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Kyle Dickey Jan 2015
Dearly Beloved we gather here today,
Not to celebrate a lovely matrimony,
But to celebrate loss,
A death that touches us every day,
And will do so for the rest of our lives.

Dearly Beloved we mustn't cry,
Not shed a single tear,
We can't nor should we.

Dearly Beloved the death amugst us,
The death I speak of is the death of love,
The death of compassion and kindness,
The death of good all riped from the world far too soon.
Now that it's gone we are left with no emothion,
Left to our sociopathic tendencies,
Left to ourselves,
Left hoping one day these people,
Love, comapsion, kindness and everything good,
Hoping that they will return to make us better again,
So Dearly Beloved I leave you with this,
The tool to bring them all back from the dead,

It's but a smile they said and looked around.
But someday the Dearly Beloved may understand,
It's the small things on a big scale that makes the world good and that's disappearing.
Be thankful for the rain ,
for when it came parched lands were quenched amugst humid skies ,
as darker clouds gathered at four in the afternoon .
The letter I meant to send you lies unopened on my table .

There was no post today ,
no stamp as the post office was closed ,
no rail road to sent by train to sort out ,
No pigeon post as my bird had died that morning in its cage ,
Or telegraph man with heavy burden of death to knock on your door .
My WiFi off line
E mails down ,
My paper plane would not take to flight ,
If I could have walked to your house and mailed it by candel light ,
Or sent a sonet ,
Or a chorister of chamber singers at dusk .
By quil and ink I would have written
‘ I love you ‘
I. awoke at three in the morning to the sound of Elephants of the Serongetti up and down my stairs ,
                             They left a thud that went straight through me.
Then trumpet sound of slamming doors and endless chatter that somehow just didn't matter ,
at 3 am in the morning .
Outside fireworks were set off a crackle to the heavens , beneath the billions of stars
Our sun bringing light to this cradle of satan , once loved God , God had lovingly hung in the heavens.
Beyond that  the Milky Way a little girl picks up from the table , starts to tear its wrapper ,
'. No dear not before lunch '. Said Mother , the little girl looked perplexed and returned
It to the table .
A potter hangs his earthenware ceramic ball Of clay amugst the stars and weeps at how
Sad it has become , compared. to all the other bright stars and. Galaxy's he has made.
All. The Rivers , and Sky's  , all the unborn babies. Cries .
Like shifting sand the land has become dammed ,
One Cross of Roman wood ,
One hope ,
A line of Jessie ,
Crushed ,
Like a rose to rise again .
One plan , for man ,
On Savior to walk this earth .

An Acrid smell of nicotine from my neighbors flat below ,
Stale and pungent , it hung in the air , and lingered like an Angel of death above my bed ,
And Mrs Hubbard who came out of my cupboard , with a broom she had found on the
Moon  chased the mouse out of my house ,
In the light of the moon , a. Fly passed by , who wasn't taken in by the spider beside her.
And the lovers who had pots and pans and crazy plans ,found love
Over coffee and tea , and sympathy ,
Cuddled in bed .
And as dawn awoke , to bird song ,
a single prayer was heard ,
That man should know Gods Glory
amugst the singing of the birds
Where are you my love “ ?
The  woman cried out ,
she searched here home where soldiers came ,
and the abandoned streets where children once played .
“ Where are you my love ?”
and she walked barefoot in the streets she once called home ,
dead bodies strewn ,
all alone .
Her  neighbors her friends around her lay ,
and still she cried out for her lover .

Amugst  the fires and soot that choked the air ,
amugst the evil that once preyed there ,
amugst the echoes of the bullet and gun ,
that still rang in her ears .
She still looked and cried out
“ where are you dear , where are you my love “ ?
Her face and clothes were covered in soot ,
all day and night she looked ,
yet not once as sunlight rose ,
did she not stop to cry out ,
Where are you my love” ?

Then as she returned home ,
there was he with a big smile and a hug. ,
with newly cut flowers on a vase on the table ,
and birds went a singing as well they were able.

Then a man she had never met ,
took her hand as she wept ,
“ I know where you’re lover lies ,
hanged on the tree where you first met “
and that is all he said .

And so with bitter tears amugst the ruins her dreams and fears ,
she sat alone in the dust of what she once called ,
home .
O lady o ,
my rides of late hath seemed lonely out there ,
amugst the tall pines ,
the firn and the breeze ,
untill I saw you’re face ,
you brought love to me .

