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10.0k · Nov 2017
Warren-Johnson Nov 2017
Love  be not selfish
Love be not jealous
Love be not envious
Love be not rude
Love be not idle

Love be an emotion
Love be faithful
Love be forgiving
Love be a want
Love be a hope
Love be a need
Love be joy
Love be selfless
Love be true
Love be kind
Love be patient
Love be righteous
Love be respectful
Love be trusting

Love be a home filled with children's laughter.
Love is greeting a stranger with a sincere smile.
Love is treating others with care, taking a small moment in all our activities to consider the next person.

Looking at our world, if love was a species, surely it it would be a protected species.

Is love still alive ?
I'm sure yes
God created us in his image
God is love
Love was Our species (the human)
Love should be me
Love should be you
Love should be a nation
Love should be our race

What have we become?
Warren-Johnson Sep 2018
I sit in a garden all dull and dry, here and there spring trying to push her colour's through.
And then I hear and see so much more ! Life in abundance!

No not the drone of the delivery truck struggle up the hill,
But the hundreds of birds in song!
Chirping away, here and there a butterfly goes with the wind to a new blossom.
A joyous sight by far!

How often do we stop and listen let alone hear?
Fact is life as we know it be equal in audio to that drone of the delivery truck!
Yet life should be as those birds sing in flight!
How often do we smell the fragrance of the spring blossom?
Look at the wonderous skyline?
Or hear the joyous song birds?
Happy not just a state of mind, for it be a place
Oh so much so it’s a place, a time, a destination and a goal
It be where we should reside

When you walk into my home I want you to feel it!
When you look at me my heart will show it! For happy is where my heart resides!

Happy I need for me first!
If those that hearts are set in unhappiness they need know it remains their choice!

My Happiness is mine! no one else can steal it or navigate it!
I am the captain of this ship!

Oh happiness is mine!
I own it’s title deed

As a lush garden I aim to keep it in bloom!
So who ever should visit even a fleeting moment in my life! Should know happiness be mine!
2.0k · Apr 2018
Warren-Johnson Apr 2018
Oh I Adore you yes!
I adore you not just because I amble around like a love struck teenager all over again.

I adore you for the way you love me!

I adore you the way you look at me! Undoubtedly love in your eyes!

I adore you for the awesome person you are!
Allowing me to be a part of your life!

I adore you for showing me it’s ok to love again!

I adore you for the new lease on life!
You have shown me through loving me as you do!

Oh yeah I Adore You!

Just for who You are!

Oh Yeah I do!

I Adore You
1.9k · May 2017
Warren-Johnson May 2017
With pen we show our hearts
True feelings to our cores
Through this very medium we share it across the shores
For me it was my once wife
That led me to this strife

In healing I put pen to paper
That'll  be the reason we write
For they wrote on our hearts
Be they not the poets?
The poets of our hearts!
1.7k · May 2017
Warren-Johnson May 2017
Her heart beats true to all her existence!
She is love itself!
It is real and has sheer persistence!
She'd walk her feet raw if that's what it took!

She instills her values true to her core!
Always kind!
Even when the rod were to make my backside sore!
Always listening!
Even when time is little, she is there!
Always caring!
A heart so strong, but always love to give no matter where!
A mentor!
If advice be sought, she'd be my choice!
A Mom
There to make affect, with the kindest of voice!

My solace
My matriarch

1.6k · Aug 2018
Love Eternal
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
From one of our greatest writers of all time, a extremely real quote of the heart brings me to pen.
Time is very slow for those who wait.
Very fast for those who are scared.
Very long for those who lament.
Very short for those who celebrate.
But for those who Love time is eternal!
”William Shakespeare”

Wow my hearts aglow in thoughts of you!
For i know to my last breath i will love you with all my heart and soul!
To think Eternal Wow it needn't cease there at my mere mortality!
Wow no i can say i will love you forever!
Mean and its not flawed!
My love for you is True!
Is pure!
Is forever learning!
Is selfless!
Is unique!
Is exclusive!
Wow and now i get to promise legendary!
1.3k · Aug 2018
Real Growth
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
So today my first visit to Dr Steven Eppel ( a physiatrist )
As I have identified issues I have with trust.
And hence have managed to swallow that ego and take on my flaws!
Oh yes we all have them and it’s how we choose to better ourselves or not in identifying, admitting and taking a corrective course that really matters!

I have come a long way with great heartaches and many a mental anguish!
He has helped me identify a great accomplishment I have achieved already that I feel with maturity I have learnt Humility for only in humility can we acknowledge our flaws !
Humility sounds so diminutive in its description, yet holds so much value in character!
I identify with scriptural teachings, of God teaching us humility,
Now I understand its depth far more.
Through humility I have put pride aside and accepted help!
Through humility I allow growth!
Through humility I will find healing!
Accepting growth that with time allows trust to be forged to bring far stronger unions than we have allowed before!
Healing brings new freedom to the soul!

