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Corkey Hawley May 2010
It's a dim & drizzly Memorial Monday
Hell, it could be Sunday or any other day these daze
The BBQ pickin party's cancelled
due 2 more rain and things finacial
We did not escape the flooding after all
the AC was out on the hottest day I recall
the heat & humidity is so oppressive
makes one's instincts blur & become panic obsessive
On a day set aside for all to remember
Those who gave all & did not surrender
Is marked with a lack of labor & shopping mall sales
No football, no banking, no courts & no snail mail
So I'll have another chunk of dat brownie
and wash in down with some good ol' Tenessee JD
Take another puff & drive another nail in my coffin
Until my head stops aching & can stop coughing
What will dis day bring?
Maybe I'll just sit alone with my guitar & sing
Play me some blues cause the mortgage is due
the roof is still leaking, two cats have nine kittens & I'm blue
I'm so broke I can't pay attention
to all of the things that I owe I've lost my retention
YA, I got dem steadily depressin'
Low down mind missin'
Everything is way past due
I got dem Memorial Blues

Append Just had 2 write dis 2 get my daze started, U all have happy :) Memorial Day, Doc
Henry Daniels Jul 2012
****** up world!

From minute to minute
        at least one person
Is postin about how miserable they are.

       I have stayed crack free
for going on a month now! :)

    You ******* miserable people
make me want to get back on the rock. :(

         I can't even read a poem at random
for fear of the thing makin me feel suicidal...

  Whats worse, is the same dude
          will post a
"The depth of my joy is unfathomable"
poem, thirty minutes later.

       **** this place.

HP is just too depressin for me anymore
Thank you to the chill people. Particularly, Ken Irving MacPherson.
Everybody else needs to get laid or somethin.

Shannon Jeffery Mar 2015
I need somethin to set me in motion
Somethin which will electrify my emotions
My life is so dull, no commotion
I want somethin to happen, a life no longer frozen

Is this some sort of lesson
My body's just stressin
I got nothin to be confessin
Just bored and depressin

Wish it was just over
Life threw me over the border
Got nothin, just getting colder
Give me somethin to look back on when I'm older
Arcassin B Jul 2015
By Arcassin Burnham

Searching for a better end,
To think I might be flabbergasted from the countless sins,
Nobody's counting , I just need a post to pin,
On the social media about how the struggle's depressin',
Ignorant people nowadays will never learn they're lesson,
Putting people and young teens in the state of depression,
But they could never stop the power in all my progression,
And who knows,
possibilities for more future sessions,
Being 18 is the result of getting bad recession.
18 Part 3
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
The warm weather's comin'
And the buds are on the vine

The warm weather's comin'
And the buds are on the vine

Ain't nothin' more depressin'
Than tryin' to satisfy this woman of mine

                      - Bob Dylan
Michael Marchese Jan 2018
I just want to help
And be so far away
Writing poetry novels
Adrift in the fray
Where the thirst is the worst
And the hunger is filling
And any a passerby
Is penicillin
For staring at living
Cloud shapes in the sky
In the valleys of Neptune
Is my apple pie
My American dream
Is a slice of New Yawk
And an edge of the earth
Talk the walk kind of chalk
In my linguistic lesson
The anti-depressin’
Limelight stealin’ Stalin’s
Best Gandhi impression

— The End —