You smiled once as I rode near ,
I waved back ,
you were so dear ,
and if it wasn’t God in all his glory that placed you there ,
was it Satan came to temp me ,
to draw blood from my very sight ?

For I have rode in evenings light past forests as dark as the night ,
through fern and pine tree tall and dark ,
You called me out as a champagne bottle just past me by .
For now I have seen the colours of evening as vast as youre breast ,
you’re turrets are tall and fair ,
you’re battlements of burning  red ,
You’re cannons linstock lit .
You’re hair as black as the Lotus flower ,
which poison fills the air this very hour
and grow in you’re grounds beautiful and rare .

I will blow a kiss to you this night ,
even if the winds that howl ,
let their spirits deceive,
for this night shall you’re turrets will tumble ,
you’re battlements breached without due care
You’re cannons with no flint to fire ,
you’re broken bottle held tight to my chest ,

For this night through firn and flower ,
dainty white carnations shall I pick for you ,
as we ride two by two .

This night I shall ride faster than any knight ,
to chase the sun untill there is no light ,
to gaze upon ,

yet you have left,
I lift my eyes to where you stood ,
with a bottle of champagne,
I drink ,
to you my dear ,
My ever ,
Heart .
Mummy looked with Johnny
at the pages of a book before
Johnny went to bed .
Is God really like that Johnny said
an old man with a beard
On a cloud of soft Philadelphia ?
And is the devil have a pointy
Stick and like  ACDC  says
Hell ain't a bad place to be Mummy ?
'. Let's  turn the page and find out "

An Ambulance raced through Ashfords
Streets  with sirens and da da da s .
and on its way past a big red bus
Today you shall be with me in paradise
emblazoned on the side .

The crow landed on the place they called the skull .
and pecked at the rock for a while .
8 " Roman nails  hammered down  into an outstretched hand .
Ahhhh a cry of agony as the nail found blood and wood below . Again the other hand a blood curdling cry ,
the Savior of the world nailed on a cross to die .
I am the way truth life ' he said and suffered for our sin .
The good Shepheard , the gate to all who might enter in .
Yet they mock and scorn the unbeliever in coffee shops
and factory's .
' King of the Jews they say come down come down today ? '
Christ '.
Jesus '.
they cuss and swear ,
Like jeering crowd Barabus call ,
The *** swear and spit .

" Arnt. You afraid of God ? said the theif  who hung next to thee
Today you will be with me in paradise my Savior said to me .

Oh Violinist of Mosul who played on the roof as Daesh advanced  ,
And children of Syria who's  Assads. Chemical bombs dropped ,  for the humble of heart ,
Christ died for thee .
For the Aragant proud ,
Christ weeps ,
and for lost sheep may he never stop searching .
Oh bitter cup of wroth out of my Fathers. hand didst. Poor .
Bread and wine ,
Pass over lamb ,
the first born
A cross on the door .

' Anun Mithaleq '.

Darkness fell  at. noon ,
a mad  cattling hell cried out as
Satans Demons danced  ,
Gods judgment Fell .
Pitch black ,
The earth shook ,
Holy of holys curtain torn ,
And a game of top trumps is played out in the heavens .
And as three hours passed ,
Christ breathed his last ,
Father into thy hands I commit thy spirit .

Oh rotting corpse ,
and linen ties in a tomb you lay .
But Gods trump card has rolled this stone away.
And where a grave of tears and spices sadly once met in death ,
A tomb stone rolled ,
He is not here ,
He has risen an Angel did say ,
Why look for the living amugst. the dead ?
Do you not know the name of the winner ?

Then one day a Farmer came and gave grave news to Amy ,
Her Father had died and by his side a bag of gold and a cross
sold for a penny .
The Gold was sold to build a Church where her Father lay.
And one Easter morn just before dawn she gave her life to thee.

Now underneath an old oak tree a crow lay slowly dying ,
and a Blackbird sung ,
a new days begun .

There you have  it Johonny said mummy now it's time for bed .

Yet in some leafy field of green where Henry Vlll might have
been a stag bellowed .
Anun Mithaleq it is Finnished
Eloi   Eloi. Lama sabachtham   Into thy hands I commit my spirit
There was once a flat in Aberdeen ,
with many books ,
amugst the coffee cups and cigarette buts ,
and bottles of drink ,
stood out one ,
with grim piercing smile ,
held a chill up to my spine ,
a spinderling tale ,
a haunted spirit ,
a young boys mind in ruin .

