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lachrymose Oct 2014
the sky is gray and so are your eyes.
the rose you gave me is as red as the tip of your nose in the winter
and the blue ocean waves are the same color as the veins in your hands.
your eyes flicker like the flame of a candle when you're angry.
i remember how i felt when you first held my hand every time i put on a sweater fresh out of the dryer
or when i take the first sweet sip of my morning coffee.
i remember listening to the wayward beat of your heart as we snuggled
and the rain fell outside.
i see your face when i wring my hands and i
hear your voice in my dreams.
i see you in everything. i must be falling for you.
the thought of you leaving makes my stomach hit rock bottom.
seth Apr 2016
is better than going to a fancy restaurant, or a party of people we don’t know

it’s better than commutes on the train with you,

or walking in the rain with you

partly because when your eyes are closed you look so at peace

partly because of your even breathing,

partly because of your love for big sweatshirts

partly because of our intertwined hands passing warmth between us.

It is hard to believe when I’m with you that time exsists at all

that the planet is spinning, and the whole universe is expanding,

and the stars twinkle on the other side of the earth

leaving us so small and weak, laying in the rays of the warm sun

that come streaming through my window

and your chest rising and falling, and you hair spread out on the pillow,

and the dust around us falling more slowly than usual


the tick of the clock, and the sound of still air, and the occasional creak

of the wooden floor doesn’t seem real, and in this house,

in this room, I share with you my sanctuary of silence,

for you are my only grasp on reality, yet you pull me

into the unknown

at the very



I look

at you, and I would rather look at you than all the rock stars in the world

except for maybe The 1975, because their concerts are incredible

but if we went to see them together, I’d have both to enjoy

if I went alone, I’d have fun dancing and singing along,

but I’d rather us be together,

and we’d kiss to the intro of fallingforyou.

I’d rather us be together, I’d rather watch you jump to the beat of the music

and in the comfort of my house, I’d rather watch you twirl around

in my living room to the music in our heads.

or we can just nap together

because taking a nap with you is peaceful, and quiet and soft

and better than everything else

— The End —