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Bilal Kaci Nov 2013
I have very little memory of my childhood,
But I do remember grade 3
And a boy who’s name I cannot recall
The class’ clown; making the other children laugh with utter fear,
He was big and stood over me with his shaved head,
You’re a ******* idiot     He whispered tauntingly
You are the dirt on my sneakers
I never really responded to his cutting humor
Except for that cold white after noon
When that eary bell rang with urgency,
And from the corner of my eye I watched
The flocks of children running for the school
Slipping and trampling over each other
Squeezing through the doors,
While janitors buttered the doorway.
We didn’t move.
He slouched over me with his thumbs sticking out of his pockets
His scalp was raw, and cherry red.
I’m going to **** you.
I said it making sure there was enough phlegm in my throat
His face lit up with a ridiculous smile
I am going to ******* **** you
He roared with laughter, and took me by the hair
Then spat in my eye.
And if it wasn’t for my instinct to live, I would’ve stuck him
With the plastic pen I’ve been sharpening for 2 weeks
Instead I tasted the strawberry jam wedged in the crook of my mouth
Along with blood that slowly seeped through the cracks in my lips

Little does he know, I have been plagued with madness
And I will **** him
© 2013 Bilal Kaci (All rights reserved)
Heee Mark I just checked back and saw him while you'll standing in my room still. . . Because the fact of the matter is I dont know where you'll were before to feel you dont have the obligation to get the **** out of this ******* but where I was. I was just checking back like I had to look like it was bugging me that bad as i WAS i CHECKED MY MARKY. Came back went black and came back before I knew I was tainted black and coming back like an apistoval of eary quiver was fornicating on my *** like I was going to die again I saw that **** skirt and I dont know why dickly never got involved so backbefor I knew apistavol is *** fornication and for me to grab it I knew I had to be more down still riding peace so I jank whats up fo you eat baby ***** and they got no he doesnt he listens to brother lynch as I pucked up no up chuck just heave so I come back turn my head into my own little up on two feet hanging out with my ya and if he was here by all means he would be hooking me up right now you wouldnt be here and my next man well I am going to be up still riding peace on all these down riding peace I still have but keep reflecting to that bible I just hooked up and I'll do this again too. andnow I feel like a ******* is watching me so if for instance homie your homies get hooked up over there by my MARKY being really smart on my hes BIG red have a little fun watching me down this pick astreet picked it as everyone isnt even as far as I have been cause I am hooking up some ***** with my michelle phipher cause you fuckly stariyer there are going to check my spot after I am gone you will find some animal ******* bringing you a bag of papers with out a word out of him and they will all check you over there fuckly to see if I take my time to pick the most beautiful brightest one I see ******* little mexican **** had to **** with my bible **** fool you just missed it I show you what wont happen while you are with me cause I am fine after they left. I went right to my bible never made a large turn with my head remebered devil on the note calender black thing I lost with my memorie attached the change and dresser you never saw but I didnt make it clear to you fuckly I was ******  up cause by all means your here to help me up too I rented a car and jammed never thought again till now Im going to go AND **** UP MY BIBLE PROPERLY BEING THAT i WAS UP AND COULDNT **** IT UP JUST RIGHT LIKE i INTENDED TO DO WHEN i LOOKED BACK TO GET THE DEVIL AFTER HOW ****** i KNOW i AM RIGHT NOW AND i CAME UP BY SAYING i CAME UP STILL RIDING PEACE i HOOKED TO THAT PEACEFUL PART OF THAT SONG IT MUST HAVE BEEN LOVE BUT IT IS OVER NOW i ONLY GOT TO IT MUST H i WAS SO HAPPY i SKATED I was outs.
Heee Mark I just checked back and saw him while you'll standing in my room still. . . Because the fact of the matter is I dont know where you'll were before to feel you dont have the obligation to get the **** out of this ******* but where I was. I was just checking back like I had to look like it was bugging me that bad as i WAS i CHECKED MY MARKY. Came back went black and came back before I knew I was tainted black and coming back like an apistoval of eary quiver was fornicating on my *** like I was going to die again I saw that **** skirt and I dont know why dickly never got involved so backbefor I knew apistavol is *** fornication and for me to grab it I knew I had to be more down still riding peace so I jank whats up fo you eat baby ***** and they got no he doesnt he listens to brother lynch as I pucked up no up chuck just heave so I come back turn my head into my own little up on two feet hanging out with my ya and if he was here by all means he would be hooking me up right now you wouldnt be here and my next man well I am going to be up still riding peace on all these down riding peace I still have but keep reflecting to that bible I just hooked up and I'll do this again too. andnow I feel like a ******* is watching me so if for instance homie your homies get hooked up over there by my MARKY being really smart on my hes BIG red have a little fun watching me down this pick astreet picked it as everyone isnt even as far as I have been cause I am hooking up some ***** with my michelle phipher cause you fuckly stariyer there are going to check my spot after I am gone you will find some animal ******* bringing you a bag of papers with out a word out of him and they will all check you over there fuckly to see if I take my time to pick the most beautiful brightest one I see ******* little mexican **** had to **** with my bible **** fool you just missed it I show you what wont happen while you are with me cause I am fine after they left. I went right to my bible never made a large turn with my head remebered devil on the note calender black thing I lost with my memorie attached the change and dresser you never saw but I didnt make it clear to you fuckly I was ******  up cause by all means your here to help me up too I rented a car and jammed never thought again till now Im going to go AND **** UP MY BIBLE PROPERLY BEING THAT i WAS UP AND COULDNT **** IT UP JUST RIGHT LIKE i INTENDED TO DO WHEN i LOOKED BACK TO GET THE DEVIL AFTER HOW ****** i KNOW i AM RIGHT NOW AND i CAME UP BY SAYING i CAME UP STILL RIDING PEACE i HOOKED TO THAT PEACEFUL PART OF THAT SONG IT MUST HAVE BEEN LOVE BUT IT IS OVER NOW i ONLY GOT TO IT MUST H i WAS SO HAPPY i SKATED I was outs.
Delton Peele Jan 2021
My field of dreams was a sanctuary i could always count on
A seclusion
i fled to often
But now its
Barren silent and
taped off pending
The investigation and
An eerie
brooding storm cloud
Has moved in stops me
And im empty and
Forcing me to face...........
Me .........
The field of fantasy is open
And i could go
But in order to do that i
Have to weather thhe storm
Emerging from the gloom of my memories
Drenched in retrospect
The effect is
Bout the same
Worn out and blue
Tangled mangled torn
In too many ways
TreadingWater Apr 2016
fit _ to _ be _ tied
          to you
what. you've. found.
how/can/ i
      be of any help
<these arms> have grown ₩eary
from #hangingaround
Denxai Mcmillon Aug 2022
It's been a while,
Hello, Wesley,
I'm Denxai.
I'm you,
A very much changed you
There's been, well, developments.
You've grown.
You've grown a lot.
So, much so,
That you may not recognize yourself
You're Pansexual,
You're non-binary
You're not, alone anymore
At times you're gonna feel that way
You're very likely autistic
You'll be very happy to hear that
I'm really glad you where there
Without you, well there would be no us
I really appreciate you
I don't respect a lot of what you did to survive
But I'm glad you did it
You're happy
Chasing joy
You wake up eary to listen to the birds
you enjoy your job
You're comfortable wit your body.
Well, most of the time
I love you.
I, *******, love you
So please.
Enjoy your rest.
This is an ongoing project exploring the depths of my mind written in the frame of 6 minutes to the song "All children make mistakes" by Pianos become the teeth
Toni D'Leangelo Apr 2023
L ike a thief in the night ,
I t came.
F aint entry yet fierce intention.
E veryone is at stake.

