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Once upon a time there lived a child
This child had a name, william as his mother has it written
Well this child, much like the winds of the arabian desert, was alone, in a vast land, drifting his way through life, without purpose, and at every corner, there was always someone there, who didnt care about him, who taunted and teased him as though he was a goldfish stuck in a tank, well this child, william, began to lose hope in the end, he turned to bad people who influenced him to do bad things and learn bad skills, william, naive as he was, thought that those people loved him, he was wrong, in only the short span of a year william grew from a lonely boy, to a bad man, at least thats how he saw himself, until one day...this boy drifted around the corner once more with a look of greed in his eyes and saw a beautiful angel, he teased the angel as he saw fit to do by denying her chance to kiss him, pulling away at the last second and making out her romantics to be nothing more than a teenage lust brought on by simple hormones and such of that nature, but...little did he know...this girl had suffered a similar fate at youth as one he had been accustomed to, and she looked at him with unwandering eyes and a sympathy that the boy had never seen before in his life, she showed him kindness that he had never experianced from anybody in his whole life, she, this beautiful angel, with the same hardships and characteristics as he, proposed ice cream, roller skating,  simple,fun things, that made him feel like a child...she looked at him and what she saw was not a bad person in disguise trying to rip apart the world one broken heart at a time, she saw a young child blossoming into a young man right before her very eyes, and she kissed him, and he kissed her...fireworks, a match made in heaven, the boy had never felt love as great as the love he expressed in her company...and he lost the bad guy that was a parasite on his life...and that caused trouble...when he tryed to break up with a girlfriend...a couple actually...there was no truly bad man left in him to break the hearts of 2 young ladys that were a blotch on his perfect white shirt of a life...and even through this difficult task...even through the lies that this young individual weaved, the betrayal, the immence regret...she, the beautiful angel, although heartbroken, stuck by his side, helped him to end it with 2 ladies he didnt have the heart to be rid of, and she held him in her arms, and they cried together, and they loved together...and all of that passed nearly from their memory...but he could never forget, and he will be making it up to her with his eternal love forever, but not because he feels obligated, but because he loves her and he always will, and now that she is going through something in her life, that he cannot help with, he can do nothing but feel helpless...and continue loving her, no matter what

Because she is the only one who has ever loved him for who he really is...for the man he was born as, and so that cuncludes this story, i cant say they lived happily ever after, because honestly, i dont know that they did or that they will, all i know is...he is going to try...i am...going to get her back...because she is the only girl who has ever or will ever understand me and truely love me
Once upon a time, i met an angel
Liliana Sep 2011
The unspoken entity that follows me daily, follows most everyone. Whether it be upon my back, burdoning me with its weight, heavy in emotions and dark thoughts...or at a distance, hidden but felt easily. The darkness....that is the beast's shadow. While its shadow may weigh heavily upon any who fall prey to its feel, the beast itself is a force to be reckoned with. Those that have fought off the beast know that even being in its pressence is the lowest that they have ever found themselves within the depths of their mind. However, those that have only experianced it's shadow, also known as the darkness, know that the beasts shadow is not easily dealt with either. So we must drudge on until we find a moment in which we might escape the beast and it's shadow all together.
Strips of my heart vibrating
Every now and then
Tell me oh stranger
Have you casted a magic spell over me when!!!
Things were much easier
When we were strangers
Windows of my core now started to shatter
Since we shared the flavour of freedom
Watch of my consciousness have lost its array
Strange but true,
It started to travel in a reversed way
Mirror of my mind now refuses to register any other face
Since it have experienced your charming  access
Shades of my anomalism have experianced a mutation
Since you owned my life's possession
Clouds of my eyes even if shifted
Still it wets my cheek
Way back to my existance
Now m turned into fleas
Walking along the lanes of my creativity
Now seems like more easier
Way back to my heart
It feels like more cosier
Tell me oh stranger
What u have done and why
Stolen my heart and left me half way!!!!!!!
Carson Campbell Mar 2019
Poetry is not a hobby
one can practice a hobby
showcase it
compete against others

But poetry can't be forced
No one can just sit and write
without having experianced

There must be feeling or emotion
the distruction of monotony
somthing much more
than just words
on a page.
Vladimir s Krebs Jan 2016
I see threw my eye eyes and every ****** up mistake i have made. life is what makes the truth appear. even every fake identity to hide.  people say to you when your next mistake will cost your own life. i rather be alone so i don't have to think about ever mistakes that make your own self. this world is like a cloud of regrets. theirs no possible to redeem your self to prove this world wrong. society is a regret i feel has no limits only mistakes that plan before hand.

lies on regrets lies all plane lies your own mistakes make you more experianced for the next generations shine
Graff1980 Nov 2017
something in the cold air reeks of emptyiness and deppression. It is as if a dark beast is pursueing me and no matter how fast I run, quick I swerve ve, or smart I am I cannot escape its claws forever. I will be cuaght. I will feel it. Still I know that like the phoenix which explodes from the fire I will rise from the ashes better for the pain I have experianced.

— The End —