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S Smoothie Jul 2014
Folder: Heart aesthetics

The two of us alone by the fire in this wild landscape, tumble weeds and dust. the endless dust.  surely there could be some sort of peace offering that might make the night a little more comfortable than that of the past days. a small truce? suddenly I noticed him watching me. it was in a strange and unguarded way. he almost seemed  likeable except for the fact he was the most arrogant, heddonistc man i had ever met. again I looked at him. I bated him a little.

"dont you know its impolite to stare at a lady?"

There was an instant glint in his eyes and I knew he was thinking of the bathing pool. I blushed thanking the fire it didnt have the air to flicker brigher.  I wasnt quite ready for a reply.

"Yes, and I sure would be in trouble if there was a lady here! cause what Im looking at would be the pride of any man who had the pleasure of meeting them!"

He caught my breath my heart paused for a second. He was oviously alluding to the invitation he so easily tossed at her by the waters edge as he handed her her towel looking away with a cheap grin trying to convey the model of a complete gentleman. I saw him at that moment, menacing and I met him eye to eye. something strange took over me as I watched him leering at me eyes moving from soft peaks to nape , to lips and challenging me with his eyes. He made no attempt to hide the fact that I was desirable in the conventional way. Just not in any other way. but strangely I didnt feel threatened but rather bolder. his hand clinched suddenly as he stood suddenly towering over me. I got up on my feet and walked back a bit to create some distance between us but I stopped unable to mover further than a few feet away. my legs were unwilling to move and his eyes were able to rove freely the peaks and vallies of my womanhood. **** the fabric for being the type to reveal my shape in the firelight,  and **** the hot air that made the moisture cling it tightly to me.

I searched for meaning in his eyes, it came in  the unfurling of his desire and manifested in the breath of my own heartbeat pulsing into a crevice long forgotten. its revival took me somewhat, by surprise. and in the instant you saw it flicker in my eyes I saw it flicker in your own under the brim of that old leather hat. panic! oh hell! not ready for this feeling! uncomfortable sweetness and lazy pulses. weakness dragging along with it a wanton desire crawling molten heat wilting and yet rising in it a will of its own. I reeled inside my mind now lost inside the sensation of my body! reactions everywhere! A deep blush and a nip of my lip  to constrain me. here we are standing face to face a few feet  from eachother and that flicker had started in me a whole revolution. my thighs grew weary of standing so tightly wound together and my hips fancied themselves drawn towards you and took thier liberties from me. here I was held in an uncomfortable contortion hips lunged forward, tightened rosettes lunging to ward you and my mind was now working against me. your jaw seemed so warm and welcomeing and I could see myself nuzzling in the craw... and your hardness proudly announcing its desire to serve. those eyes those lightning sweet flickers, glowed over you warmth and hardness so appealing so pertinently appropriate in its impropriety.

Oh what in tarnations, there goes that waffling **** joy, oh sensiblitily who the hell cares! My mind and body argue and the shakes start to take over and I am completely confounded by my senses. then just as suddenly as it came its forgotten as the realisation of why this is such an offensive state to me. All I can remember are the words he said reeling in my head!

"The invitation is revoked of its warmth on account of your inhospitiable and ungracious prudish manner, but the polite thing to do is keep the invitation open at least on a civil basis otherwise i might not be considered a gentleman."

that was his gentlemanly way of calling her a harlot! Gentleman my-  Hate suddenly crawled up my spine and to my surprise it only served to flame my passion. I wanted what I wanted and courage and boldness took hold. If its civil he wants civil he will  get! I picked up my vanity like a harlott and lunged forward stopping just as quickly hoping he hadnt noticed. Hardly worth hoping. He noticed everything and he would surely call me on it. but insted strangely intent, he stood silent, still and focused. His eyes on my eyes I had noticed once I met them. A rugged jaw clinched and fist tight beside him. but his breath was cheating him of his composure. it was at this moment I knew we were fighting the same wanton battle. Pride dancing with lust, any hopes of love torn from the bitterness of rivalry between us by the fact that he held me in such high disregard. and I only as a pure instinctual reaction, do reasonably as any reasonalbe person attributed  such unwarranted assignment of character failings would do the same.