I' m
S cared.

W eary from our woes we all share
A deep need for...
R escue.

L ook at your guns and ammunition.
I t' s all primitive.
F or what' s really out there
E ven the strongest calibre is no match.

I' m
S ad.

W hen will rescue come ?
A nd what will it bring ?
R ather , who will it leave ?

L ong is the battle.
I njured are many....uncountable.
F rightened we should all be because
E vacuation is not up to us.

I' m
S tuck.

W ade in the warfare.
A bide by it' s laws.
R each the end.

L and of the Living.
I 've heard stories of such a place.
F inding It is the mystery , yet
E xistence of such a place is the pursuit.

I' ll
S tride.

W e' re all in danger and desperate.
A bsolution is a gift.
R ealize and remember that gift.

Imagine what' s hidden in the shadows and the sounds buried beneathe the earth. What if you saw it all ? What if you heard it all ? What would you care about then ? The world is a big place with mighty mysteries. It' s scary to think of what we haven' t experienced...but can. It' s scary to know , how "easy to ****" we all can be and it' s even more intimidating to realize what we' re all afraid of is all afraid of something else. Something mysterious.
To sit atop
a throne
of pikes
with swin-
ging ankles
grazing clo-
uds of milk.
Above the w-
eary world, a-
way, way up
Looking down at salty, earthed disl-
ikes, and infections rankled. When dre-
ssed in robes of silk, unfurled. Woven fr-
om a lowly worms squirming, teary cry.
­A squ-           And, i-                      Thorn
inting             t's pre-                      curls, r-  
  eye m-           y, all, a-                     ed. As
   akes              re tan                       our flo-
   out a              -gled.                       ck, slow-
   shrike.              ----                           ly, die.
      ----                                                      ----

© poormansdreams
A poem about the shrike, it's thorn and a throne.
I shall wait beside you’re coffin my love ,
ready for you to rise above ,
ready for you to spread you’re wings ,
above the dust and all mortal things .

For you were taken from me my dear ,
for if only sickness could have waited another year ?

Now daisies   ripe upon  the earth arise above and all around .
The bell above you’re head I left for you to ring ,
makes but not a sound !

For the foxes howl yet eary scream above you’re grave ,
is most sereal .

And the rodents that  sharpen their tiny teeth on you’re slab
are drawn by the smell of you’re rotting flesh ,
and  feverishly naw at thy  stone instead  .

Now the rain drops a patter ,
for now it won’t matter ,
one drop after another ,
upon you’re grave .
Can you hear them falling ,?
It can wait until morning,
for  the dust clouds are forming ,
calling for my Daisy above her pritty head .

For if the body snatchers come ,
I shall shoot them down one by one .

And if some fine gentleman should share you’re grave ,
I shall make sure he has washed and shaved .

And if you’re ghost should ever flee ,
hail me down a carriage so I might follow thee .
And if that bell should ever ring ,
let it be not the winds that blow it still ,
upon thy beating breast .

— The End —