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Julie Robbins Jul 2010
Tears fall to the ground,
She wonders
How did I get like this
Why did i let myself fall,
Her old ways
Settling in,
Her guilty pleasures
Wanting to take control
The pills call her name,
The razor fits so perfectly
In her hands,
The sick
Happy feeling that she gets
At the sight of her blood,
And the tingling sensation
She feels as the pills set in,
She gets shaky
Just thinking about it,
Wondering if she will have the strength
To stop it before it even starts.
M Eastman Mar 2015
Layed on the floor
breathing was shallow
too weak to have more
and flustrated about it
I am empty as the page that sits befor the flustrated poet.
Pain trapped in heart without words to put to pen.
Shaking cold knowing full well my time has passed as swiftly
as train through a midnight so very clear.

The road behind me I can longer recall.
Faces and places shallow as a drying river bed.
Life has taught me to put up wall.

Stolen moments from a welcome barstool.
One of many jesters in this fools
kingdom I do rule.

The clock of my life grows closer
to closing time.

When walk out that door it's left to others to recall.
reflect in the thoose smokey dark corners.
How many of you ever did know me at all.

Thinking of times never had.
Missing friendships that never were.
To fail means at least you did try.
The road never ends so why must I?

— The End —