If anything is to be learnt from this.
Firstly never be to proud to learn, to see your flaws and accept help, there need be no shame at all, however I for one admire those striving to better themselves!
Warren-Johnson Oct 2018
Stress ticks over inside of me, as if mechanically part of me!
And these shacking hands be that of a chronometer!
How many times have i heard,
“It will all be ok!”
I think much kinder words have been spoken!
As if they hold no part of this drastic itinerary!
Mindfully i say!

Smell take it all in!
Its not all decay!
There are roses too!

Oh, hear the beautifull song as the sparrow gayly chirps, his thanks to life!

Open my eyes!
Drink in all its beauty!

Feel the world with all my senses!
As air rushes over me!

Its all alive!

And I’m part of this great creation!

Im alive!


Thank you Jesus!
1.2k · May 2017
Chin up My Dear Friend
Warren-Johnson May 2017
Only in darkness can we see the stars!
Martin Luther king JR
"(His word so true yet, I realize, far more)"

Oh but what are stars ?
Glimmers of hope ?

Yes for they are light
Far away
They are as our sun

Then why look to the darkness ?
For there is always light!

We Need to see!

Those heavenly bodies burn so bright
Have shown many a wayward stray home!

Why look to the dark what would you see?

Yes chin up cause it's up there they shine!
Soon you'll be home

Don't look down!
You'll sink!
you'll drown!

Don't let it catch you!
Look for the light
The answers always there!
You can!
You will!

Chin up see the way home
1.1k · Aug 2018
What I wish could be seen
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
Solemly  all this I swear!
And with all I am! And Never to waiver from!

Oh yes, I claim my love for you to be pure!
For it is from my heart, and no other possibly i’d see fit to, could or id want to compare!

Oh yes I, claim my love for you to be true!
Oh yes true for the very thought of you makes my heart smile, and excited to see you even if its a mere glimpse of my wallpaper on my phone! ”yes your picture, why its on my phone screen and proudly so”
And every visit starts with that exciting heart racing glee! That can't be anything but true! For me, there will never be another!

Yes, I claim my love for you forever learning!
As there is never a moment I will ever pass up again in bettering my self if the opportunity is needed, I will do my all to create such an opportunity!
From the moment intimacy was shared I felt as if I was more, being with you, my heart had no choice! With its what I believed as unscalable walls, oh yes you make me want to be more!

Oh yes,, I claim my love for you to be selflessness and only realize just how so, more and more so, for even in me wallowing in fear and sadness my greatest hurt and total resentment was mine towards myself for unwittingly or not nonetheless hurting you! And as learning brings growth, enabling me to promise to remain true and pure! And there will never be a sacrifice id not give to ensure my love remain just that!

Oh yes, I claim my love to be unique!
For there can be no greater love from a man to a woman than the love I promise you! This I know to be true with all I am! Or I would rather no longer myself exist!

Oh yes, I claim it to exclusive!
For this, I say this with all the conviction of my every breath! But stronger than just my hearts conviction! I say this with conviction of my soul to bear before God! And with his strength in me a strength no other can compare!

Oh yes, I claim my love for you to be legendary!
For Jenni, you deserve no less!
And there will never be a second of any hour, ill strive with all my heart and soul to show you all this!
I love you to no end I promise
1.1k · May 2017
Warren-Johnson May 2017
How we sell ourselves short so often
We tell a fib or a little white lie
To avoid conflict
To save face
For a greater good

What a fallacy
A lie is a lie

How can one ignore the fact
We throw away our integrity
We don't show true to our character

Or is it that you are a liar ?
The deed itself is deceit
Double dealing

Oh but to say a few
When done to us we are hurt
Why not have that same integrity we wish be dealt our way?

Cause it's easier?
Is it?

If it's easier for you
Then you have no place near me!
I won't say I never lie!
Oh I have yes!

But it's taken it's toll on me!

I know integrity!
I know it's arch enemy too!

A white lie?
Really is that what we tell ourselves?
It's like getting leukemia
To cure  Emphysema!
Ridiculous yeah!

But I'll choose to rather be silent than lie!
I'll be the man I portray!
The man I want to look up to!

