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Blythe Barrymore Jul 2014
I'm so hung up on you,
I jus' dont know what to do,
So I jus' lay back and throw back a few,
Hoping I'll meet somebody new,
Hoping they'll make me forget about you,
But, to myself, I gotta be true;
I jus' dont think there really ain't nobody like you.

I ******' owe you my life,
I think I owe it to be yo wife,
I would give up this knife,
Jus' to be part of yo life.

I'd sail seas to see ya smile,
Cuz I know you haven't met somebody like me in a while,
And I would travel as far as the Nile,
Jus' to win your heart,
But I dont even think I could,
Cuz mine is so vile.
**** it;
If I could have anything; it wouldn't be money,
It'd be you.

**** this fake family,
This "freedom",
I'd give it all up for you.
And for you,
I'd be honest and true,
You need somethin' baby,
I'd get it for ya,
I dont even need a que.

But I guess I need to throw back a few,
And fix these things of mine I got asque,
Wishing there was somebody as incredible as you;
And to fix this mess; I wish there was somethin' I could do.
Waking to the warmth of the sun,
streaming in through my curtains;
I lay here,
without a thought,
without a qulam,
without a regret.
Just naked, with that light warming me.

All I notice are my discarded clothes
and how they represent my life anymore.
Hectic, trivial, asque...
Just, dispondent.

. . .

Nothing wakes me,
yet I can't remember sleep.

It seems I'm stuck;
trapped in limbo,
between who I once was,
and what I've become.

Which isn't much...

. . .

So I'll linger;
across these keys,
over his skin,
with these ghosts...
That have never heard of rest.

They're just here,
keeping me company,
with my numb emotion,
my guilt,
my longing,
and my Whiskey...

*At least it always keeps me warm.
Lonely but not when you hold me can you see that there is no me with out that part of you that grew like two seeds into one tree youre all that i need
Lonely but not when you hold me youre beauty weighs on me this feelings too good should i be allowed to be this utterly happy baby tell me am i good enough for you, are your morals as asque as mine do you find existence divine even though it brings you to tears do you fear theres no point to this all but anyways ya stand tall so they dont see just how scared you can be at times and do you think that its a crime people being so closed minded do you feel like if you could youd get rid of just about every person but if ya really think about it ya realize thatd be kinda irksome lonely and youd rather just be occasionally a very great distance from everybody
Dawnstar Jul 2019
Wer not i were the fir trees shake and wail
    In tracts ov sleep amung sum aking vale,
    Their somber snores, sir, preventing
    The yonder moor's circumventing,
        Then cross i woud,
        And make this good
    Complainant flud relenting.

Thank God we'v gotten rid of "phantasies",
God noes we'r not quite thru with "fotografs".
In lite of "ache", a mustache quaches!
So let's not mache the same mistache,
I'll spell it "ake"; now that is set,
And we ar free from dout and det.
Yet don't forget: be moderat!
(Or not, its ritely up tu yu.)
It needn't be rad or frenetic,
If only a tad mor fonetic.

Take, for sake of example,
How "hemorage" and "flem" are ample
Enuff, then shrug off "cough" and "though",
And "dough" as well can go.
E'en "sleigh" and "neigh" and "weigh"
Have nay a place today.
Why cling to things immutable?
A modern "frute" is sutable!

Do not indite me, dauters and sisters,
For offering change to a cumbersom sistem;
The anser is plain, my frends, not hidden!
Nor do ye shun me, ye tuff men o' wor,
For casseling "castle" and coring the "corps";
Som rules a poet can surely ignor.

Shall we then masque the musque of a maskerade,
Put on by men in mosks at prayerthyme?
Or asque for Coronel's victuals—
Orderves; or, just a bictual—
Let's change our lang a lictual, like Sam's *Rime
(In case you're unaware, "victuals", in standard English, is pronounced like "vittles".) 
Dawnstar Aug 2019
ornate blue mosque
smoky jazz risque
enchanted beat desque
question i asque
drum soul mahogue
undercurrent analogue

— The End —