Untill day dreams and sleep return ,
for in. our minds spiders find time ,
to awaken what has been broken.

For now I have awoken  ,
before the birdsong that herolds the dawn ,
a paper mache mask hangs in mid air .
many many years from here ..
Behind it lies corridors of loneliness,
bittersweet ,
butterscotch candy flakes ,
the dorcedanyas mirrors lost in time and space .
where every room a closed door waits ,
and silence echoes reflections in my grandmas mirror ,
that I’m told go on forever !

Am I awake or am I dead ?
yet a feeling of being alone ,
for his loneliness is a floral bed ,
when paper face takes off his paper mache head .

A closed door an empty smile ,
a mirror that masks the truth in lies ,

For if music halls could still dance and sing ,
he would still be the toast to the king of swing .

His only companions are in his head ,
they goaded him ,
they put the thoughts into his head ,
they told him they wished he were dead .

Now in silence he hangs above my bed ,
at three in the morning,
just before dawn ,
and birdsong breaks this hopeless mourn ,
there’s a knock on my door ,
a spirit of a lady with the most beautiful smile ,
holding lilies ,
In a white long dress ,
awaits to enter on time .

Before my eyes from this paper mask a man with beaming smile I saw in black bow tie ,
and morning suit ,
his buttercup candy flake .
Hand in hand they wait for the sun ,
to vanish in light and love ,
to where heavens chorus breaks .

For loneliness has been and gone ,
and fear has been replaced by morning song ,
for my bedroom is filled with the first beams of light ,
that has cast the spell of loneliness into the night .
When I were Just a lad ,
my uncle used to say ,
as we all walked in the grounds of the gnoll ,
on any hot summers day .
“;there beyond the trees ,
above that starry mount ,
far above an ivy tower you must reach to find you’re love .”

So far that tower seems ,
even to this day ,
past a rabbits foot that lied alone our way ,
how steep was our climb to that tower far away ,

O ld ruins filled with moss and ivy where only
couples lay ,
where the moons and suns that lit up the night ,
seem so far away .

Where lovers lost and without due care find their abandonment ,
only there .
Where parties of guests once ate to great delight ,
In honour of their lords who summoned the night .

So as we approached so near was the sound ,
of people laughing all around ,
for what was once a burnt out shell ,
now found lights and happiness to dwell .
Where fine wine was drunk in copious amounts ,
and the ladies Flornted their wares to any passing gentleman around.

Yet as soon as the sun rose to touch those ivy hills ,
the lights grew dim ,
a morning chill snuffed out the lights ,
untill all was still .
The  people left without a sound ,
like a ghosts of love I find all around dim and distant ,
there is no doubt .
As I looked back amugst the braken and Brooke’s ,
to ruins above me ,
a woman waves to me with smiling cheeks ,
‘ goodbye ‘ said she ,” it’s been fun “
My uncle turned to and said , “ What were you looking at “ ?
“ Nothing said I for love is just for dreamers who just
happen to walk by “ .
Now amugst the crashing of the waves ,
and the calls of seagulls true and brave ,
Iying in the sea ,
about to take a nap ,
lies a sea turtle enjoying the tankards sailing by ,
as the afternoon sun rises to meet its cloudless blue ,

all of a sudden without due thought ,
or care ,
or a tidderly doo   ,
for if he had ,
would not have bothered you .
A brown ***** who had flown off course looked for direction,
from the shell of a sea turtles back .

.” Excuse me my friend I’m taking a nap ,
Please be so kind not to sit on my back “

The ***** bird said nothing in reply ,
not a swork ,
or an eek or a  “ soon ile be back “

For the rain forests are burning ,
and the skies are filled with smoke ,
and the seas are filled with plastic ,
and I’m ready to croak “
To be honest dear turtle I don’t give a dam ,
I’m looking for trees that form some dry land ,”
for all I can see ,
are tankards filled with oil ,
and cans and plastic in the sea  man can’t destroy “

Look said the turtle whom just wanted to rest ,
The Greta fleet are sailing to harbours to save ,
whist world leaders shut parliament,
ready to dig out our graves .
Oh look there goes a wet wipe ,
a can of empty coke ,  
takeaway cartons ,
an empty bottle with a note ,
* please if found return to shore ,
the ***** bird picked it up ,
then threw it back once more ,
said “ romance is dead “
for the little girl waiting won’t ever write back .

