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This isn't the freedom I want to call freedom...
because this freedom isn't the freedom our great freedom fighters died for in the Years of apartheid.
This freedom is not the same freedom the generation of 1985 wished for and and dreamed of...

freedom died along with our long gone heroes,Nelson Mandela, Walter susilu and died with our young brothers and sisters in sharpville!

it isn't freedom if we are still afraid to walk out of our houses at 6am
it is not freedom if we can't let go of what the white men did to our black men and woman

this freedom isn't the freedom defined in Oxford dictionaries....
children are free to smoke
men are free to ****
woman are free sell their bodies
and we yet we are free?

this freedom isn't free!

we are not free because we are racist
we are selfish
we are foolish
we lack knowledge and we are full of ignorance!

we are not free,this isn't the time to celebrate freedom but to fight for the freedom we've lost.
like they always say...
"what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas"
but what about what happens behind the
closed doors when her mother is not
around? is it supposed to stay behind the closed doors?

when her father forces her to undress as he gently kisses and touches her *******...
when he pushes her against the wall forcing her to open her legs for him to put it inside her.

you see,what happens in Vegas doesn't have to stay in Vegas as it can get get nasty and dusty,way too extreme!

after long nights of being mistreated and sexually abused
she finds herself hopeless ...
drugs were there to take away the pain
alcohol was there to wash away her sorrows
but she never had the guts to open up about what happened behind the closed doors when mommy wasn't around...

. ...............
just read between the lines..
I've come to the realization that i love the sea so much because it contains the story of us.
I; the waves cresting and crashing and you; the shore calm and caressing

like the waves i am an ever continuous current
going in whatever direction; different
different from everything that has its path
different from everyone full of wrath

and like the shore
you are  strong
you withstand the waves and more
ever so put and a place to breathe
you stay; even when the waves just crash and leave

so like the sea and the shore
we are never a bore
cresting and crashing
calming and pulling

we are both creating and destructing
beautiful and harmful
staying and leaving
loving and hating
and if that's not us or who we seem to be
then tell me, what the hell are we?
There's nothing more romantic
          in my eyes
        Than holding your hand
   And talking about our lives
          Because in my mind
The only thing better than the fantasy
        Is the intimacy I feel
  When it's just you and me
Sapiosexual: Finding someone's intelligence to be their most sexually attractive feature.

For DaSH, the sexiest and smartest man I know. <3
At the end she was just a normal girl waiting for someone to make her believe forever exist :) :)
Memories pops up in your head
from morning to dusk break
like you are bewitched by a magic spell
you feel like you have nothing left
every time you try to escape
you realize it's not easy to forget

Even it was for  year,  month or just a day
and now you are stuck by a thread
paralyzed, unable to move to right or to left
you are suffocating, you barely can breathe
you should have known matter of heart requires no document
trying to erase things
you are lost in a maze
and every time you open your eyes
something lumps up in your throat
and you realize it's not easy to forget
I see a new day before me. I see an opportunity for good things. I can choose good or bad  the decision is mine. So my choices now will affect my tomorrow. Let me do right and not wrong. Let me be a hope for today.
Latshon' ilanga kumnyama entla!
Laphum' ilanga ubuhlanti busavaliwe!
Yhini mzo ntsundu asisena mithetho ithotyelwayo?

Ndeva uThamsanqa utshatile,kanti naye uNomathemba wendile!
Kalok uSthembiso ebengafun uk'phuma endleleni walandela utata wayi tishala!

Way'mosha umakhelwan' ngoku gxeka intombi izakhela igama!waqala uMandisa wajola'jola,walendela ngokunxila...Wabahlalisa phantsi ngoku shiya ikhaya!

Engqondwen' yakhe ebefuna ukushiya intlupheko akhangele impucuko,eyakhe impazamo ibikuthengisa ngo mzimba ngethemba lokubeka isonka etafileni!

Hay' wethu ungambuzi ebecinga ntoni..Ngoba naye ebengazi!
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