I have to try

Or I am just that same as that
diminutive little deed!
1.0k · Aug 2018
Seeing So Much More
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
Why do I even bother ?
Oh this is not a poem to sway you with romantic words, no infact i probably won’t share this with whom it belongs.
No more an apology, and reallity check for me!
Oh but that be said without malice for you!
Rather all I do is ***** things up!
Even though I’d try my heart to make sure to get it right with every intention to make your day!
I’d get it wrong I don’t even truly know where I went wrong!
But somehow hurt you i did!
Thats more painfully riviting ro my core far more than you pushing me away!
Many words come to mind from pathetic, useless, idiotic. Waste of human space, and many more, sad to describe anyone as this sadder realising this of oneself!
Should have got right the first time and save everyone the waste of time!
Have had to get my head around not doing anything they call stupid for so long, i honestly strugle to find a reason to carry on!  For what? Why?
And mostly cant say it would stupid, no be thei ly thing i can  think would make sense!
To hurt the one i love no matter what i do ill ***** it up!
Hurting you is an unbearable thought!
How could i live with myself?
Cant see how i can get rhrough that
Let alone this pain!
You mean so much to me!
Ive said is take a bullet for you! (Die for you)
But would rather live for you !
Now if you not there?
Cant see much hope at all !
No where! All rhe general reasons everyone would usually morivate you with, would hold so little weight!
This pain be out of this world i try but  cant expain this be of magnitudes earthquakes couldnt measure on the same scale!
And somehow i try find that reason in fear of hurting other loved ones!
Somehow i rather find hope!
Not the hope youd think though!
Oh no this is hope that my loved ones (famil)  will understand this pain and somehow forgive me for my intention be not to hurt  them, but to find ease finnaly!
Comfort knowing id be not the reson orhers will hurt tomorrow!
Yes dark and dismal thoughts!
Or are they?
Are they not in other ways considerate?
Oh oh i lean to think so..
989 · Aug 2018
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
With you at heart this I write!
Tho no words be sufficient to express my love!
For the soul you bear so fair, so true!
Oh my love for you of this I swear, be of magnitudes no increments could be of measure!
Oh Just knowing you a blessing so great!
I thank God I found you!
My Soul Mate!
911 · Sep 2018
Warren-Johnson Sep 2018
Lies have me ripped to shreds,
Not mine! but of me!
As  if I lied!
Guilt be your enemy here!
But clear conscience i do have!
But who cares!
I care to no end and it hurts!
But who cares!
I long for you and it hurts!
But who cares!
Dont want to do the unthinkable and almost cant resist!
But who cares!
Life now so lonely!
But who cares
Been tortured treated like a dog!
As a slapegoat of your own agenda!
Second time this has now been my fate!
Powerless i dont even get the opportunity to defend myself!
You say you angry and wont meet me!
I'm sure rather guilt won't allow you to face not me but the truth!
Worse than all that! I cry in anguish as not for that hurt! But rather in longing for you!
Missing you so much it tears through me relentlessly!
Last time I proved a social misfit I put up barriers as not to allow anyone in, now I think safer to remove myself from society! Don't see how! don't know how!
Everything hurts even breathing! Not an easy task as I have to do it consciously far more than average, as sleep is hardly an option or rarely possible!
But who cares!
906 · Aug 2018
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
Think i lost this one hopelesly
The fight be done!
Yes you sad insipid strugle im done with you!
Oh but only missery to spew!
Damaged i cant recover!
I cant fix this thing!
Oh was it ever mine to have !
Not as it be said but for who actually depend and rely on me!
My true failure!
Not going to be there!
Not much to depend on anyhow!
Comfortably Numb
Warren-Johnson Oct 2017
They enter our lives with sinister plots that we do not see.
For we choose to be real, and expect others to show the same virtues,
We forget that in our strength of sincerity and,
Stature of what society should've been made to be,
We fall prey to that, far worse than wolves in sheep's clothing.
They be of human form, but we have hearts,
They be the acidic species,
Just there to use,
Just there for their gain,
A putrid lot,
Just there to watch their works erode the effect.,
The effect shown through a simple yet ernest smile appreciating friends,
Wake up! see through their semblance,
They pass off as friendship.
This title they claim be not theirs,
Oh no they are to be of that,we choose to dispose of.
They are of the past.
We will always see more like them,
Who enter our journeys,
For we are free loving,
Selflessly making acquaintances who should carry the title of My friendship with,
Ardent fastosus.
A title worthy of not much to those who know me not.
But as I value My  Friends see their sincerity,
They too see me for the friend I am proud to be.
A title I regard with much dignity for they bless me with their hearts open and call me Friend!
So begone you foul lot of underhanded scoundrels you have no place here amongst friends.
We know the worthy,as we see ourselves in them.
You get in, yes for we do not look out for the likes of you,
I know not how to be that vile insipid parasite.
Rather,we seek people we can look up to.
People we can learn to better from.
Who speak not with intent to harm,
Or just where they are to gain.
Finding joy in others hurt,
No we seek a superior being who is unlike you.
Someone really pure.
Oh just no false pretenses,
Oh and, so this all was not actually about those unworthy no rather,
The contrary!
To them an ode!
A tribute to my Friend's.
879 · Aug 2018
Oh Happiness
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018

No more than plume of smoke
To be wisped away by these august winds

Where prosperity resides only to breed false hope.

