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 Feb 2021 Mars
 Feb 2021 Mars
Succumb to me and I'll show you what it feels like to be free
I'd have sailed across the ocean on the remains of a tin roof if it meant I could hold your hand
No sails no ore no compass just my need to touch you guiding my path
The list of things I'd have done to hold you once more is longer than my list of things I need to do
You are distance you are pain you are the anxiety that sneaks in thru the crevices and threatens to take my breath for a second longer each time
You are the weight of the world on my shoulders you are the downfall to my rise you are the broken things I put into boxes and leave on the sidewalk for the garbage men to take
Oh how I would have loved to love you oh I would have loved to show you
But I cannot love things that are broken I only have room for my brokenness
I can't hold you up for your grief is to heavy
Your drepression your anxiety your emotions were no match for mine
You don't fit into the boxes and neither do I
But I want to fit. I want to belong I want to fit so you will take me along
Break me down tear me apart take only what you adore and leave the rest
This is how I became half a woman half a smile half alive
Everyone takes what they love and leaves behind the things they don't like
There is more of me than what you see
I smile but it's empty I love but it's hallow for I am still traveling on the ocean just to touch you
I'm still missing you.
 Feb 2021 Mars
 Feb 2021 Mars
I’m sick of my brain telling me no one cares
that no one really loves me and if I wasn’t around no one would notice
It’s told me this my whole life
For as long as I can recall memories
And as long as I’ve been old enough to think for myself,
my brain has lied to me so many times
 Oct 2020 Mars
She was loyal while you cheated
She motivated you when you discouraged her
She held you up when you put her down
She lost good friends behind you and you slept with yours behind her
She gave you everything you wanted and you ignored everything she needed
She spoiled you in every way while you neglected her emotionally
She fought your demons with you and you threw your demons on her
She made sacrifices when you couldnt make compromises
She stood up for a relationship that you disrespected on a daily
She changed for you while you changed up on her
She wiped away your tears while you placed new ones on her face
She planned a future with you while you planned one with someone else
She put you first while you put her last
She made you an priority while you made her an option
 Jan 2020 Mars
Pilar Orozco
 Jan 2020 Mars
Pilar Orozco
Last night I kissed you
The only place it could ever happen
In a dream
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