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Chuck Feb 2013
Do not dissimulate from life
Lethargy instills apathy
Droning everything bores you
Nothing gets your blood boiling

Truth evades your gray cornea
Your persistence is persuasive
Petite energy emitted
Exhausted to convince numbness

You are the youth, the world’s future
Dissimulation not an option
Wave the white flag. We’ll still wage war
Never will you conquer concern

My comrades in texts and I’ll fight
To give hope, future, and success
Or we will perish in battle
Content knowing we truly cared

Nothing Jan 2014
i'm getting better
at being a pretender
you might never know
Crandall Branch Dec 2017
Systemic chlamydia correct.

Cervical chlamydia dissimulate.

Asymptomatic chlamydia doubt.

Nonprescription contraceptives own.

Dangerous medicines convert.

Artificial contraceptives stand.

Lethal doses swim.

Other coccidia discredit.

Usual immunizations perform.

Standard doses admit.
i am training to be a doctor maybe a crab doctor so i gathered some inspiracion from my learning. a nice acrostic. please leave comments and feedback below :)
Peyton Autry Apr 2015
i aspire to be a kaleidoscope, a useless commodity,
many bits and pieces merged together harmoniously.
the vessel holds sturdy, regardless of my peccant deeds
to have you glance inside of me, observe all of my colors bleed.
see easily my artistry, view the roots surround my arteries
painted with every color of the palette of sublimity,
forming iridescent trees of immaculate coruscation,
appraising the vestige of my aberrant nature.

everything i will ever be is dripping down like watercolour,
pastels falling off the page and landing on another surface.
i beseech your ardor and tendency to be besotted, but
omit your yearning to examine my detachment.
i am corroding under your duplicity, sinking in your inertia
drowning in your astringent disorder of ignoring my existence.
you attempt to dissimulate the deterioration of your artifice
and ruminate the feasible consequences of mild adulation.

what do you envisage as you imbibe from the silky waters
of my fluid emotions, and my convoluted pantomimes?
my enigmatic essence is slowly decomposing and
hovering intermittently in detrimental cessation.
you constantly contravene with the archfiend within yourself
and wage onslaughts in your mind on your impertinent abstractions.
and i am afraid it is interminable, but i will still hold dear my
sanguine complexions and continue to hope for auspice.

you articulate your pronouncements with ease, and implore
that your austere endeavors are deeply earnest, but
the significance of that word unravels on your tongue,
and is meaningless, turning to ash in your mouth.
i supplicate for waves of benevolence, ardent winds and
ingenuous conversations. anchor me, or disengage.
A W Bullen Sep 2021
A while to get the eye back in
reconstitute the faculty
for feeling without

-the repetitious ritual
makes for cover on the open road-

A villainy of tree-lined habits
camouflage, dissimulate,
reject the townsmen fidget

and all must age inside the barrel,
thicken in its oaken recess

slivered for the minutes
of its instinct
Enveloped in caressing jubilation I am free of bond and chained to faith of the constellations.
My tribulations though enduring, help guide me along this walk of life,
little did I know stumbling upon this senora tonight would forever change my life.

The darkened night brings the cold as she shivers,
seeing sparkle in her eyes I lean in to warm her soul,
ice to the touch I melt my way through until I find her permafrost,
it's here confusion starts as I slowly become eternally lost.

She stumbles and falls along the walls,
I pick her up, I bring her a pup, the erroneous responses do not bring alarm,
The flags raised were hidden within her charm.

Sensing a loss I couldn't shake,
we're lying together planning my own wake,
I should follow her make no mistake,
my free will was blindly bonded for her to take,
following her to the bridge she asks me to partake.

Looking down I cannot see the water and everything was dreary,
she wants me to leap with her, she wants the false promises buried,
but I was naturally Leary,
The fall alone was very dreary,
all her ideas were scary and if I die I know I won't be buried.

This love which was veiled in secrecy held no promise to ascension of my faith that I left behind,
I'm blinded, eyes closed I'm holding hands with a ghost,
the real her took a crippling step back, it wasn't her, I failed to realize what I chose.

I imagined a leap bonded to caper a love,
Only seen by those who imagined fruitful intentions with doves,
this ghost I free fall with was already dead,
my hands are chained in sin as this death was mine to take to my next bed,
lies deceit and double dealing crashed together to make this mess mine to hold,
I floated hopelessly alive chained to her projected tormented sorrow,
my cards of sanity are about to fold,
I'm before man's maker to face ****** tomorrow.

Triangulating and convincing harums overcrowd my agency,
unable to cope I plead non competency,
and without further a due I'm locked away without latency,
shackles containing my every gesticulation,
my breath forever an abrupt fluctuation,
my mind is now the only hasty part of this equation,
my only escape is lost in the trials of tribulation.

My heart is now shackled to an enduring prison within self sacrifice,
as she sentries my enclosing cell I plead ms. Stockhold to rid this disease within me,
I plead for affection from this endangering syndrome to cease,
throwing to me ravenous kibbles and bits which hold no substance,
I'll take anything to dissimulate my false character,
I'll hold onto hope of acceptance from this predator.

Unable to move as the walls close in where I cannot stretch,
my disparaging sentry holds the keys dangling for me to fetch,
I can't reach through the tightening bars so I hold my breath,
she smiles knowing it's my last attempt,
this prisoner of the heart now falls limp and grows contempt,
knowing now there is nothing more to do,
he accepts this harrowing reality and releases his final breath.
Alone and unchosen to dissimulate their forgotten spirit,

A crossroads to a dead end of blasphemy these kindred souls unknowingly implicit,

Wanting guidance for all they know is trust in the paternal,

An endless agonizing loop led by the maternal,

Father hectic with blackened eyes frisking for the truth,

Mother alluding in prevarication conceding behind the youth,

Demons strangulation surround the blooms,

Unknown to him his offspring are facing certain doom,

To choose and lose is so sad for dad,
To win with a grin is the song of mom,

The inglorious attitude regresses the children,

In the ashes of the wake he witnesses the fallen kindred,

Blind in the mind they no longer exist when kissed,

It's too late for the mate, the time is now to escape or face the tape,

Clutching the toddlers she holds ransom their mind,

His hands behind tied, knowing she'll do anything to claim the selfish prize,

They need him more than ever, but they can't articulate,

He holds the key to free them of false imprisonment,

With no rights they lean on him as their abolitionist,

Dad knows he can save them, they're his hereditament,

Because no baby should be in a state of survival of the littlest.

— The End —