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 May 2015 Karissa

I don't need them anymore,
she takes my breath away
 Apr 2015 Karissa

She collected sea shells
I collected sand
She searched for the perfect one
I reached down my hand

I carried a bucket
A basket she did whirl
Mine was filled with tiny grains
Hers with mother of pearl

She came out each morning
Me, just late at night
She adored the sunrise
I loved the moon light

Then one day it happened
My alarm clock didn’t ring
I woke to a rising sun
It was the weirdest thing

I ran down to the shoreline
My bucket in my hand
It’s then I saw her gorgeous face
While I collected sand

I found a perfect seashell
And watched her eyes grow wide
She held out her basket
I placed the shell inside

Then she reached down before me
And gathered in her hand
I held out my bucket
She filled it up with sand

And now each day and evening
We walk along the shore
She told me that she loves me
And her I do adore

So if you see us out there
Strolling hand in hand
Know...she’s collecting sea shells
And I’m collecting sand
Just for fun........
 Apr 2015 Karissa
Ocean Blue
Dreaming of you throughout the day,
Meeting your smile in every rainbow,
Looking at pics of you last May,
Catching your voice in each echo,
Watching the news of where you live,
Searching for you after you leave,
Behind each word, each poem,
Was it you ? And the message you chose,
Where I read Je t'aime
Maybe you mean someone close?
Counting in years,
Before our paths meet again,
Because you know
Against time I never complain.
And of course, my heart,
Oh for you never stops to beat and hurt.
So, Darling, please
You tell me... if this is not Love,
What it is.*

Definitely somewhere between longing and slavery...
 Apr 2015 Karissa
Gabriel Ibarra
You give me wrinkles worth having.
Even as I write this they are deepening.
I'm replaying endless memories of you.
Thinking of our inside jokes.
Remembering moments only you could make.
Without trying or knowing you can always make me smile
 Apr 2015 Karissa

Deep within the sunrise pudding
where fingertips conceal the crust,
the sweet harvest of eternity
drips from your smile
as I lick the taste
from your whipped cream lips
*enjoying the flavor of us
Your love is delicious!
 Apr 2015 Karissa
JR Falk
57 Minutes
 Apr 2015 Karissa
JR Falk
57 minutes.
It’ll be your birthday
in fifty-seven minutes.
I’m sitting in my bed, in the pitch black,
remembering your laugh that is still
so fresh in my brain.
If one could look inside my head,
they, too, would be in awe that you
have already been gone
over three months.

19 years.
You were almost
Nineteen years old.
Things still feel surreal,
as though you’re
to come home momentarily,
laughing alongside us
at how much we worried.
I know you can’t,
no matter how much I wish it were so.

104 days.
I heard you had died
One hundred four days ago.
I was in the girls’ bathroom at school,
and was told you had passed.
I hit the floor so hard,
I bruised my knees.
I was hysterical,
yet pulled myself together
and went to class.
My teacher kicked me out of her room that day,
she said I was causing a distraction
because I was crying so hard.
I left without a word.
She found out the next hour.
She cried, too.

Zero minutes, zero hours, zero days,
months, years, decades,
zero is your magic number;
you are never coming back.
I think about you every day.
I wonder how it got this way.
I wonder what the universe thought
that made it decide
it was time for you to go.
I try not to dwell,
but still see your face.
Whether I’m in Walmart,
the mall,
or even in school,
I still see your face.
Zero percent of the time, it’s you.
I miss you so much.
*******, I miss you so much.
I'm a wreck right now.
I'm sorry.
You'd call me a ***** if you saw me but ******* christ, man.
I miss you.
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