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Run with this cauldron, ladle out soup
To the soldiers of our land
In the field of battle, lay out a cloth
And let them stretch their bloodied limbs as they eat
Their minds are weary, untrusting
Each spoonful less viscous than its predecessor
A succession of leaders repeated in their heads
Every dead soldier, a reason for abdication
The people hate the war they’ve started
The fools!
No matter how much soup I take to them
No matter how watery the broth
Each day they watch me leave the front
Each day I walk alone back to base
And munitions are airlifted daily
eden halo Feb 2014
Petrified for the last time,
I cut my brittle heart out
with a pair of nail scissors,
clipping through the keratin
down to the quick —
the sharp, thick, constant sting
of raw flesh, ribs spread
to see the moist, shady maw,
the red, white, and blue
empty ring box of my lungs,
a “yes”
like soft velour, all
tumescent and convex, pressed
out with the fragments
of vitreous gifts
you poured down my windpipe
(unintentionally vitriolic),
gem shards, cold and hard,
and I am scarified inside out.

My heart, airlifted
from its zone of alienation,
wails and trails lank Titian locks,
a red forest, scorched and floored.
Still, the dead marble lump glows red
and ***** like blood under nails.
You are subdermal —
eternally, infernally so.
Put apples in my cheeks, speak
but do not
listen, I glisten —
first with sweat, then tears,
then soap suds. I shed
my skin, touch fresh markings,
milk patterns. Half blossomed
rose bud,
dismantled, curling
up on myself,

you’re out of the woods.
I pull up my hood, drag my feet
out of the mud, bind
my open chest with the rest
of my ruddy cloak and,
sanguine, let drop my spleen
into the puddle I leave
behind, all dark
with blood and bark. Your bite
is not so bad
but, oh darling,
what big teeth you have.
Judy Moskowitz Feb 2016
I've been airlifted from that place
Clogged with plaque
Causing post traumatic stress
And flashbacks of a girl
With empty eyes
In a black and white photograph
Hidden on the top shelf
Of a closet
Living inside an old shoe box
I took my scissors
Cut the past
Into tiny pieces
All poems have copyrights
It was 1950, his name was Corporal Bill.

The army had routed him to this God Forsaken Hill, that they called ‘ Pork chop’, for God alone knows why! He was new to the Unit’s Love company and had already been shot at and almost blown up during the earlier mission. This assignment was surely going to be another nightmare.
Arriving on the hill was no picnic. He was told to get ready for the next wave of North Korean troops, expected at any time. With 150 men, they knew they were outnumbered because the enemy always came in thousands.
He sat in his tent looking at the picture of his wife and their first baby that was coming. She was so lovely and he was so excited about their first child. He missed her so much. Holding the picture so tightly to his heart, he wondered if he would ever see his wife and their new baby. Thinking about her he said a silent prayer,
“Dear Lord would You please watch over them. Watch over us here in this unknown land where we fight a battle for an unknown cause. But since we are here, Lord so do please protect us.”
At that moment he heard warning shouts. Grabbing his gear he ran to the nearest foxhole. He jumped in and started shooting, shot after shot. It was as if a hail of a thousand bullets whizzing past everywhere. There was no time to think. The priority was just trying to stay alive. All around him he could see friends dropping off like flies.
Finally a lull in the shooting and the meds were swarming, trying to get to the injured, knowing that the next wave of the enemy would soon be upon them.
A miracle…!! Reinforcements arriving, another hundred men from Mike Company showed up.
‘Well at least that is something,’ Bill thought to himself.
It was the moment to catch their breath. Where ever they could lay their heads. Just trying to rest and eating out of their sea rations. They were all starving and so tired but afraid of going to sleep.
Then the voice from the loud speaker came on. Telling them how they were going to be killed, since they were outnumbered. If they surrendered, their lives would be spared.
‘I wish it would stop’ thought Bill. He looked around to see so many scared and petrified faces.
Then it was night. It was so dark one couldn’t see a hand in front of his face.
Bill found a place away from everyone near the cliff and settled in, wondering what was going to come next.
He must have dozed off, when he heard warning shouts. As he ran he heard the staccato of bullets firing. An offensive had been launched by the North Koreans. They were everywhere. He was being attacked caught off guard without his rifle; he fought them in a hand to hand combat and rushed to where his rifle lay. Stabbed in the hand he shot three enemy soldiers in quick succession. He didn’t know where to go since the enemy was everywhere. Jumping off the cliff, he held onto a branch for hours.
It was hours later and the sun was coming up. Bill pulled himself up with tired strained arms and bloodied hands. As he looked over the cliff, he saw bodies strewn everywhere. No enemy was in sight. As he was gathering his wits about, he saw movement and froze. Watching cautiously then he realized the four were his co-combatants of Love Company, badly bruised and shot. The five of them looked at each other and walked down the hill. Airlifted by helicopters, only five men out of two hundred and fifty survived the battle of Pork Chop Hill.
Corporal Bill
You are alive
By the Grace of God
You are alive.
Just wait Bill, there is more to come.
Your life is only starting
You have so much to do
The brave men of so long ago still
Spells out today.
He leads out of the fire
He gives His blessed assurance.
He gives His grace.
Oh enemy you cannot keep them down
They will be back and back.
With the Grace of God;
They will be back.

