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wichitarick Jun 2017

Nightbird,Nightbird cawing  in the twilight ,outside my window causing us a fright

Long comes mornin when pretty birds are singing in a big blue sky ,but they soon flyaway & the clouds turn grey

Had laid & slept, dreamt of a better time, windy warm felt like we were limber, lofty like a kite

Soon those feelings are turning impossible ,nothing is  plausible ,again thrown into the fray

Pretty flowers, greening grasses laid out in a grand display then like the breath of hades is sent into blight

Lovely memories,mommas and poppas, brothers & sisters, with many a friend but with time I've seen their passing & felt them go away

Gentle mist softly sending us into bliss, gathered in pools,  streams to flowing rivers then amassing into crashing,bashing salty waves frightening like suicide

Cuddly kittens cooing,playing puppies barking ,turning into lions and wolves growling and howling at the moon while at bay

Evolution,revolution of earth spinning ,showing cycles of light, fading then dark,darker darkest ,then alone & terrified

Begin with a grin,awake to forge ahead when we win,slowly breaking stride,left with more to hide,how much will the next load weigh

So it seems we're left with what we see hear or feel ,right or wrong
time it seems helps us take it all in stride. .R.C.
Originally started harmonizing some words in a bluegrass or folk style,but then just added to it , I don't tend to "fill in the black" :) but thought maybe better to show good & bad or dark & light? But thanks for reading. your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Jun 2017

Outside looking in what can be seen skirts or flirts on the edge , fulfilling an unknown need

Earliest teachings see a smiling sun as a reason to arise ,dancing dinosaurs deliver so many merry messages to learn

Listening & learning, inquiring of future ventures, at our most powerful yet still naive

Human mind always biding time,bored at idle seeking that bigger title,not content with stepping down, rising to the top  for what we yearn

Some catch it early making it harder to stop,testing limits, whole pictures broken to remnants,setting plans for a future we cannot perceive  

Starting on a smooth safe road why test the speed limit ,veering off the straight & onto a narrow downhill path with a obvious dangerous curve

Security leaves many secluded often growing with maturity,fear of this also makes many strike out, a break from boredom ,mindless reprieve

Most never know of their falling, others find it appalling ,seeing ourselves through a tainted mind so we don't reveal the curse

Started on soft sand ready to deal with matters at hand ,slowly adapting,reaching out,grasping needing more & more to keep our mind at ease

Many simply stroll along in idle awaiting what is final,while a sibling or friend
move into motions that cannot be put in reverse

So is it learned or taught or in the D.N.A. ,short or here to stay  ,or self taught
coping skills formed into a disease .......restriction,constriction

So how is it we go blindly onto a trail that may eventually derail,what signs or signals should  have been  heard ,having full control is ultimately what we deserve.R.C.
Tried to stay with the first thought,at what stage to we start learning to find an easier way or do something to make "it" easier,or when does does making excuses become full blown addiction ? the freedom of thinking for ourselves is maybe not as honest as some may feel it is. The freedom it has given me is the strongest thing I have ever achieved so I often have to remind myself. Thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick May 2017
Family's plight for a now lost vision that ended none to bright

Unknown fate was their open gate ,being alone yet surrounded by so many others

Friend's or enemy's  comrade or foe ,could have become mates if they would have met under a different light

Many went with never a chance to prevent, facing factors set upon them by unknown actors

Fledgling feelings of patriotism maybe soon to be cast aside, as the rockets red glare explode with the largest might

Hearts at home worry as their soul mates roam ,saving some unknown people from meaningless matters

Hoards of humans cast onto sides ,winning by numbers & a line in the sand,some left to go home alone but left shuddering in fright

A single life lost casts a long shadow ,nameless,faceless kin removing a notch from genealogy,loving memory's as the tears scatter

Brothers in arms, soul mates of the sea make a pact to go out together ,but all are not chosen so the others live a lifetime in plight

Pause for the cause maybe to give all we can give, but as we go  our closest relations are just left to start a new chapter

Ample amounts of Flags & wreaths now a simple marker ,white marble crosses assume they know the religion of the soul that took flight