A tempory state of mind!
Of weak emotion!

We use to mask what real pain is yet to come!
Where death be the true happiness we’ll

For then our pain no longer be here!

A feeble lie we give ourselves !
Oh happiness
834 · Feb 2018
Warren-Johnson Feb 2018
How often it’s said,
“Don’t hold grudges, life’s too short”

The same sentiment will apply then why waste our time on those not worthy!

Far more Important I’d say don’t waste these mere moments we share on earth on people who have no purpose other than to use and add no value to ours!

Our traits are sincerity, love and loyalty!
Be bold as you can boast them as who you are! for they be noble qualities!
Yes you can be proud of who You are!

Hence don’t sell yourself short because people you thought to be friends, don’t hold that same moral compass!

No send them packing!
No shame in saying “ they not cut of the same cloth”
No quite the contrary be proud,
core values can’t be bought!
It’s who we are thanks to our parents ethics!

Hold that banner high!!
Never waiver!
Remember who you are !
Yes you have that option you can choose to be you!
Your best chance success’s in anything yeah!
820 · Nov 2017
The greatest love song ever
Warren-Johnson Nov 2017
The greatest love song is I love you daddy.
I can stand testament to it no greater love ever lived than that of a father n child.
Although I only fathom a glimpse of that love our Heavenly Father taught us this in his love for us as a father myself.
I grasp it and realize my role in life to serve as his servant, as a father for his children as I am his child!
Thank you Daddy
Thank you for this renewed strength in faith.
I know forever tested n tried.
I know how you forgive!
For you gave your greatest love to us for this.
Wow how we only almost grasp it's awesomeness an awe we never fully understand!
Thank you father.
A selfless act no mere man could truly perform!
But a father could !
I'd lay my life down tomorrow for any of its earthly values in a heartbeat for my children!
As you have done for us!
And if it's what you need of me I would give my life for you!
But I realize my role in this sordid society is to live for you!

Thank you lord for this strength

I pray may my faith grow as strong as my love as a father, as your child!

Thank you daddy!
The greatest love song ever !
754 · Aug 2018
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
Today I smile, I smile oh yeah!
For happiness be my choice!
Yeah I own that right!
It be ours to have
Oh yeah
Choose to smile!
725 · May 2017
Onwards, forward in reverse
Warren-Johnson May 2017
To a few it might seem like a hundred years or maybe more!

But not that long ago a cloud was Just water molecules in the sky!
Now it's virtual storage on which we so rely.

A man to space, a far fetched dream!

But aside from technology have we grown?

Our societies riddled with rot
Corrupt and ****** governments
Crippled morals
Troubled youth
No path of truth

Bring back our safety
Bring back our innocence
Bring back integrity
Bring back our freedom

Be it creed or color that separates us, our manners, upbringing and choices may differ oh so far.
Those are only cultures!
Used against us as they manipulate and twist the truth those Horrid political vultures!

But one thing if you worth your salt, we share one common fact!
Our forefathers and their fathers built our societies on one common denominator!

We call on this Maiden who society has been forgotten!
Oh bring her back along with all her offspring from justice, truth and sincerity!
Oh to say but a few!


The one true core value we know we can rebuild from!
We can can start by being true !

Let's fix our riddled world oh yes it starts with me and you!

Let's take back our values!

And Be our fathers pride!

Or once again are you just another only along for the ride!!!
688 · May 2017
The sparkle in my eye
Warren-Johnson May 2017
I've lived this life with all its ups and downs and looking back, with some real valor!
They look up to me they expect so much I'm their life's Guarantor!

Oh I've often failed
Many a anguished moment, and even wailed!

But I won't give up

In great moments they be Elated and oh so glad
Or others if they sad
I'm there proudly! I'm their Dad!
678 · Aug 2021
Poetry be a vehicle
Warren-Johnson Aug 2021
Poetry be a vehicle

For me it's transported me from that dismal place of days so Grey
Their hue so dark became the tarmac for life's emotional highway

For writing be a vehicle taken us through many a dreary day

Then it dropped me at a the curb of happiness
I only needed to step out
To run down its pathways through color filled gardens
Roses n tulips be where grimace and decay once resided
Melodies and laughter now replacing tears n sorrow
I saw love as a fallacy now a possibility
Poetry be a vehicle

Mine be a chariot with gold n silver
Now boasting hope n joy out proudly

No more just getting from point a to b  I stop and smell them roses and love life's journey

