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Sumit Bhaintwal Jun 2015
To all the crushes.
Hey! How are you doing?
Shhh! don't answer.
I know you're good;
you always were.
That's why I fell for you
in the first place.
We don't know each other.
*You don't know me.
You don't have to.
trust me; fine, don't.
I owe you,
for all the butterfiles,
and the clicks in my knees.
I admit I am not romantic.
I am in fact dull as a dust,
but I have never found it hard,
to praise you, or compliment your existence.
Like your enchanting eyes
or as I like to call them
“The black hole phenomena”
as they could capture time,
never to let it go;
Or the radiant smile
fabricated by your perfectly carved teeth.
But I chose to not talk about it,
as it has been clichéd
by many great poets.
Remeber everytime you caught me staring
and I made it look like I was not?
Such a great actor I am,
you gotta admit this.
I always thought you had a slight clue.
Meh! It doesn't matter anymore.
And If you ever find about me
(I know you won't),
Just don't feel bad, or sad
(I know you won't).
Believe me,
If the knot in my throat had allowed,
I wouldn't be writing this. Instead,
I would be singing this in my crocodile voice,
as I then had not cared about anything, or anyone.
How many times have I to tell you this?!
never try to love me without a bliss
this day is not yours but His

How many times have I to tell you this?
love me as I am and used to be
let the ardent rose keeps its freshness
and the soft butterfiles their pure cleanness

love me please the way I am
please do not change me to fit in your program
when the Lord created me He was full of wrath
I had to choose the divine roads to follow His Path

love me please with all my rights and wrongs
with my ugliness and my beauty of the night
consider that I am not that strong
as you might have  imagined with all your might

How many times have I to tell you this...?
never try to love me without His bliss
this day and all other days  are all His

listen to the birds in the forrests
all are bringing His message about all the good things
but never try to love me without His Blessings
to cling on me charmingly but without a zest

how many times have I to tell you this?
just love me the way I am
never try to let me fit in your program
without a sigh of His love in your  kiss

please let this message be as chrystal clear

never forget to wish each other lovingly
like I am doing now for All of YOU from me

A Most Happy Stay on Hello Poetry !

Frst posted in Poetfreak.Com
on Thursday, 1st January 2015
dated on HP Tuesdayday 6th January 2015
Akira Chinen Aug 2017
I want to feel your
lips full of poetry
bleeding out a verse
of pleasure over
a rhyme of sin
with fairy tale eyes
whispering of secrets of lust
and promises for love
hold you until the end of time
and hang our story
from a branch
of the tree of stars
where beneath the roots
we will steal the crown
of butterfiles
and throne from
the queen of bees
and float down
the river of eternity
and dream of reading
each kiss we share
from your lips
full of poetry
Kerli Tulva Jul 2017
Delirium is sweet as honey
You are the victim of money
You paint your life on a paper
Yet everything becomes vapor
Heading on the road of youth
Is there a solution what soothes
Throught the fingers time melts
You are on your way, you knelt
The picture of Dali in your mind
The secret fortune, you must find
Hundred butterfiles are so brittle
Fortune is never firm, it is hidden
The flames are already engulfing
Now you must only confront it.

— The End —