What was I to him? I found myself wondering what it would be like to be taken under his person, his strong arms pulling me towards him pressed against him... more rushes spun in cirles around me trying to find expression tight rosettes and puckering crevices landscapes once barren and forgotten had suddenly sprung to life. alive and wanting aching craving touch and now suddenly my heart decided to pull away from me. Suddenly fear flooded my body and then anger twisted its self all over me again. What the hell is going on?? Is it in my head? to hell with it ! I peered deep into his eyes and marched into his arms and forced a kiss to push him into my headdiness. and he obliged and held it warmly and gently, though my voraciousness clearly fell away at my noticing of this sudden cordialness pushing humiliation down into my throat and deep into the core of me unleashing a viper

"Why did you let me kiss you? "

I hissed, pulling away. he replied without missing a beat,

"It was the civil thing to do."

here I am rosy as all hell with a chasm as wide as the grand canyon with the words **** etched on to my pride.

"**** you! **** you to hell!"

I rushed at him and my hand flying through the air. it had its own justice to serve and I went with it. Oh hell, i went with it! Rage flew me up to him and suddenly I felt immobilised. My hand stilled hanging in the air, less than an inch from its target. His eyes now burning into me burrowing into me with seering white heat and an intensity that made me want to look away if it hadnt been for my last shred of pride refusing and rather accepting full blindness rather than conceede. suddenly his shadow fell over me and leaning down his lips parted his eyes softened and i felt the tenderly regard he was capable of it made me weak in my knees! I fell  into it as he caught me and in that sweet kiss, so beautifully warm. velvet silkeness I clung to him pressed against himas his hardness proudly declaring his intensions. it was a fit so perfect, that had there not been silk , denim and leather chaps in the way I would have merged with him seemlessly! oh the glorious delight of such care in his ravishment of me! I was lost, I was found!  yet, I was not even aware of anything but a dire need for his impending intensions to come to light.  then I felt him pull away from my lips. confused eyes watched as they pleaded why? He pushed me away and held me back from him like some vile rat and declared

"That is what youre missing as per the original invitation."  

He let me go as pain and humiliation stung my cheeks. reeling once again. I dropped to the ground. I put my hands to my heart trying to cover what he had done.  He had breeched my sacred place my soul stained and forever darkened by this stranger, I had trusted who was entrusted to escort me to my new lodgings... now my closest enemy.  in three days. and to bare for three days more. I am lost. lost. so this is what it feels like when hell burns you to the ground? and to think I almost thought for a second I could have fallen in ? serves me right to think any man would be different.  Im an idiot. That is the exact reason I need to marry money. I regained an inchling of my composure. enought to speak well, ok hell, I spat it at him

"I trust you sir, will be gentlmanly enough not to mention this to Mr Bently?"

"As always ma'am"

he tipped his hat and walked away  from the fire and my ashes into the darkness.

I stood there for a while listening to the bushes rustle till I knew he had found a place spend the night. I walked around the carriage to enter, I waited just enough time for him to get comfortable.  then ever so politely, gave him a reason to rise.  

"Mr Jones, would you mind helping me up the footer? I'm too afraid to sleep on the ground alone."

I heard him muttering and hissing under his breath. I smiled inside. for some reason it made me feel better. He slammed the carriage door and walked off again into the dark. I sat there on the plush bench thinking of him and scolded myself just as quickly as I had thought it. it was a cycle reapeated the whole night and as I drifted off to sleep I even let myself slip a brief thought of myself on a porch cleaning potoates while looking out at Clancy wiping his brow and smiling back... Clancy, Clancy Jones. What kind of a stupid name was that anyways? No woman in her right mind would want to marry a man with a name like that!  Mrs. Clancy Jones...

Any copying or transfer of material whether part or in total is strictly prohibited unless granted permission and directly credited to the author.
this is a draft from an upcoming work.  I apologise for the lack of grammar and confused tenses etc. I will refine it soon. any appraisals or criticisms are welcome.

Any copying or transfer of material whether in part of in total  is strictly prohibited unless  granted permission and directly credited to the author. All rights reserved.
ashley Mar 2013
I don't know how I could tell you I love you,
because everything --
every word, every phrase,
will never be quite enough.
Even the words themselves --
I love you --
seem small, despite how much
emotion they may carry.

I suppose I'll try my best to tell you,
with the littlest words,
the littlest phrases,
all blended into one,
just like a painting on a canvas.

My love for you burns
with the intensity of a thousand
This phrase in particular
is about as close as it will get.
Except... even this,
with it's beautiful words
and deep meaning,
isn't enough.

My love for you burns
with the intensity of
a billion
suns, stars, lights, planets;
shines brigher than all the
electricity, all the light
that is ever produced.

