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words of a poet.
Peter Simon
I don't feel at home in this world anymore. Instagram: @peetorpan
my scars don't define me
VA    just a simple girl with a brain too complex for her head
41/F/Philippines    badass single momma/trying-hard writer wannabe/gemini baby
19/Cisgender/find me at a cemetery.    does growing up count as childhood trauma
Lachrymose and Lies
In a tormented mind    Green Eyes ... And an addiction to love and cigarettes ... I am the biggest hypocrite you won't ever meet ... I tell everything like …
South Africa    Trying to find life in something that doesn't exist
New Orleans    If I'm not writing for myself, then who?
JJ Hutton
Colorado Springs, CO, USA    freelancing the night away follow me on the twitters: @joshuajhutton
stéphane noir
Desiree Jackson
Burlington Iowa    I'm Desiree I am 13 years old I've been writing poetry scene I was 6 it really specks to me and I hop you to …
a heartbeat away    stellar spirits are housed in imperfect bodies but that doesn't make them any less spiritual
gabriel bates
pittsburg, ks    et manu et corde twitter: @falsepoetics
earth    Pop poetry
Xander King
Alexavier Glenn
Jedd Ong
Hey hey.
Hi guys.
26/F    "Half of what I say is meaningless, but I say it to reach you."
Rob Rutledge
For a so called 'Writer' I have no idea what to write here.
sajjad ali
Pakistan    Time brings change and we all change with time. I write simple poems whatever comes to mind without putting a lot of thought into it. …
All poems posted here are my original works, except the ones that are not mine. Copyright ©2012-2017 J.M. All Rights Reserved.
Trenton Hartford
Naples    I'm 17 and I write a lot about my parents and my life but sometimes I work on other subjects. I'm a hard cover book …
elizabeth capital
nowhere town usa.    I try to write from the heart, so my poetry is random. (Like me) And when I'm not writing poetry I'm usually, playing video games,dancing, …
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