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Huda Nov 2023
The hopeless romantic in me said her goodbyes
we're parting ways
we're sharing our last gaze
We lived it together
surrounded by heathens
and as light as a feather
as hard as logical reasons
We lived it together
They were feeling the pressure
While we're treasuring the treasure
She's being gentle by leaving me to a bittersweet reality
But a one that I could share with other
A one where there's place for others
A hopeful realist is born
She's taking her place
for space of normality
Huda May 2022
أستمع لأغنية تذكرني بماضي انتهى
بماضينا الذي انتهى
بقصتنا التي انتهت
بحب حاولنا انقاذه و انتهى
و لا تفاسير للشعور الذي يعتريني
كأنه لم ينتهي..
خسرت روحي روحك قبل ان يخسر جسدي جسدك
فما هذا الشعور الذي يعتريني حين أستمع لهذه الكلمات؟
و ليس من المفترض ان اكتب ما اكتبه
لأني موقنة اننا وجدنا انفسنا حين خسرنا بعض
لكنه شعور لم ينتهي
ان قرئت ما كتبت
هذا ليس عني و عنك
ليس هناك انا و انت
هذا للشعور الغريب
المؤكد انه سينتهي
تمنيا ان يهجرني
Huda Dec 2020
و حين بدأت رحلة البحث على نفسي، وجدك راحلا
و حينما احلم في منامي ويقظتي أجدك راحلا
و حين اقبل عيناك و امسك وجهك بين كفاي، أجدك راحلا
و حين تمر رجفة بعظامي وارى نفسي تبحث خارج جسدي، اجدك راحلا
و حين تهدأ العاصفه و يصمت الوجود و تشرق شمسي محبة، أجدك راحلا
و حين أجد نفسي.. أجدك راحلاً
و نفسي لا تشتهي نفساً ان تفخر الا ذاك الراحلَ
Huda Oct 2020
المحبين التائهين بين الشك و اليقين
Huda Jun 2020
Let me tell you one thing they don't teach you, and why they couldn't teach you about it.
you'll find yourself at places in life where nothing makes sense, and no words can make truth out of it.
You will go crazy, specially thinking that no way in ******* hell that you're the first person to feel this.
I know you did everything right.
I know you can put it into words.
But let me tell you that lots have tried but all have failed.
That's why it's never on movies, nor music or poetry.
No one can answer your questions, this is only yours, and to each has their own as well.
Every person has a crazy side that no one dares to talk about.
When you're in a point of life where you need to fuel more of reality then daydreams, it's time to grow.
And it's going to hurt, but you have to shed and cut of parts of you so new ones can grow.
You're going to cry.. A lot!
And there's no shame of it, the strongest mountain would fall to dust if it was effected with what you're going through.
And as big as it feels on your chest, as heavy on your back, it's going to be better, the weight shall fall, but very, very slowly.
So you have to hang in there.
Please don't take these words lightly.
And listen for the good life that's coming ahead.
Don't get me wrong, it does not get easier, not at all,
but you will be evolved and when that time comes..
I promise you that it hurts less.
Take it in before you let it go.
Huda May 2020
Tell them everything before they step in, every story that had a part of you gone, every story that keeps you going, and every ******* flaw.
Because if they know you're made out of wood and stones, they wouldn't dare to set a bonfire, or would they? Is this why my sister kept telling me not to show anyone my weaknesses? Tell me is this why? Is it why you set the bonfire?
What's the point of words then, they are definitely louder than actions, and oh yes, actions can be as untruthful as words.
And if they knew that you can't swim and the ocean triggers you, would they take you to an island? or an aquarium?
If they knew you only lived in the fantasy world, would they wake you up from a nightmare?
If they knew your words always, always fail you when you're upset, would they take all your words for granted?
I stand here with my crooked smile with one last denial card in my pocket, failing myself one last time.
"Don't show/tell them your weaknesses"
Huda May 2020
اراقب الفضاء الذي يحوم حولنا و أراه يتمدد ببطء
و اتمدد و اتمزق و أتوجع لكني انفسح و اتوسع..
يعتريني شعور ان ما احس به لا ارض له لا جاذبيه لكن شعور يتلذذ بأسفل البطن لا يمكن أن يخطأ
أنتظر الشمس بعد كل فجر لعل هنالك وعد مسموع
أتذكرك قبل المنام و تأخذني لأرض الشواطئ
"مفتاحك هو أن لا تتوقفين عن المضي."
لا معنى لتفاسير الواقع
لا صديق للوجه الضائع
لا ام للروح الضائعه
اذا حقا مضيت، لا معنى للذكريات
"تخلصي من كل هدية تألم، كل رسالة خط يدي بها يجرحك، لعنة الصور لا تمحى حتى تُحرق"
و تلمس أطراف قدماي الأرض و يتقشعر جسمي من دفئ الأرض و تبتسم شفتاي و أشم الياسمين و ارى جماله و اتذكر عيناك التي تبرق بزنابق الماء و احس بمفتاح بين كفاي و احتفظ بالرسائل، احتفظ بالذكريات، احتفظ بك بمكان لا يغرق، و أغلق الباب
لسخرية القدر و لصحتنا العقليه
لقد تركت المفتاح تحت نبتة بابك الخلفي..
فسأنتظر بعد كل شمس تنطفئ
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