I love you more than
all the flowers in May;
roses, sunflowers, dasies,
and how they seem to
be greeted by the sun
and corrupt from underneath
the moist, earthly soil.

I love you more than
the color of the sunset;
blended shades of
ravishing reds,
outstanding oranges,
and bright yellows,
even some pinks
and purples
that appear as twilight
comes near.

I love you more than
all the words in the whole
world combined
into one, huge
mass of crumpled paper,
dented words,
and broken dreams.

I love you more than
the feel of the beach;
of the miles and miles
of ocean and moist sand;
more than the foam
that grips my toes
or the cool feel of the water
on my body;
more than the sun as it
smiles down upon my skin,
and the way it makes me glow.

When I tell you I love you,
I do not lie,
although it is still
a complete understatement
of what I truly feel inside.
This feeling --
this burning desire to always
be around you,
for your hand to be entertwined
with mine, for your arms
to embrace me tightly;
this feeling of being high
off of love
is a feeling that cannot
possibly be described;
no matter how hard
one may try.

What they say about love
is true --
it can make you do crazy things.
But no situation
will ever seem crazy,
because I have a valid


Kelly Roland Jun 2013
archaic lands
heavy sands
the worlds gotten by so long
on so little
so why dont we?
the sun never asks for seconds
or steals the stars
to shine brigher
just like the moon never complains about sharing its light
its a fight or flight
kind of world weve made
this is mine
I found it first
its only a dollar
whats a few more hurt?
all of these things
blind us and bind us
til noone can find us
not even ourselves
yet we cling to the stuff
the this's and that's
because they define us
remind us
of who we are
or want to be
maybe if we set that free
we'd meet ourselves for the first time
Kewayne Wadley Jan 2017
Even the prettiest flower has it's days.
Sometimes the wind begins to be too much
Ruffling it's petals.

Not every day can be a pretty day,
Whether it be a rose, or a daisy.
Sometimes the sun can be hard to find in plain view.
Standing in watch, patiently waiting.
Sometimes hours, days.
Sometimes that feeling of regret sets in,
Those negative thoughts that seemingly come out of nowhere.
Still it isn't deterred.
Patience is Key
As a brigher day is closer than you think
Louise Currie Sep 2014
It starts with a nibble, a pinch, a tap.
Building, creating shivers of sensation.
Slaps that create warmth on heat.
Arching slowly into it, urging on.
Redness glows brigher still.
Hard against soft.
Repeating ripples of force.
Breath is heavy, heart is fast.
The beat is steady, but building.
Reinforced by firm grips, somehow comforting.
Gripped harder. Struck firmer.
Sound ringing in the ears, but bearly heard.
Each sting brings warmth,
Flooding through the brain.
Burning ******.
This is love
This is release.
A word is called.
Reasuring whispers are echoed.
Hands that were so recently harsh become gentle ripples.
The softness of another so close, so loving.
A smile, a tear, a word of thanks,
For the release so needed.
Chinmaya Zaveri Mar 2016
when i first looked in your eyes
it was a galaxy of stars
shining brigher than ever before

when i first talked ,
i felt the heaven's just got me an angel
as perfect as a broken heart

when i first smiled ,
he just couldn't stop smiling
froze me and threw my self away

when we first kissed
It felt like the whole world just melted
and we stood above all stronger

when we first walked
hand in hand
none of us knew where we stood
but kept believing like it was forever

when we first broke apart ,
i knew there be no more a galaxy
but just a dark sky above me

Then when i first cried,
I realized it had always been only me
loving someone who didn't love me
Chain T Percy Oct 2014
The light burned bright
As it burned through the night
And that light burned brigher than the brightest light
And the night wailed as the light burned brighter
And the night fled from the burning light
But the night will never stop
For the light will dampen and darken
And the night will return to darken the land
Only for the light to burn bright and shine the night away
Tabitha Sep 2017
Sometimes in relationships,
our love defeats our lust;
But sometimes not.
Sometimes in relationships,
our peace is kept by trust;
But sometimes not.
Sometimes in relationships,
we each to each, are hurt and held and healed.
Sometimes in relationships,
we share our heart and mind;
But sometimes not.
Sometimes we are lost lovers, our lives blaze with brigher burst of passion; Sometimes we are best friends, we balance with compassion;
But sometimes not.
Sometimes we are up-in-arms night and day, our battles are fought and won;
Sometimes we are at-loose-ends, and struggle to be one;
But sometimes not.
Sometimes we are with others, together we entertain family;
Sometimes we are you and me;
Two is good company;
But sometimes not.

— The End —