I want to honor all who have died protecting their country. Thanks, protectors of freedom!... and a special thank you to MY DAD Sgt. Floyd Bill Brooks ..Retired Army... he was in Korea on Pork chop Hill in 50-51.. and then Vietnam in the 60's ... twice.
Since I have wrote this my dad has died.. He cried when he read this.. He never knew how to say thank you.. but when he read this.. he finally said it.. and I cried with joy..
From sun up to sun down I'm exposin' clowns
Drown all on forth down on a punt status
Check the turnover burnin' em' with the Clova
Southside soldiers takin' over so rollover
Deep in your grave you ain't got the brave
Ery in your heart pick em apart words sharp
As a Marlin startlin' ya every moves
On focus so I could show and improve
My skills legit Hershel Walker mimic
Can you feel it? Beats across yo chest
I stress from nine Millie's that test
Ya cardio round n round we go toe to toe
They can't handle the mental of a jackal
Hyena tactics meltin' heads like blacksmiths
Smokin' spliffs keeps me closer to the cliff
To Claire Huxtable hateable but loveable
In the same sentence learn ya distance
Or else you'll be leaning on the fences
Every nerved pinched soul clenched
Ready to die so i keep my prayers toward sky why??

Check the squat stance money in my hands
In bands understand my lyrics excite fans
On demand see me rollin' in a gang clan
Fast as i can gun flash now demons in the past
Miss the cask take another sip from my flask
Drinkin' til my liver stinkin' minds sinkin'
Deep in to the cosmos astro feel me flow so
Take a stroll to Texas death row live with my bows
Got plenty more built for war with hoes galore
Give em **** then leave em on the floor
******* I'm breakin' dominos effect infants
Even pumpin' they hearts to this rock to this
Like Chris flavors in ya ear to crisp sip this
Hennessy to make me see better aim at my enemies
We ride on slide the chrome dome exposed
Now they in a funeral home chapter to my tome
make a break back in my six hot drug a stitch
**** my chick rather be judged by twelve than airlifted by six tricks!!!
alimony = spousal support
abortionist = abortion provider
spying (on a woman) = stalking
nurse, orderly, medic = care worker (British)
flown = airlifted
social worker = community worker
criminal = wrongdoer
crime = wrongdoing
interrogation = interview
car lot = auto center
torture = pain compliance; enhanced interrogation techniques
suspect = person of interest
housewife = home maker = stay-at-home mom
court house = justice center
prison = confinement center
school = learning center
garbage dump = landfill
antique = vintage
caretaker = caregiver
crippled = physically challenged
tradesman = trades worker
soldier = service member
medical care = healthcare
doctor = healthcare provider
clinic = health center
hospital = health
socialized medicine = universal healthcare
house builder = home builder
Department of War = Department of Defense
war = intervention
occupation (of a foreign nation) = nation building
illegal aliens = undocumented immigrants
medic = emergency medical technician, E.M.T.
nursery = daycare center
nursing home = assistant living facility
arrested = detained
imprisoned = detained
prisoner = detainee
prison = detention center
prison guard = C.O., corrections officer
eyeglasses = eye wear
shoes = footwear
policeman = police officer/law enforcement officer
police station = law enforcement center
fireman = firefighter
sportsman = sportsperson
sportsmen = sportspeople
puddling = ponding
enemy = terrorist
infanticide = right to choose
79¢ = .79¢
mistake = miscommunication
blockade = sanctions
waiter/waitress = server
check = cash
bomb = improvised explosive device (I.E.D.)
gals = guys
wife beating = domestic violence
*** change = gender reassignment
******* = transgender
***** = *** worker
stewardess = flight attendant
citizen = civilian
government overthrow = regime change
The Orient = Asia
Oriental = Asian
Afro-American = African American
Indian = native American
Internal Revenue Dept. = Internal Revenue Service
workmen's compensation = workers compensation (without possessive apostrophe)
meeting = meet-up/meetup
snitch, fink, stool pigeon, stoolie = spy, informant
side dish = side
meter maid = parking-enforcement officer
unloaded = downloaded,  off loaded
goal = endgame
sportsmen = sportspeople
physical = wellness screening
***, *****, hobo = homeless person
destitute = homeless
destitution = homelessness
watch man = security guard/officer
nursing  home = care home with nursing  (England)
chairman = chair
P.O.W., prisoner of war (citizen) = civilian internee
rescue mission = homeless shelter
mail = mailpiece (according to the post ofc.)
employee = team member
teacher = educator/educationist
alimony = spousal support
abortionist = abortion provider
spying (on a woman) = stalking
nurse, orderly, medic = care worker (British)
flown = airlifted
social worker = community worker
criminal = wrongdoer
crime = wrongdoing
interrogation = interview
car lot = auto center
torture = pain compliance; enhanced interrogation techniques
suspect = person of interest
housewife = home maker = stay-at-home mom
court house = justice center
prison = confinement center
school = learning center
garbage dump = landfill
antique = vintage
caretaker = caregiver
crippled = physically challenged
tradesman = trades worker
soldier = service member
medical care = healthcare
doctor = healthcare provider
clinic = health center
hospital = health
socialized medicine = universal healthcare
house builder = home builder
Department of War = Department of Defense
war = intervention
occupation (of a foreign nation) = nation building
illegal aliens = undocumented immigrants
medic = emergency medical technician, E.M.T.
nursery = daycare center
nursing home = assistant living facility
arrested = detained
imprisoned = detained
prisoner = detainee
prison = detention center
prison guard = C.O., corrections officer
eyeglasses = eye wear
shoes = footwear
policeman = police officer/law enforcement officer
police station = law enforcement center
fireman = firefighter
sportsman = sportsperson
sportsmen = sportspeople
puddling = ponding
enemy = terrorist
infanticide = right to choose
79¢ = .79¢
mistake = miscommunication
blockade = sanctions
waiter/waitress = server
check = cash
bomb = improvised explosive device (I.E.D.)
gals = guys
wife beating = domestic violence
*** change = gender reassignment
******* = transgender
***** = *** worker
stewardess = flight attendant
citizen = civilian
government overthrow = regime change
The Orient = Asia
Oriental = Asian
Afro-American = African American
Indian = native American
Internal Revenue Dept. = Internal Revenue Service
workmen's compensation = workers compensation (without possessive apostrophe)
meeting = meet-up/meetup
snitch, fink, stool pigeon, stoolie = spy, informant
side dish = side
meter maid = parking-enforcement officer
unloaded = downloaded,  off loaded
goal = endgame
sportsmen = sportspeople
physical = wellness screening
***, ***** = homeless person
destitute = homeless
destitution = homelessness
watch man = security guard/officer
nursing  home = care home with nursing  (England)
chairman = chair
P.O.W., prisoner of war (citizen) = civilian internee
rescue Mission = homeless shelter
mail = mailpiece (according to the post ofc.)
employee = team member
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2021
Your tidal temperament is why
no doubt the French designated
you feminine, because you are
a cantankerous ***** like that
******* moon also La Lune (atic)