For at the end of the night  ,
when all have gone home in search of a better day ,
Fly tippers leave their waste on toxic land to decay ,
and we breath in their fumes as best we can .
If I were a poet I would walk in fields of green ,
hand in hand with my fair maiden. amugst
Crows I had not yet seen .
If I were a poet  by pillow sky's of blue ,
You would walk beside me hand in hand ,
by a pebbled running stream ,
and as dawn broke walk barefoot along side hills I'd never been ,.
Then the bright morning star would be on some distant planet far away ,
Unable to temp ,
and take this blessed peace away .
For as Christ in all his glory Witnissed  Satan fall like a bolt out
Of a firmament so poetic only a canvas on grey and black would do .

As if poetry were like apples only a red or green to pick ,
Ripe and juicy ,
Yet rotten and so sweet .
with tables set before me one with a bowl of fruit below ******
Sky ,
the other bread and wine  set before me under this benevalant Welkin vault .
One of poison ,
One of love ,
And so to grey sky's  and bitter winds I awake ,
under black ice I fall ,
But this way may not be paved with gold ,
Or ladies sweet perfume ,
But poetry and Gods wisdom in Jesus love on a cold Autumble afternoon ..
I stand alone at my watch ,
amugst the howling winds and seas,
that have raged against this land .
Curupt this anchor held fast ,
for no autumble tide shall keep this watch ,
or seagulls in search of prey ,
circle  ancient mariners lost out at sea .

she whispers “ come “ .
I can hear her amid the seagulls call and the crashing of the waves .              
Is there  no lantern for me to burn so she might rescue me ?

And the rain it falls like sharpened iceicles that whip against my face ,
doth it sting my eyes and bring manacles for me to embrace ?

Yet in days I have waited ,
and the years have gone by ,
do I now stand here alone without hope ,
or a final goodbye?

This ship I await brings only hope to this land ,
of truth my fair maiden ,
out of loyalty grand .
It shall bring peace to this nation if not joy to my heart .
And when it’s anchor hits water should my soul ever depart ?
shortly not for though this waiting brings only sorrow to my eye ,
she still holds up a lantern to my sight ,
as the days have gone by .

My feet are not steady ,
should I stumble and fall ,
and yet I grow weary ,
should the reaper ever call ?

If these waves that are before me should ,
Swollow me hole ,
then my heart on wings must fly out to her
carried on a sceptre of gold .

how the swallow sings so sweetly ,
they pass me by in numbers as my fire burns cold .
For I ...

(. * waves and seagulls. can be heard *)

“. My darling my love “
she cradles me against the seas
“;a kiss as I lay dying ,
her dress ,
abandoned to the seas ,
her  heart cries out ,
as I lay dying .

My flower ,
my little crumb has sailed this stormy sea ,
and now I’m sad to say ,
she has to bury me.
And so the Angels played their trumpet sounds ,
and Glory reigned all around ,
That Jesus Christ the one they slayed ,
has now risen from the grave .

And so an Angel post ,
on where death could not boast ,
a cross of wood could not hold ,
or a spear of water and blood ,
betell   our risen King.

So  the women came with ointments and balm ,
were left speechless for their loss ,
an Angel tells them at what cost,
“ why seek out the living amugst the dead.
That Jesus Christ has risen .
I walked in the shadows of my grief,
alone ,
for no gravestone could speak of what we had known .
For you who had hung so radiantly amugst the stars for a while , now ,
crash landed through space and time .
No rescue boat could keep us afloat ,
I saw it as you’re stars went dim .
so I could be by your side .
Is there nothing in this life that’s mine ?
for it all reminds me of you.

So here I stand to what an end ,
for my best friend has gone ,
and even death dare not claim me still ,

defeated by Christ ,it dare not draw me in.
And sleep my only refuge ,
to which I must awake .
Oh for pity’s sake .
You walked away many moons ago ,
please come back or tell me which way to go .
The people gathered all around ,
to see the Spector that had fled,
when the sun went down .
With forks and anything else they could find ,
so to save the sick ,
the lame ,
and the blind .

Far in the distance the red sky a blaze ,
set alight by the suns burning rays .

For every night just before sundown ,
Ghostly apparitions were seen in the town .