Many speak of while others grieve for victims of war, when people left at home now carry the heaviest anchor

Medals of honor or purple hearts bring the greatest weight when the grim reaper chose the fate,now the many,many other friends even foes are left to  cry in the new daylight or to read the prayers by candlelight. R.C.
Many thoughts for so many lost. The best legacy is that we do know them always,souls not lost . for some folks I have known & many more I have never met,but mostly for the people we see every day & we all share more than we know in that they hold another's memory in them too. Thanks For reading ,input is appreciated. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
  May 2017 wichitarick
John Stebbins
Always wanting to fit in,
To be accepted
To be loved.

Always left wanting more,
Feeling out of place
The outcast


How do I fit in when everywhere I turn I am not welcome?
How to belong…

Finding a Peace in knowing I do not have to…
It isn’t necessary for me to belong with others;
To be accepted by others.
As long as I accept myself;
As long as I love who I am, what I have become,
For me.

That longing was never to belong or be accepted;
It was a longing to find Me,
Not someone else’s version of me.
The Me that I have always been
And will forever be.

Unconditional Love

It’s beautiful to not have a longing for acceptance;
It’s beautiful when you realize you already are accepted.

The Universe within you is unique and extraordinary;
It has been with you all along.

The acceptance,
The love,
The Peace….

It comes from within, not without.
A poem about internal growth. Learning to love myself. Learning that unconditional love and acceptance begins within me.
wichitarick May 2017
SOUND INFLUENCE (Heard anything good lately)

A ping did ring just traveling out past anyone or anything that it may influence

Initial beat echoing into the street, wasting no time as it sends out it's vibe

Resounding resonance coming from deep within ,not bashful or sent for finesse

World of vibrations often felt more than seen ,sent out but not always receiving a reply

Simple softness with fluttering feathers,mild tweets & chirps from their beaks,
subtle sounds how they caress

Pitter patter of spring rain to the ROARING THUNDER each sending it's own message,making memories or bringing us to cry

Horns or bells warning or ringing with pride either to stand up or step aside
meant to reach out to us not to regresse

Whispers forming an aria ,rhythm and melody making an opera, singers following their feelings bringing some to a new high

Rocky rumblings rolling ,fire exploding ,waves splashing and crashing ,wailing winds
spinning she speaks, even though we try her voice we cannot suppress

Each object on it's own makes it's own tone ,brought together forming patterns to be understood ,our need for new scores we will never pacify

Which one will reach us maybe even teach us then bring us around for a frown or a smile that all started with a simple sound.R.C.
Always a new noise, at least it "sounded" like a good idea:) thanks for reading
I also like the way a lot of it is the same but taken in individually.
  any input is appreciated. Rick
wichitarick May 2017
Dreaming maybe flat for some ,lacking luster just another boring bed time story

Were their baby thoughts just played in black and white ,not having experienced the lustrous world of color

Genuinely  at rest or just scheming new ways to get out and play ,truly uninhibited never wary

Stagnation of imagination just lays low offering no glow,blindly sleeping revealing nothing of luster

From which corner of the minds eye do they come ,mysteries or memory's ,real or imaginary

Grand thoughts just an illusion ? Do we need to slumber for them to come from down under or calling them to muster

Easily some would scare if dealt more than common fare,when suddenly thrown outside the box will all the thoughts be scary

If blind at rest when do they ever show their best, deeper thoughts wrought from the soul, are they simply not caught in mindless clutter

How much we do invest for a simple nights rest are some just blessed while for others it just temporary

What of the daydreams, just no big illusions never to wander into delusion, while others minds race and flutter  

Stuck on bland how will they know when to make a stand? not a thought rising in the night.cut copied and pasted all to ordinary

So which will it be, to scream out while rusting or scuffling or drift into simplicity
with little bluster and lustre . R.C.
Tried a little backwards than usual dream time words or nightmares ,what of the "normal" people who just nod off & claim to ver dream? is foreign to me more so than the rise or fall & intensity of most of my life & true rest . thanks for reading wasn't sure on the title,all input is helpful.  Rick
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