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wichitarick May 2017

Marked from birth to possibly follow another's ideals ,but even before an utterance is understood someone has to foot the bill

The first baby blankets all look alike,pink or blue which one is for you

First big brunt of hoochie coos ,giggling & wiggling on command ,then a.b.c-1,2,3,
hearing Mommy or daddy enough to make a child ill

Color or number at all hours unless we slumber ,at least standing and walking are natural and offer a better view

More lessons from the bath,take each cue it is for you,brush the teeth or hair as we were guided, not on your own free will

Then the dressing, lacing those shoes ,belts tight, collars up, buttons done nothing is left askew

Constant barrage of new sounds or words always another to be found  ,separating to,too or two will help define your skill

When to stand  walk or talk is for now subject to another's command ,applying another's knowledge as we grew

All manner of manners to be applied from setting a table or our hair,they feed us more & more although we feel we've had our fill

Simple stride we did abide, but starting to see outward, fracturing the glass, freedom is nice but lessons will be few

Family's resign to mark their sign ,schools further forge their rules or political expectations thrown at us like swill

Rules seen as jewels, new guide in which to confide,abiding is safe same as their teachings of faith ,so rest easy and have another bowl of follow the rule stew.R.C.
Sorry is a double post,web site kicked it back or showed not logged on? But appreciate your reading  Your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick May 2017

Marked from birth to possibly follow another's ideals ,but even before an utterance is understood someone has to foot the bill

The first baby blankets all look alike,pink or blue which one is for you

First big brunt of hoochie coos ,giggling & wiggling on command ,then a.b.c-1,2,3, hearing Mommy or daddy enough to make a child ill

Color or number at all hours unless we slumber ,at least standing and walking are natural and offer a better view

More lessons from the bath,take each cue it is for you,brush the teeth or hair as we were guided, not on your own free will

Then the dressing, lacing those shoes ,belts tight, collars up, buttons done nothing is left askew

Constant barrage of new sounds or words always another to be found  ,separating to,too or two will help define your skill

When to stand  walk or talk is for now subject to another's command ,applying another's knowledge as we grew

All manner of manners are lessons, from setting a table or our hair,they feed us more & more although we feel we've had our fill

Simple stride we did abide, but starting to see outward, fracturing the glass, freedom is nice but lessons will be few

Family's resign to mark their sign ,schools further forge their rules or political expectations thrown at us like swill

Rules seen as jewels, new guide in which to confide,abiding is safe, same as their teachings of faith ,so rest easy and have another bowl of follow the rule stew.R.C.
Maybe not as deep as originally intended,but it seems now matter how smart some think they are or independent we to large degree end up being nothing more than what was originally thrown at us or "taught" to us, so which is the larger lesson for the teachers or those they have taught? :) Thanks for reading. I appreciate comments. Rick
wichitarick May 2017

Once again I prepare for the comfort, to set aside any new despair as I am drawn into it's lair

Will that familiar feeling leave me reeling,once again and to often with much chagrin

Anticipation of a warning a sort of mental mourning ,finding middle ground is the closest edge to being fair

Bringing two opposites together ,pleasing participation is the goal,but each side fighting from within

Who would have thought that being terribly tired could bring such treacherous torture,only reaching inside if you dare

Many remedies offered ,singing sonnets letting a mind go adrift,relaxing melodies
flow freely for women or men

People vary widely wanting to find a niche, making us all unique,  will those hidden demons that keep us awake be gone with a prayer

Originally was never fraught with frightful thought but time and having no answers
has left us asking when

Back inside our self, try to keep those memories on a shelf ,they lay low until suddenly propelled screaming out like an auctioneer

Time becomes twisted creating larger gaps with intermittent naps,again easing into
what is to others normal rest ,we can merely try again

Left lying alone having never feared it, facing forward with wit & grit ,but still unknowing facing each night like new premier .R.C.