If you think the author of this
is a misogynist, then you need
to go and speak with the sailors
who were airlifted from a trawler
off the coast of Bantry in Ireland.

Or perhaps you should go and
talk to the gender assignment
department Paris at the Accademie
Francaise, those who it was decided
on La Rage, La Guerre, et La Peste !
alimony = spousal support
abortionist = abortion provider
spying (on a woman) = stalking
nurse, orderly, medic = care worker (British)
flown = airlifted
social worker = community worker
criminal = wrongdoer
crime = wrongdoing
interrogation = interview
car lot = auto center
torture = pain compliance; enhanced interrogation techniques
suspect = person of interest
housewife = home maker = stay-at-home mom
court house = justice center
prison = confinement center
school = learning center
garbage dump = landfill
antique = vintage
caretaker = caregiver
crippled = physically challenged
tradesman = trades worker
soldier = service member
medical care = healthcare
doctor = healthcare provider
clinic = health center
hospital = health
socialized medicine = universal healthcare
house builder = home builder
Department of War = Department of Defense
war = intervention
occupation (of a foreign nation) = nation building
illegal aliens = undocumented immigrants
medic = emergency medical technician, E.M.T.
nursery = daycare center
nursing home = assistant living facility
arrested = detained
imprisoned = detained
prisoner = detainee
prison = detention center
prison guard = C.O., corrections officer
eyeglasses = eye wear
shoes = footwear
policeman = police officer/law enforcement officer
police station = law enforcement center
fireman = firefighter
sportsman = sportsperson
sportsmen = sportspeople
puddling = ponding
enemy = terrorist
infanticide = right to choose
79¢ = .79¢
mistake = miscommunication
blockade = sanctions
waiter/waitress = server
check = cash
bomb = improvised explosive device (I.E.D.)
gals = guys
wife beating = domestic violence
*** change = gender reassignment
******* = transgender
***** = *** worker
stewardess = flight attendant
citizen = civilian
government overthrow = regime change
The Orient = Asia
Oriental = Asian
Afro-American = African American
Indian = native American
Internal Revenue Dept. = Internal Revenue Service
workmen's compensation = workers compensation (without possessive apostrophe)
meeting = meet-up/meetup
snitch, fink, stool pigeon, stoolie = spy, informant
side dish = side
meter maid = parking-enforcement officer
unloaded = downloaded,  off loaded
goal = endgame
sportsmen = sportspeople
physical = wellness screening
***, ***** = homeless person
destitute = homeless
destitution = homelessness
watch man = security guard/officer
nursing  home = care home with nursing  (England)
chairman = chair
P.O.W., prisoner of war (citizen) = civilian internee
rescue Mission = homeless shelter
mail = mailpiece (according to the post ofc.)
employee = team member

— The End —