For poetry be a vehicle
677 · Sep 2018
Warren-Johnson Sep 2018
Come take your damage goods!
An emotional state bearing remnants of a shattered heart littering my soul!
Almost whole! certain i was!
In fact, because of you i know!
For i wrote it!
(”This is real wow”
”For she holds my heart! and I know I have hers!”)
Yeah now im broken no cause to even breathe!
I be only damaged goods!
Of course you wont want!
671 · Sep 2018
Warren-Johnson Sep 2018
636 · Sep 2018
Warren-Johnson Sep 2018
Roseacre the name of the suburb i grew up in.
Today on a bench at a clinic named roseacres i ponder,
Would a acre of roses make me happy?

Well if i could pick of them each day for you?
Oh yes a smile each day, i would have!
633 · Apr 2018
Warren-Johnson Apr 2018
With smile like no other
A feeling I can only call by its true name!
It be Not just a feeling
It be where my heart resides!

For true love have no prescribed measure,
This be of unfathomable depths of,
Jubilance no word can describe!
Yes in US, there be no measure!,
But, OH WOW!

For she holds my heart! and I know I have hers!
Love be far more than a feeling!
Love be her smile that can warm any room!
Love be home!
Wherever we might be!
More true to it all!
Love be US !
For more complete I have never been!
Love be more than a feeling ye!
Love be more than an emotion too!
This can’t be what they sing about!
No song has yet done it justice!
No this is far more than that!

So best I got yet!
Love is Us!
588 · Sep 2018
Lifer No Doubt
Warren-Johnson Sep 2018
It's been said people come into your life for a season, a reason or a lifetime!
Well, the people there for a season although not all negative experiences pass through only.
Then those for a reason probably more to their own benefit!
But those, there for, a lifetime not only give a reason but make us want to be more!
They never leave you no matter the circumstances!
I know my soulmate and although she only sees a season I know my life is to be spent with her!
I hope with all I am she sees this true!
For i’ll be here waiting, I love her beyond all this fighting!
I would do whatever to have her realize this!
Been told of late there is no-one you cannot live without!
Well maybe true to some extent, however, what if there is someone, I wish all I am don't want to be without?
What if my soul seethes for her like lungs desperate for air?
I have to just show her that I am here and if it takes a lifetime for her to see it, ill be sad till the day she does! Yes, sad! although life doesn't allow us to spend all our time together, nor would I think it healthy! But yes sad for every minute I loose with her I cannot regain!
574 · May 2017
How awesome
Warren-Johnson May 2017
She comes to me as wildfire
Consuming all I have to give
TIME she take it all
It's mine to give
Yet I have so little control

I take a step back and realize
It's mine
Oh wow
I grasp the depth
The reality that it's ripe
It's there for me

To Cultivate
To nurture
To appreciate
To reap
Oh destiny your mine

I boldly remember
Who I am

I'm awesome!

I'm blessed by by the best
How fickle of me to let that slip
I'm backed by the greatest ever !



Warren johnson
553 · Jul 2017
Cherish them
Warren-Johnson Jul 2017
A motivational speaker cracked a little joke the best years he'd ever had were spent with another mans wife!
The audience aghast with much disgust, He then softly said
She was my Mother

How true it is how the years spent being raised are what mould us and steer us on our paths and although mostly different challenges than our parents had experienced, but it's that foundation that leads us to make proud moral decisions!

If you still have the awesome privilege of having your parents thank them sometime!

Once they leave us on this great rock we call home it will be memories to be cherished and many a moment wished you told them even more how you love them, no Matter how often said!

I, like the artist David Gates lost my Dad and can relate to his lyrics In The song "everything I own"~
"You sheltered me from harm
Kept me warm, kept me warm
You gave my life to me
Set me free, set me free
The finest years I ever knew
Were all the years I had with you

And I would give anything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything I own
Just to have you back again

You taught me how to love
What it's of, what it's of
You never said too much
But still you showed the way
And I knew from watching you
Nobody else could ever know
The part of me that can't let go

And I would give anything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything I own
Just to have you back again"

If you have them still, take heed to our loss we can never get that time again!
But you have it now! so make it count!
If you are upset with your folks
Remember they too are human
They too make mistakes!
Those are our learning blocks!
Not stumbling blocks!
I make mistakes for my children to learn from, so they don't have to make the same mistakes as I !
547 · May 2017
Cry out my beloved country
Warren-Johnson May 2017

Be heard!
Why be silent?
If you don't who will!
We all have to!
These corrupt leaches will bleed us,little by little society will be bled dry!

Yes you the feeble worm that just leaches!

Give us our country back!

If you can't make your own rather be a *** on the beaches!

