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Jonny Angel May 2015
Take a little break darling,
you're the one in charge,
calling all the shots.
Make your way
to the back room,
stand against the wall
in between the stock shelves,
and dream about me.
I'm right there with you.
Can you feel my warm breath
on your delicate pretty neck,
imagine my hard form
standing behind you,
loving you
into beautiful submission?
I am in heat for you.
I need another break doll.
Break me.
Cody Spang May 2013
The moment you wake up,
You can just feel it.
Today is going to be very hard,
And you're not looking forward to any of it.

Not having much of a choice,
You just do it.
The agony from knowing what comes next,
Tearing at your soul

But then,
You get over your first obstacle.
That wasn't so bad...
That test was easier than you thought...

At breaktime,
You get a cup of soup...
The day is turning out better than you expected...

At the end of the day you still know what comes next...
You have to do the hardest thing...
Break up with the one you used to love...

You get home,
Find a ton of food and snacks,

But all the snacks in the world could not prepare you for what you have to do.

All of a sudden,
You get a text...
She broke up with you...
Today was the easiest and best day of your life.

You passed the tests,
You got awesome snacks,
And now, you have the girl of your dreams...

Miracles do happen...
Chris Jul 2019
Time for a break from solitude. A venture into the face of cyclic duality once more. Dark to passion to light til dark.. Again and again there, here, and when.. A world of hope, holy and harrow. As if.. Existence itself breathes.. Til matter leaves.. Left in the Void of Ends.. Found then lost.. Lost then found by the end of the beginning.. The beginning of the end.. Void of End to Well of Existence.. Life itself in all shapes and forms again and again.. Eons of Eternity.. Eternities of Eons.. I reach to touch my creator.. But I cannot find them.. Deemed dominant this broken-heart human exists within himself with a heart of love confined inside his mind one who contemplates yet stands apart eyes warm and cold young but old.. Back to shelter.. Safe again to leave it behind.. In my solitary shell.. My void of solitude.. My home of mind..
Ha.. I think too much
xx Jan 2016
I am not your breaktime deed --
That cigarette you roll
Between your fingertips.

I am not your black bow --
The one that you wear
When you're on call.

I am not your alcohol --
That bottle on your lips
And your face to the floor.

I am not your suede shoes --
Your night time glitter
In your daytime locker.

I am not your perfume --
Bottled and locked,
Always consumed.

I am not your secret --
A kept thought
Inside your head.

I am not your personal thing --
You neither own me
Nor use me.

I am your drugs --
And I brim your head
With what you think
Is true.
galaxy of myths Feb 2017
Like preschool children during breaktime, my thoughts chase each other in super speed*. Running around in circles with never-ending energy. Even at times when my mind should be resting, I think a lot and even when I know I should be sleeping, even more ideas pop into my head at the darkest of hours. I spend so much time thinking that I usually space out in real life. But honestly, I prefer spending time with myself and indulge in books. Being with people would end up with me being disappointed. I expect too much and in the end, I'll get hurt. Better to imagine than experiencing it though.

From a scrap of paper I found of my writing 4 years ago

— The End —