Maybe a bit more than just sleepless , some may have true demons waiting if they sleep? Maybe is more natural to fear the unknown than something we can see? Thanks for reading ,all thoughts are appreciated Rick
wichitarick May 2017

Alone but free like a sole tree with just the wind to release the energy

Standing statuesque in an open field not even  anothers shadows to hide behind

Not forgotten it all was started with a simple seed, rising high from something rudimentary

Appearing out of place,memories like the massive roots,drinking it all in ,stowing it all away so cleverly

Learning to stand alone flowing with the wind instead of against it ,while also taming to not be so wild

Time recalled in rings stood the test of time maturing like many things ,capturing moments from a sapling to the elderly

Syrupy sap brings life to one or sends a message to the other of a generation gap,chlorophyll building energy is  like kool aid for a child

While growing upward in a meadow or on a hill still reaching up & out ,air rustling it's leaves or our hair so tenderly

Some meek or seen as weak like an aspen or elm ,an old bloke maybe like an Oak or with the beautiful flowers or fruits and be so mild

Alone in the winter, lessons with another season,stark against the chill,building strong character like our will,bark like skin tough and leathery

Warm colors bringing falls beauty like we fall for another cutie,we are always  adoring  each other, but are they also seeing  themselves as though they just smiled

So stuck in the ground looking around, branches like hands reaching out,spring green adding summers weight,but with age and fall the wind now blows, frees the leaves to make further inquiries R.C.
Our own freedom to walk amongst the trees was the original idea I suppose ,but we are sometimes stuck too maybe need the wind to let us release our own leaves or take take leave? I thank you for reading any thoughts are appreciated. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick May 2017
Will finding that path be easy ,will it be lit with the brightest light

Traveling along a normal road,looking left pulling me into a dark downward spiral

But bending to the right,instantly admonishing all guilt ,seeing an end free of all plight

X marks a spot coordinates all set ,seems a simple destination, but will it crash or has it gone viral

Searching for a new route is a natural way, old style to pray or now a new app.checking for headings before taking flight

Truck stop road map or preachers pocket book ,times are always changing is there a new style

If I were to die I couldn't  simply hit reply ,fast forward it or heating up the latest tweet

Will it now be tracked liked postal packages,immediate delivery or money back guarantee, liberation shouldn't take awhile

Will the sermon speak of a new App., free wi fi for the ascension to the twilight

Heaven gates now surrounded by satellites ,their roles on our souls sent to the nearest cellular tower,deepest information  they do acquire

Either or, receiving signals from space with many  caught up in the race,
So finding the path from the wrath may be bright but will still be unknown with hindsight.
Little fun . Little more fun than a F.B. death notice:(   Thanks for reading ,all thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Apr 2017

Standing, staring out into the bright night sky will I once again be wrapped into the wonder of how far off we can truly wander

Taking it all in with that first wink ,if not caught up,it will be lost with a blink

Reflections from unnatural city lights a hindrance ,still looking up will leave my current thoughts asunder

Our many days leave us waiting for the stillness of the night ,hovering above with blues or blacks like ink

Often only following east to west ,sunrise or sunset each carries it's own luster

Moonshadows or sunburns we are small under the brilliance of it all,again peering out leaving us with so much more to think

Caught amongst the quagmires of constellations,whimsical lines ,connecting dots bringing our musings to muster

Often blessed with wonderous moonglow or simply with a pleasant crescent still we adore the obelisk

Do we have an inkling what is contained in that distant twinkling ,just left to sit in awe under its cover  R.C.
Few moments from a nights walk. Appreciate your reading. all input is helpful.
wichitarick Apr 2017

From that first wink,blink & nod we are seeking & reaching ,not always a necessary want but an inner need

Reaching out without a thought grasping ,gripping ,wanting something yet unseen

My inner core always seeking more,if something is not known will it be depicted as greed

Why don't we all want more looking for that next big score,always wanting out not to be stuck in between

Many choose to seclude ,while others  always asking what can be found with the greatest speed

Like a trap that has been laid ,will we know if all the cards have been played ,will wishing for nothing mean we're serene  

How often is it realized what we have found,passed off or so profound ,laid upon us like a creed

A piece of me, a part of you elevated to some higher plane ,yin or yang oh which way will we lean

With each their own for others the meaning may be  unknown,that personal twitch
is harder & harder to defeat

Abstaining from complaining ,resolve to evolve head out on a "normal" path,
It remains hidden within,sometimes easier to just come clean

Often an unknown waiting idly until grown ,with no comparison how will we know,
maybe not most prevalent but with other problems it does compete

We may all have our own internal twitch unable to turn off or on with a switch
Learning to live with "It" & having some resolution in the grand scheme. R.C.
Am sure many can relate to that something,maybe something we have just learned to live to with ,but to others may seem over the top? Had came about for myself as an easy way in reference to my aura ,postictal feeling or thoughts ,but feel we can all have "it". Thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
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