Oh no they too are just leaches!!!
Oh no! What to to do?!?!?!

Here I sound like a preacher
But exposure might not have an immediate affect!
It may not show!
But but we slowly can get rid of these corrupt elect!

Make your voice boom Zuma down!
An idiot we given to follow!
With no skill
And words only hollow!
Oh what a clown!
Speak out!
Don't stop!
We all deserve more
Cry your beloved country hmmmm
Yes cry out my beloved country!
547 · Apr 2018
Warren-Johnson Apr 2018
Oh what yonder lies only treachery and deceit!

But if not for our Moms?
What would we be without this wonderful guardian?

That just through her melodious voice puts our hearts at peace.

There be wolves out there of human kind, the worst of all yet!
For teeth far from sharp!
It be their tongues and sinister ways!
Far more razor like I’d say!
She’d put herself in harm’s way!
A selfless soul so pure!

A mom for sure!

She shows her back to the wild and scornful beings!
And shelters all harm from her child !
A Hero no less
More than just a mother i’d say!
Yes she’d be a Mom!
Oh yes!

Oh thank you Mom !

A hero oh yes!

I know mine is!
545 · May 2018
To My One So True
Warren-Johnson May 2018
How often it’s said “trust is earned”
Oh but it holds far more
For at times it should just be!
For the persons worth!
For how they hold your heart!
For how else did you earn them as part of your life?
Yet through acidic traits and scars of those so traitorous that we allowed in!
There will be doubt in the purest that deservedly own a special place in our hearts!
Yes trust shouldn’t just be earned for those I speak of, it’s in no uncertain terms!
By default deserved!
How we allow these scars left by our past experiences by ignoble people, to tarnish what should just be!
So to My so true, without reserve if ever unappreciated in moments of blindness,
You are a True Treasure!
More than thanks be due!
But for the great person you are! you back me anyhow!
Wow a sheer blessing you are!
My love be yours with no refrain!
534 · Apr 2017
Our lives
Warren-Johnson Apr 2017
How those we care about must feel so neglected !
For we live our lives like a rambling whirlwind, and only the whispering tail ends brushing past through theirs momentarily reminding them who we are, and how much we mean to each other, this whispering wind that softly rustles through the bulrushes and reads making sweet music from nature itself is no less important than its great big brother, but if we slow down we can hear their sweet music if we'd just listen,
Make time for those you care for! Even if it's just a quick hi or a silly joke let them know you there and haven't forgotten!
Before our lives are gone and and we just memories to be blown away by the whirlwind TIME !

Warren-Johnson Mar 2019
With life’s experiences and my resilience to relationships as my own defense.
I can't help but ponder out a space so numb, I'm surprised that I feel at all!
Listening of things said in others relationships and worst of all the feeble lies told!
My ******* meter or shitemeter goes of the charts!
With much regret and a skin crawling decision of staying out of others business!
I realise!
Yes the hurtfull lies can damage!
But that be not for that they have any strength!
It is only the narrow sightedness of those who allow themselves to be that weak! To trust and believe what people say! Having said that certain people should be by default trust worthy! And excuses will be just that excuses!
Lies fashioned to mascarade as reasons for their actoins! Well mostly id say these are just scape goats they use to avoid the truth and not take ownership of their actions!
And they wont, and mostly the person on the receiving end of this is either bad mouthed and most likely even convinced that its all their fault or doing!  (deflection)
Yeah one word comes to mind, whimps!
Yes ***** spineless whimps that would rather emotionally scar or abuse a kind persons generosity or many other scenarios they they use to get themselves ahead, well at least they think, ahead!
Their words are as their hearts, frail and soon to wither away!

You can slander my name to all!
Say hurtfull things to me!
Or of me!

But without any substance it will hold no weight!
So I get to take one thing away from this all.

Happy not just a state of mind, for it be a place
Oh so much so it’s a place, a time, a destination and a goal
It be where we should reside

When you walk into my home I want you to feel it!
When you look at me my heart will show it! For happy is where my heart resides!

Happy I need for me first!
If those that hearts are set in unhappiness they need know it remains their choice!

My Happiness is mine! no one else can steal it or navigate it!
I am the captain of this ship!

