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When Michael Collins came, first from the courts of England,
which in low and lofty Londoun lately were helde,
while Thames there with treachery and treasoun did truly ring,
was Ireland ill split and beset with ignoble stryfe.  
Yet there a land lately formed was, where still folk lyve on mydllerde.

Though it is not in this warlike time of Dev that we our tale do set,
after these tymes of troubling stryfe, contentioun salted still the land.

Fine Fail and Fine Gael, then foes many yeres remained
till noblest amongst them, in qualities none lacking,
did do battle in old Dublin and vanquish the dred enemy.  
That mon who dreded nought, nightly then held his court in fair Dail Eirinn.  
Enda was called that man, and everysince has his noble courte endured.  

There, as Chrystmasse came, was assembled his cabinet fayre:
there Sir Wilmore the red, who waited on the grete lorde in readiness.  
There with grete courtesey, the kings coins to keep, sat Sir Noonan the balde.  
There Sir Reilly, learned in lore of leach and herb, who on erde had little left to lerne.  
Eek Sir Varadkar the gaye who granted was, the grete kinges horses to groome.  
Laste, the lovely layde Burton, who, the rede rose of Wilmore would long after carry.  

Other knyghtes numerous were there, but of these now, nought will I
for fallen to feasting were this fayre companye al and fayne would I not,
in tedious trials of descriptioun, your patience for to trye.
The first brief installment of a romance in Alliterative verse.  Alliterative verse belonged to the North West of England, and is quite different to the southern style of English poetry which was made popular by Chaucer.  For one of the finest examples of this style of poetry, and the parodic source for this poem, see 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.' Pardon the spellings.
Nobody Apr 2018
Its called manic depression.

When im riding that beautiful and fierce high, it feels like nothing will ever stop me. As if nobody could drop me fore i was floating away in the stars where nobody can touch me.

But atlas, we must all abide by the law of phsyics, every humans greatest weakness.  we all know the dreded saying, "Once something goes up, it must always come down."

I never know what causes me to fall, it could be a word; to a voice. A phrase; to a smile. A song; to laugh. Nothing; to a smell.
Its this free fall into a never ending abyuss of hopelessness. Things that made me happy just moments ago, push me farther down below.

There is no fighting it, its not as simple as reaching my hands out and asking for help. Im binded together by my hands and feet, with a thick layer of duck tape covering my lips. Striping me of my dignity.

Its a constant struggle, suicidal tendencies reep across the corner, ready to pounce.
But somehow I manage to keep myself alive.
Somehow im still here.
Ive grown attached to loneliness.
David W Clare Jan 2015
Why did they put that sign next to my house?

Now I can't tie my shoes

Barbecue Sunday not so pleasant valley charcoal burning burger land suburban rednecks eating broken meats

Go golfing dreded dressage looking like horse faced ***** pimps in plaid pants

Then the wife swapping sycophants punch the factory time clock nine to five jive

Teachers pet beat me up
Broke my nose so I played with the girls

They beat me up too
Go home after school only to get beat up some more

Slow Children, sign of the times
Modern city filled with much crime

Took Tae Kwon Do to defend myself
Black belt kicked me after I tumpt him over

I knocked his **** in to his watch pocket!

Master was shocked at my determined style

Now I'm homeless sleep under that slow children sign for a while...
High school ****** up until Florida 12 grade was a blast in Orlando...
Frank Beuck Nov 2013
it was 63 when a man said i have a dream
there for that day peoplo walked away with in there head somthin is going to change
we all said were going to get  the man on the moon and loved a man that got them there
a man woke time for work in his wallet he he had a 20 that he would never spend
the pain to get dressed was unreal that no one else could feel
he went to the table to eat there was his son and daughter
little jon jon was what he called his son daddy can i go with  no son bet you can come to the airport to wave us goodbye so he ran to his room to get dressed so there they were so father  and mother waiting for it to land as they all held hands
they jumped it to choper as they were called
they flew to andrews promising to son and sis that they would be back
they landed in pink and blue the cheered for the wife as the husband had strife
many hands  just to many to count all reached for camolot
they jumped in the car  they dint have far he said a speech and once again hand were at reach

on the path many peoplo did line to see the man who said i know i can
the car did slow for the peoplo did flow
you cant say they dont love you here a women did  show
bam bam bam was the sound that was herd as peoplo fell to the dirt
they took off very fast for the man may not last
they arived at a place called parkland and they did no waist to get the man in blue and the women in pink and the dreded red that was added to pink and blue
peoplo wept as they saw the women and man oh oh oh so much red
the man was dead when a hour did pass oh why could he not last
the women in pink and again so much red it was a flash as the women put her children to bed as the man they loved was dead for camolot you will never see again
for the man who had a dream in 63 would never see the relalty but the hill he spoke of the man in blue would see and see and see for all the corwards did flee

— The End —