut for the tears streaming out.
sometimes i tell myself i dont need you at all. others i tell myself the truth.
Sky Jan 2015
Look, I’m gonna get straight to the point

see, I’ve been missing you for a while now 

and you know, it’s not the kind that makes me just wish you were here but the kind that drags me to my knees begging for breath, or to just stop it 

I don’t know man, you really ****** me up 

I’m having no luck w living this life w out you 

And tbh I don’t really want to

So could you stop being a lil ***** and kiss my neck again? 

I pray to ******* god, & I swear I don’t even believe in him, that you come back

I’m not sure if you meant to leave me to drown but you sure as hell did 

I’m trying not to remember but youre not exactly easy to forget

Especially the nights we drove in the car for hours and listened to music

I’d turn it up, you’d turn it down & then the talking would start 

And ****, I me..i know, we were never together but we were ******* something, weren’t we?

It’s gotten so bad that I’ve leaked a few words to my mother 
& relapsed w cutting 

******* you, ya lil ****** 
Fuckfuckfuck I can’t stop thinking about your stupid little laugh that I swear to Jesus Christ patched a tiny hole in my heart
I’m sorry this should be beautiful but honestly there’s nothing beautiful about you tearing me apart

How am I dying & you didn’t even flinch?
This isn't a poem at all..just needed to get it out there
nevaeh Jan 2021

you know
six years ago
i was a freak
a ******

but then you got ****** up too
and now i can be cool

**** that
you made me what i am
i wont change for you

when i die
im dying a freak
a ******

a dead loser
with your heart
**** i am high as *****

— The End —