Oh happiness is mine!
I own it’s title deed

As a lush garden I aim to keep it in bloom!
So who ever should visit even a fleeting moment in my life! Should know happiness be mine!
508 · Oct 2018
Remembering how to be me!
Warren-Johnson Oct 2018
A struggle! so just keeping it together!
Flustered and torn!
Lonely if I don’t reach out!
Emotions run through me like riptides in a vicious squall!
Not sure whether to run or hide!
Or what or where to next!
First thing everyone has always said just breathe!
Yeah if I did that from the start!
Wouldn’t burn to do just that, just breathe!
Reality kicks in, no worries I squander my soul on! can change the outcome of others choices!
I need to take ownership of my actions and face the consequences!
That needn’t render me powerless though!
For i still, have prayer!
And i am a great person!
And aim to be so much more!
I just need to show everyone i remember how to be me!
496 · Aug 2018
True I Remain
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
For Truth i began a fasting

Never have I fasted
But have started my pledge
Maybe a hunger strike without audience!
But if I can’t have this truth revealed I don’t want to be!
For it makes a far greater truth a lie too!
My love for her!
So it’s day two and feel no pangs!
Be it sobs feeding my existence I don’t know!
True I remain!
488 · Nov 2018
A Mom who has Jesus
Warren-Johnson Nov 2018
Jesus shines through You!

It is in your smile!
Or the way you just are!
As a dad, I see what a mom truly is!
But not just a mom, You are!
No a Mom who has Jesus!

God Gave You beauty!
Beyond any to compare!
This be not only apearence!
No a small role that would play!
No a Mom who has Jesus!
Be radiantly aglow!

Thank you Lord Jesus for Moms
Be it  their loving touch
Or the kindness they bear
A raginging lioness to shelter her children from any dispair!
Her lifes second purpose be her little darlings with the most loving care!
But first she seeks Jesus

His footsteps she follows
For no other as selfless
As our King Jesus Christ !
I dedicate this to. mariandra heunis
And all moms i know
Warren-Johnson May 2017
Oh how I long for you! Oh how I paint a picture of you over and over ! In my mind that no artist can truly depict cause your beauty is not skin deep!

So the word Something keeps popping up!

So I've sat and thought this one through, as we survive relationships (some being nothing short of horror stories lol) and recover somewhat stronger and move on, we tend to give little of our hearts away in no hurry ! However when we do give in and say that four letter word, LOVE, we then give far more of ourselves to this, from a far deeper understanding of it in truth!

So that four letter word that so many times we become petrified of that is so often just taken for granted, has now become SOMETHING !
Yes as much as I try hold back from the reality of my emotions, in no uncertain terms it can't be denied ! There is SOMETHING !

There needs to be something!
There has to be something!


Cause you really are quite something ! Quite an artist at theft, for as hard as I've tried to hold back and not give in, I catch myself dreaming and realize the reason for my dream is You ! As much as I don't want to admit! And there you gone and stolen another piece of my heart!   Thief lol
454 · Aug 2018
A Wish
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
Wish I was more!
Wish I could have wowed her so that no fight could be to much!
Wish I made that much more of a difference in her life that I’d be the one!
I wish that a misunderstood truth was explained in detail! And not me seen as a liar!
I wish i didt even have this insignificant past ro be questioned!
Oh if only i wish!  
I wish I wish I wish
Hmmm obviously time has proven I am not anyone’s person that valuable! For wishes like these!
A reality I’ll have to somehow learn to live with!
Sadly i hope somehow there is hope but that seems to be just my silly wishfulness alone!
i wish i wish i wish
441 · Jul 2021
Soul fed
Warren-Johnson Jul 2021
An experience par none
With hunger far more than lust
Insatiably I want to devour
With a drive far more than just passion! For these carnal desires are soul fed!
I pondered if I misbehaved in anyway couldn't keep my hands at bay always yearning to touch!
With a need to see the pleasure overload! and wow even just being normal I can't!
Just one look in those eyes and I have desires in an instant all bottled up at once that I'm sure most only have over a lifetime!
Now to contain my hunger to stop insanity rolling in! (drive me crazy) an understatement I'm certain  Well at least till our next soul feast!©
439 · Nov 2017
Warren-Johnson Nov 2017
A famous singer sings his number one hit Hero
And the words hit home, but not for the meaning he bleats out, rather the ending "I can be your Hero"
I'd be sure it's every fathers unsung anthem!
So I'll put words far closer to my heart, for my Girls❤️

If I'd ever given you reason to doubt
No remorse could ever be enough, even if I'd shout!
There'd be no river wide enough!
No mountain high enough!
No ocean deep enough!
To stop me ever striving, to be all you need me to be!
I Will Be Your Hero!

You'll teach me more than books have ever known!
To know a Love a part from any other❤️

Many an anguished moment shown , from bumping a toe or any other low!
But greater the elated ones, even the mere Daddy I love you! oh!

Great triumph, joy and pride to see and appreciate into whom you have grown!
I'd know no shame ever! In saying, that's my Daughter!
More often with such Glee!
For you bring such jubilant thoughts, wow my child❤️!!!!
There be no second of any hour
I'd give no less than my all!

Just to be your Hero!

