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Megan Dolan Feb 2013
Feelings deep, never complete
Crooked hearts, fallen thoughts
Lonesome girl, wrongful scars
Vindicated lips, ripped to the sewn
Fearing all that's let on it's own
Contradictive misconceptions
Shadows crept within perception
Lost between fingertips
Weakness then comes to grips
Hope leaks from the tell
Past that fell, begins to dwell
Freckled smiles, such a misstatement
Disappointment reaches eyes
Dreary sorrow, spite along the beloved
Nothing pushed; all is shoved
Diverted content, oppression left
Soulless veins are all that's kept
Brett Flavell Mar 2014
Are you misunderstod?
You are misunderstood!
Are you misunderstood?
You are spiritually touched, in tune with oneself,
yours roots are solid for which you still call.
Are you misunderstood by others, by many, not all?
Why then hide behind a persona as she walks before you?
Hurry up, catch up...
becoming closer to within, almost connected, an old friend, soon to be whole, a reunited soul.
Are you misunderstood?
You are very powerful, more powerful perhaps than even you may realise,
restrained slightly by anquish, may civil unrest be put to sleep, may the cracks reside.
You are misunderstood?
Though as you have seen, tainted through life your heart is pure,
untarnished as it always has been but there,
like an invisible curse,
for it is just your mind ie, other peoples minds in which your aura walks first.
Are you misunderstood?
You are only now becoming who you are, who you already are,
who you have always been, who you were always meant to be,
dont you see, free, free of tense,
free from any external force bearing influence.
For right now, you are not misunderstood!
For right now, you are the most important woman in the world,
yet in the same breath you are irrelevant and not the most important woman in the world
Your desires and aspirations now second, instinctively, to your child and your world.
They are now your universe, the flower in your palm,
May you blossom together, forever, as one.
When life has you down-turn to our GOD
When there is not even a glimmer of hope
TURN to our LORD
When your tomorrow does not look promising
Talk to our LORD with the use of prayers
When there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel-
Again confide in the LORD-
Any salvation is feasible with the help of our LORD-
When you feel anquish or anxious seek his guidance-
Allow our LORD  to cradle you in his arms and make you feel
whole again-
May GOD  look over you at all times -until you return home to HEAVEN-
Silence Screamz Aug 2015
Stand up
Fall down
Hit the pavement hard

Conscience empty
Shattered feelings
Black stained and scarred

Bar gripped
Malevolence gone
Trip wire sad

Crossed line
Gender home
Mental anquish mad
Janette Sep 2012
I am lost ...

beneath your hands and the warmth of your
breath against my skin ... those moments
in time where the wanton in me is reduced
to whimpers as the woman in me whispers
for more ...

Hold me in the stillness of a sigh and
hush me in the eternity of seconds found
when our souls touch ... where nothing
needs to be said for everything is felt ...

in a kiss ...
an embrace ...
a look ...

I pour in many shades of want ... those
wrought from this anquish that binds me
to you in a tremble of emotions ... where
each cry of need begins and ends with
'I love you' falling from quivering
lips ...

I ask nothing more from you than the
tenderness in your caress and the
intensity of your desire ...

want me as the air you breathe ...

and I am forever
Jonny Angel Apr 2015
So now my Darling Angel,
I will write of joy.
No more bloodlust,
no more
spilled guts,
no more
broken hearts
& anquish.
I will write of calm seas
& the moonbeams
reflecting off
your haunting
dark eyes.
The very thought of you
brings me
into submission,
into the spilling
of these
love-seed words.
And I hope,
I do so fervently hope,
I impregnate you
with my happiness.
Tammy M Darby Sep 2013
In my dark eyes do you see
The monster hidden behind words
Crouching within
Hate coursing through my blood
Revenge driving my brain
Mad with anquish
Rife with hallucination

In my eyes do you see
What I have become
A insane woman ranting
Singing deaths  song
Dragging betrayal by hand along
As I dance the steps of the lost
It is the cost
Of my deep yearning
What I desire to be
In my eyes do you see

This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Tammy M. Darby
Ray Savill Jun 2014
Each night, relived, the echoes of our last farewell
I'd spend another minute for eternity in hell
Nights dark wall surrounds, holds my mind fast
Day's become night's, by a single thought cast.
Alone, unseen by others, I stalk this lonely path
Surrounded by the herd, barely to be heard.
Fortune rarely covers, tears, falling on the hearth
Emotionally disturbed, hear no sound, unstirred
Look to others eyrs, but see no cries
Of pain, that aqua enshrouds within my brain.
Secreted in my psyche, alone, since our goodbye
Your love and memories guide, my lonely woeful sigh.
My heart so full of anquish, so much tormented pain
Without your love and loyalty, life has no future gain.
Dave Bas Nov 2010
I have been troubled for many a year
To understand my lifes claim