They came to gawp ,
they came to stare ,
so poets could dream ,
and write without care .

And so the red wing which looked for bugs on the ground
soon spread its wings
amugst the wind and the snow, and the foul ,
and when it left it could not be found ..

And so darkness fell on this land from dawn to night when the
Sun went. down ,
and spread from afar ,
Untill the morning light .
they just wore masks to dig a hole for their dead ,
into a pit their bodies layed .

And so the ghosts with their gawps and stares ,
we’re only there to help the folk in their prayers .
And when they had left the boils and the **** ,
that clung to their throats ,
and ****** all their blood ,
left without warning as the red wing sang .

So the child who had the fever and the sores ,

could live and breath and shout and scream
and dance for the joy of the Lord .
I walked all alone in a garden where all around flowers started to bloom .
They open their eyes towards me ,
staring as if without a care ,
not even bothering if I had seen them there .

I walked further into my garden ,
a statue of a lady greeted me there ,
her eyes were far from me ,
as if I hadn’t seen her there .

Then when she thought I wasn’t looking ,
she turned to move her head ,
just enough so to see me ,
then quickly turned  away instead .

So I sat down to eat an apple to see what she would do ?
But after all it was a statue and they never look at you ?

So after a feeling of paranoia for  that’s what I felt I had become ,
the clouds started whispering to the noon day sun .

Then I had another apple and sat quietly on a bench ,
so the trees and their branches could talk-quietly amugst themselves ,
but they stayed silent ,
and all of a sudden I was left all alone ...
and all by myself ,
I set off towards home .
Two Angels. rode with arms outstretched ,
with a Lilly in their hands ,
an iron horse which nostels flare .
Above that white horse of Nobel land .
A iron maiden with a banner in her hand ,
dressed in white and steel ,
and grace ,
Marched to Orléans .

Yet fall she did outside the gates that would not let her in ,
taken by the Burgundian guard for. her inquisitioning .

Oh Let me take that Lilly from you though it be not yet spring ,
and dip it in balm ,
so as it wipe thy brow Though it might not sting .
Yet angels surround you on all sides ,
as they tied you to a tree .
though pillars of smoke and flame scorch thy breast ,
remember you are not alone ,
for Christ is now you’re Victory !

The cross of wood you see the last thing before your spirit leaves ,
to Adams breast  on silver clouds in hand the flure  de lis ,
and Lilly’s spread from angels hands  next to fountains pure as spring .

Oh you’re  heart still lies abeating  amugst  the ashes lay ,
as pure as snow though they tried to stump it with their cloven hoofs , they couldn’t stop it beating try as they may .

So Frances lands true and fair are saved for evermore ,
the banner of the fleur de lis lifted high against the shore ,
the white of her armour ,
the red of her soldiers true and brave ,
and the blue skies that without love could never ever be saved .
When the snow covers the hill tops ,
and turns to ice the mountainous springs ,
when angels wings covet the skies ,
when all that can be seen are these things .
For only  mountains split when  God is near ,
only then I shall  fall into you’re arms ,
because you are so dear .

So let  snow covered   mountains then  tremble in you’re sight ,
above the earth ,
where perfumed goblets pour out amugst the stars ,
and crows that once gathered ,
are now scattered near and far .

Then  statues of you and I will rise in marble and pure gold ,
their metals will glisten by the fountains of Bairn                           tthat     told by scribes that have long since died .
Passed  down though time bybirds with heads of maidens ,
for so black are their bodies ,
as we grow  old  ,
their faces gaunt and pale.
But our hearts grew strong in love and grace ,
even as our bodies grew weak and frail .

O then for  it is it not you’re beauty I await .

Now the song birds have fallen silent to this fate ,
so then do the stars and the moon await ,
and shadows in the garden now appear ,
now you are near .

And so when morning comes I shall await for the sun ,
it’s bitter cold winds now that mornings begun ,
on clouds carried by Nymphs of the earth
when Gods holy messengers cover their wings ,
for even they can’t look on such beautiful  things

For by this gate I wait for you’re return ,
where you’re Father lays buried  beneath the wings of the sun .

Then I hear the pounding of hooves ,
far away in the distance .
O now you are near ,
as my horse gains pace o so many the year,
as our hearts beat faster for now they are one,
two lovers together ,
their joy hath begun .
together forever ,
now you are near ,
by the grave of you’re Father how bitter you’re tears .

— The End —