I'm your Dad

437 · May 2017
Life yeah
Warren-Johnson May 2017
How we trade passions throws for securities, and build fortresses around our hearts, losing a little of ourselves each bit

Like the way she made your soul smile with butterfly tingles in courtship.

Don't flutterbye butterfly

When last did you take in the awe of a garden, the snapdragon flowers , or with its boastful song the vibrant colors of the beautiful songbird.

Don't flutterbye butterfly

Like going to a safari park and being so disappointed for not seeing the lion and it's **** but seeing the hundreds of swallows nesting in the wall of a riverbank, or the sheer beauty of the flycatchers and bee-eaters.

Don't flutterbye butterfly

How we forget to live and love it all! Why else would God have given it all to us! How much less do we give of ourselves by not looking at life as love! Love cause God gave it all to us in love!

Don't flutterbye butterfly
Drink it's sweet nectar

          Life yeah
430 · Aug 2018
It’s Time Yes
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
It’s Time!
Time to stand up stop wallowing in this grief!
Stand fast in Faith asking Gods hand to make me the better man!
The one she’ll see as whom she can rely!
She can Trust!
Believe in!
Look up to!
See honor in!
Find strength in!
(Although such a strong person hardly needed)
I know my greatest strength lies within my faith!
For through Gods work, my heart will be to a honest compass!
So now I dedicate this day and many to come to You my Daddy, oh steer my life!
Help me be the the humble servant you need of your child!
I pray my Lord my soul to keep!
As I take my direction from being trapped in earthly ways!
Teach me Jesus I pray !
419 · Jan 2021
Warren-Johnson Jan 2021
If I could only turn back time
I’d do most of it the same but I know my mistakes
I’d improve of course!
But mostly hearts I’ve hurt
If possible I’d do things better there
More time with my loved ones
If only I could!
And of course cut out those who do only but take from you!
I can if you allow me to direct the future better though sure we can get a lot out still
We are never certain of tomorrow!
We need to secure today!
Don’t discard of time you could have done so much more with!
Be extravagant with those words I love you!
But more than that show them as much!
Spend it wisely and  extravagantly on those who really matter!
I know I have that in my heart I hope I get to fulfill it in my life to come!
Oh if only Could I know I Can!
407 · Jun 2017
Warren-Johnson Jun 2017
I amble along life's dreary road
It's paths so crooked, and plenty a stumbling block.
Truth is we need them to get through those dismal days, although it feels as if this dark and dreary cloud will hang over my head for eternity!

And then tomorrow brings sunny skies as we forget their lies, those empty promises.

Thing is I have to see it! And it will all make me stronger yet!

My foresight tenfold gained those dismal clouds, I see through them for their worth!

I smile on my own as I forget your smile!
I'll laugh at jokes again yeah!
I have so much I've gained so much, yet I've lost so dearly and I remember again!
Momentarily lost love once more births such pain!

But I look up and remember I can smile on my own!
I know how to love without refrain!
Yes I remember I need to love myself first and all else will find hope!

Yes I am allowed to be first for once I'm the most important person in my life for once!
Its all mine I can have it all! life's mine again!

Why oh why!

Why did I loose sight of this to start!
390 · Jun 2017
Smiles all around
Warren-Johnson Jun 2017
The smile
A wonderful attribute to our lives
Yet costs us nothing unlike its sister the frown
Just adds misery as it thrives
Feeling up or down
It won't do you any good won't add value!
No the smidgin on your face has no crown
It takes from us it saps us dry
To smile is free!
Yes why?

Cause It'll lift you up!
it'll drown your sorrows and let you be
It affects all around us just the same
Yes contagious it is!
To smile is bliss
Come on smile it's free
382 · Sep 2018
Id wish on every star!
Warren-Johnson Sep 2018
A star so bright i saw tonight!
I thought of you!
Not for its sheer beauty in this wondorous sky! Although i could relate them!
Not for its radiance!
There too i could relate as you shine always!
No not for many other reasons I could compare!
But for the simple thought!
A wish upon a star!
I wished you were mine!
379 · May 2017
Love isn't blind
Warren-Johnson May 2017
Love isn't blind
Love trusts
Love is dependent on this trust
Love is reliant on its parties to be-

Love doesn't need wealth
Love doesn't need lies
Love doesn't need many (only 2)

But it surely needs you !
375 · May 2018
Warren-Johnson May 2018
Thought I knew its meaning!
Gee I’ve felt it to the core!
More than once that’s for sure!
Ahhh but missing my family!
I can define this with assertive measure!
I know what love is!
For without fail you are there!
I miss you all, for every moment we don’t share!
I’ve said this before one should not waste any opportunity to tell your loved ones how much they mean!
So for all my loved ones far and wide!
A tribute to you!
In a way I know best!

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