For reasons which are still unclear
To mine heart you came

I prayed for you
And beautifully you came

My fear was felt
This cannot be true

Am I deserving of such a woman
I had thought not until I lost you

I was blessed with you for a time
But fear left me blind  

Since that time I have become ill
Myself in unrelenting anquish

To why would I be deserving
I have done nothing to keep it

Nor have done anything to show it
Now I sit alone praying for my lifes pinnacle

Alas I am a broken man once again praying for you
Would the heavens grant miracle two

Though it is impossible to hope
That lightening should strike twice

I will always believe you can come back
For you and you alone are my permanent vice

I am not perfect but this I swear to you
No  man has ever been lucky enough

To know love like I had with you
Francie Lynch Aug 2015
Cain's despair of separation
Needed no mark.
His anquish looks back at me
Through the ink spots
And small words,
Useless words when the ethereal is in play.
The co-joining and sharing
Of organs and events.
Children carrying my stories to you
Like a string between two cans.
I hear your virbrations
Through them.
Eshwara Prasad Sep 2020
I will cry till
gender based
violence is not
Pluck Sep 2015
I wrote this in Five minutes because I've thought about you long enough to know what I want to say.

You might feel like no one understands but I've felt anquish to, I've seen effort turn invisible to, & I understand why you walk that way.

Skies you intended for sunshine fall victim to games and tearful lies. You find out things that feel like lightening through your heart and that pain has torn you.

Just thought I'd inform you, you're not a lone survivor for I've been in that storm to.

I myself have made it out but if you've ever been in a storm you know it's meaningless to be safe unless you know the people you care for are warm to.

When you make it out remember effort is a prerequisite to be worthy so even though your heart is the greatest gift worthy is the one who takes the initiative to steal it.

So I take my emotions and think of the most powerful actions to reveal it because words are just words until someone else feels it.
Tom Blake May 2016
I could ease your pain
Your pain!
All I do is hold your hand
Try to understand
Trying not to be
A Job's comforter.

It hurts to see your anquish
Observe too your rage
I am angry too
At the devastation wickedness has made.

Is on your mind
Through tears
You try to comprehend
The rationale behind this atrocity
Now all you feel
Is Intense animosity.

Are they
That cause such grief?
Who topple buildings
Leave thousands
Dead in the streets
A Massive Weep?!
An Avalanche
Father, forgive them for they know not  what they do...Jesus. In your case ,Jesus,they didn't! THEY know what they are doing to the innocent/ innocence. With the ultimate
Respect to Our Lord, who was the most innocent... A lamb! (and more!)
Evan Christopher Aug 2015
Experiencing pain and anquish
In all aspects of shame
Understanding there's a sickness that lies inside every humans veins
A darkness that challenges us
each and every day
Dare we try to make a change?

Tho we must
If we desire to rise once more
Because even from the ashes of fire
New flames can be born
An ever lasting mark is what we wish to leave, but if only peace was the way that this essence was achieved
Rup Aug 2019
His meaness had hidden depths, his bullying uncontrolled
A passion to destroy you, his cruelty was untold
You took it all from dusk to dawn, for years you cried in vain
But then you had enough of him, and could no longer take the pain
The names, the jibes, the anquish, the destruction of your mind
The solace you took to hell and back, you left it all behind
Your life returned and full of hope, the door no longer closed
You've left behind the bully boy, his life was now exposed.
His mask has slipped but he feels no shame as he scans the road ahead;
A victim he will charm no doubt, as he takes her to his bed.
But rest assurred you bully boy, your pleasure will be short,
For as you have already noticed, bullies do get caught!
Rup Aug 2019
Empty darkness, is that what awaits ?
Questions abound but I have no answers.
I stare across the water, then up to the clouds,
My mind wonders as I look back in anger
What could I have done to change things,
To remove that man from my loved ones life,
The pain he caused her, a man to his wife.
I am filled with such hatred for what he has done
For the pain, the suffering the anquish he caused
But should I feel guilty for feeling no shame
For harbouring such feelings, with little to gain
I can't even go there, I can't explain
But his ending tomorrow would help ease the pain
Would this be justice or revenge bitter sweet
Or should I feel shame for not being discrete.
No. No shame.

— The End —