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Nov 2020 · 1.7k
Monica Nov 2020
Rose petals
Sharp knive
Sparkling ballgown
Dazzled yet heavy crown
White gloves
Damage heels
Unbearable armor
Complicated manner
Tricky mutuals

you know? being a Princess isn't that easy
Nov 2020 · 44
Broke My Own Rules
Monica Nov 2020
I broke my own rules, again.
I denied my own thought, again.

I bleed myself for someone who doesn't care, again.
Oct 2020 · 39
Monica Oct 2020
He is
coming again
or am
i the one
who let
him in
how to unlove him?
Oct 2020 · 28
Tiny Hope
Monica Oct 2020
Oh tired soul
Hangin there
This too shall pass

Here, hold my hand
Repeat after me

"We do stronger than we think"
Oct 2020 · 448
Monica Oct 2020
I can feel it

The glaze of your eyes
The air that filled your lungs
Warmth in your hand

Now it's different
You turn into monster
You burn anyone that come

Now your lips whisper potion
Your eyes showing thunder

May i know?
Where to find the old you?
i wish that i could save us earlier.
Apr 2020 · 31
Monica Apr 2020
It's bleeding
Bone kept support me while surviving
Blood hide myself from complaining

Once i asked,
Is it worth my time?
Is it worth my whole energy?

Call me dorky then take alook within me
X-Ray has showned that there is nothing left inside me
Feb 2020 · 21
Way Back Home
Monica Feb 2020

i was on my lowest condition.
i lost myself for a long long time.
forced my soul to fix in such a weird circumstance.
beg someone to fix me.

i realized that i was wrong.
i'm the only one who could fix my own self.
i shouldn't beg someone to stay.

glad that i'm finally find way back home.
kinda missing you, my own (old) self.
all you have with you is you,your self.
Dec 2019 · 67
Invisible Me
Monica Dec 2019
I'll always choose you.
I'll always have an excuses to come and see you.
I'll always forgive you.
I'll get through a rough storm for you.

Until few hours ago, i realized that i'm invisible to you.
may your cold heart will be melt by the sun.
all of your burdened feeling washed off by the rain.
i'm afraid that i couldn't be with you for a long time.

xo, invisible me (to you).
Nov 2019 · 57
Monica Nov 2019
Happy to see that you are ok.
Happy to see that you are feeling much better.

In the middle of the night,
I do wishing that you could see me.
Right behind you.

Gonna catch you no matter how many times you might fall.

Thought that i saved you.
Thought that i healed you.
Guess i wasn't.

I can see it.
The hole.
It's still bleeding, right?
no matter how many time you are trying to hide them i'll always find it, babe. :)
Nov 2019 · 142
Monica Nov 2019
It's all getting so mess. everything.
I hate the fact that my sun is hiding behind the dark clouds.
My dearest beautiful sun.

Imma punch all of the sinner.
They were so mean.
There are so many trash within their mouth.
They mocked my sun thus making my sun keep on thinking that it's shine not good enough.

I wish that they could see this.
I wish that they could feeling the sadness tho.
speak up. no matter how burdened your mind is. speak up ;)
Oct 2019 · 194
friday thought
Monica Oct 2019
walking around the pâtiserrie line
hoping i might find your smile
i miss you a lil bit more
Monica Sep 2019
she rolled her eyes as fast as the raindrops fall
she is just realize that the skies become darker than before
it's about to rain.

no,it's not. her footstep.
she is enjoying her self being wet under the rain instead of run away back to home.

she knew that the world might be so unfair somehow
she knew that between the world and her mind were such an unfinished business.

she doesn't mind to be friend with the thunder, the cold, and even the dark sky

no, she is not afraid of getting cold.
but, surely she is afraid that she might never have an enough time to playing around with the rain.

tell them everything about what she has been through that day
all the good also bad
all of the strong joke yet the lame ones.

she does love the rain, that much.
sadly, the rain doesn't realize.
Sep 2019 · 68
moon's mini diary.
Monica Sep 2019
the sun, it's still the same.
so does the star.

but hey, something goes wrong with the moon.
now everything seems so strange.
the moon said that she doesn't belong here.
the moon said her body feel so tired.

