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samuel hdz Oct 2013
Its that feeling of impending doom.
All the while thinking, if I try I know I can stop it.
But what if I can't?
Then all of my trying was for nothing. I will have failed knowing that for the life of me I couldn't  stop the enivitable.
I should just go home and wait for the news, so this misfortune doesn't fall on me.
Yet here I am...
******* it!
I tried!
you can't be dead.
I'm sorry.
josh wilbanks Mar 2017
I started smoking to quit my addiction
It's started to feel like my life is fiction
Where do i go to pay my commision?
I'm ready to go i've hit my limit
"What about everything you'll be missin'?"
Everything is born with a single mission
Survival of the fittest and reproduction
No deeper meaning it's how we're written
Earth doesn't need me in this rendition
Over populated and under provisioned
We need to loose a couple in this position
To most death seems so very distan'
Fearing death is like fearing ******'
Eventually you have to go so listen
Enjoy every moment you're given
Life has no meaning so enjoy your visit
Someday we'll all come to a finish
Extinction is enivitable so just go fishin'
Jasmine Aug 2016
When the day comes to an end
And the muscles in my body are relaxed and ready for rest
I no longer have to think of the day ahead
And my brain seeks thoughts of the life I may come to lead
All I can hope is that I find happiness in whatever I do
I know that sadness is enivitable
Whether it be the loss of a loved one
Or, less poingant, a disappointing grade,
I'll know inside there are happier moments to come,
The sadness is temporary, and with effort and positivity,
it will fade
I don't bewail what I've been
All- throughout at darkest moons-
Just like anyone else has its
Ups and downs,
Moderately high and mostly
Are at the lowest state o' mind.
I've been so blissful
Motions-oomphs so eventful
But can't beat the enivitable
That I could ne'er say,
'I invoke this don't befall me.'
 It's part of life that defines who I am.
There's naught in life
And faces many adversities and
Such as my naysayers
Life as I know it, be farther up.
Bewildering as it may seemed
Into God's eye seeing and accounting
What I have lived for
Intermittently the hardest
Intermingled by far steadfastly
Easing out o' dealing with any difficulty
Perplexity is thine an acknowledgement
Thus a realization on a lala land
I’ve reserved and took it in stride.
Unto find out a painstakingly-tackle
Likely, to procure a maze
Where I will have to do
and redecorate stuffs
That I probably don’t deserve.
Everyone calls it the shots
with thy unwanted troubles;
How I approach with it makes
A lot o' differences
between each one of us;
So whatever there is,
ordeal or misfortunes,
Lonesomeness to a love's eye
Why am looking for love?
Why am keep on searching?
as it may sounds- creepy..
as it may looked like - eerie
Bethink that everything passes;
If grass so withers..
But God ne'er change nor faith
It don't and nothing changed
Just because I couldn't handle the stress.
However, I am proud of all any blossom
I have made what I sow
and I'm here to show
people like me -does get better,
and also able to talk not a hater
on my bad days
and good days
Yea,  I know there are a lots o' longings
Running hours beneath the blues
In struggle or having a hard times
When my head gets locked
 in a downward spiral mode
And I need someone to pull me out of it.
But independennce made me one out of it
I could be the person who I treasured be,
My episodes will give me the infallible anchor To subsist the life I hanker about.
So will I keep on going ?
Whist will I continue to be
The constancy of change
It may be odd to say,
But it will be okay.
Long road sides to trek
Ah! price is steep and pay
But dare I say...
It is worth the leap of faith
For some reason, God hath promise
Instilled in me that everything passes;
Yet nothing stays.
While the world's conflicts
With my standards
I've also made it through a lot.
Believe me when I say it,
I hate liars
And I don't live in a lie either
But still I've got what it takes
And I can't go on believing lies after lies
all throughout stillness- thoroughfares
Deep down inside are really looking like
 questions and doubts
I ne'er took it straight to the heart...
Just thought of it as two worlds apart.

So it stands right now, that I feel wholeness...
Regardless of the past grievances
 that lives within my soul
Even I pulled it through
Amidst all paradox
That I have been
My family only
Whom I GOT
So far out many foundation I built
Thine earth much stigma to tear us apart
Thou left me to wonder who really cares
Whom I felt so warmth for which I yearned
Benighted tearless nights and days
Hope and pray for peace of mindsets
Thy thine put my heads up for God sakes!
Tyler Dec 2021
we are lonesome
but never alone
a tragic laugh
for us,
as we are
all involved.

their hands hold many voices
through that cultivated labor that is their love.

in harmony with silence and sound.
a council of family amend the enivitable loss in, and of, reality.
an astral scale,
a platinum hourglass,
dancing at its funeral.

their beloved lineages of those chosen for them,
and for those whom they chose.
time really is of no essense in our shared eternity.
and we the leaders bestown
from those gifts of above.

tender kisses and touch prickle the skin.
some memories past:
a special treat. pure sweetness; taste gracious even in defeat.
bubble gum wrapped in black peppered licorice.

blessed with courage
they wait.
eternal patience.
unstoppable greatness.
in hopeful good.
as in their faith reveals,
the child of chance
in us all.
i miss you ana sofia and sofia

you will forever be the hands on my shoulders.
and sorry you fell in love with a poet

— The End —