it is just like..
you're about to reach another level but then you find there is no desire within you.
her heart is.
not by the blood, but by her tears.
1st question : what if they found out?
Aug 2019 · 301
pity wound
Monica Aug 2019
i do
i always do
treat this wound

it's getting better day by day
no more pain
no more pus

the night come
i can feel the cold air within my bone
collect all of my guts into a cone
remember when i said i can pull this stone
nothings better than a drone

imma try to chase another path
the clock suddenly stop tapping
the old side healed
meanwhile the others are start to bleeding.
hello, can't you see me?
Aug 2019 · 165
not yet.
Monica Aug 2019
no, it isn't done yet.
i know the road may look too short, but actually it isn't.

you have to be ready for any obstacle that may come after you.
you have to be ready for every storm that may appailing your track.

don't let them fooling you, sweetheart.
you're way too precious to be fooled for.

head up.
make sure you bring your weapon within your dress.

but still,
a princess need to be well-behaved right?

no, it's not done yet.
Aug 2019 · 85
Purest Pure Heart
Monica Aug 2019
So that..
I feel like i'm walking upper the brittle glasses
I can see it the beauty under water, so clearly
But i also know, that i might dying if this glasses break down

I don't know..
I'm just can't get over from its beauty
So calm yet enchanting

But here
Deep down in my heart
I'm scared
I'm scared that it's beauty might **** me
somebody help me.
Aug 2019 · 77
Monica Aug 2019
I can hear it clearly
Those memories are still echoing
Inside my head

I'm so grateful for being able to met you
But not for the pain that you gave to me

I'm strong enough to walk away from you
Even my heart broke into pieces
Jul 2019 · 109
Broken Soul
Monica Jul 2019
My hands are trembling
My mind is shaking
My soul is crumbling

I'm a roses who was bloom in the middle of desert
Slaying yet enchanting

" Do you know how does it feel when you know that you're breathing but not alive? "
They keep laughing toward me

No, i'm not joking
Why do everyone keep laughing?
I'm here almost dying to stay alive meanwhile they are laughing on my life

I have to say this but i'm a broken soul who is fight for my life
Jul 2019 · 82
Monica Jul 2019
I can't even raise my voice toward them
The truth is, it's killing me

I'm hiding inside the silence
Wishing that no one will find me

It hurts
No matter how hard i tried to be ok
It still hurts
Jul 2019 · 93
Monica Jul 2019
They think i'm insane
Keep murmuring when nobody is listening

The truth is they don't know what i've feel
Crashing down the street
Climbing until 2800 feet

In a purpose to forget all of these *****
How pathetic
Jul 2019 · 111
Monica Jul 2019
I wish that i could say it directly
I wish that i'm brave enough to explain properly

Sorry for being such a coward
Sorry for making you believe that you're hard to love

I do
I always do,
Sending all of this happy prayers to the sky

Have a good sleep dearest human creature
Don't ever worry about bad dream
You've got my prayers inside your sleep
there is also me inside the prayers.♡
Jul 2019 · 78
All I Wanna Say Is...
Monica Jul 2019
Waking up in the middle of the night
Looking for my plushie and holding it so tight
It's weird..
My eyes don't want to sleep

I see his appearance. Disguised.

How could it be?
Why did all i see was his appearance in the middle of the night?

There is something i've never told him before he left.
All i wanna say is thank you. Thank you for existing. Thank you for took a part of my journey. Thank you for making a tears streaming down my face.
Jul 2019 · 74
Hey! It's too dark.
Monica Jul 2019

" I'm sorry i broke your favourite glasses. " Me, asking for an apologize.

But hey,
I see something different within his glance.
So danger yet so dark.
I've never seen that before.

I'm about to make my step to reach him but all i wanna see is he take his step back, avoiding me.

" Please don't do that to me. " I'm begging.
what should i do to bring you back here. next to me.
Jul 2019 · 153
Good Morning, Universe.
Monica Jul 2019
Good morning, universe.
How was your sleep?
Do you still see him in your dream?

It's ok.
You're not alone.
Because the same thing happens to me, often.
And all i always do after woke up is cry.
can i sleep any longer? i wanna meet him once again.

— The End —