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427 · Jan 2016
Shadow of the Heart
VZ Jan 2016
The shadows in our hearts the heat and tremors not from the ground but from within.. will we ever know the presents intention? What are we living for? Will we ever know.. then the veil of destruction how long has anger enticed his veins how long has pain subdued his senses he wondered then nothingness not even him it was darkness now.. what lurked within.. will tomorrow be the answer.. was courage enough was rage enough the veil opens.. light but he can't see inside what is this feeling what is this life why me? why anybody? what is purpose how did we cause.. can it ever be rewritten? only in time can we find out all we may know..
305 · Jan 2016
Lights Shadows
VZ Jan 2016
The mornings cool embrace, shall the day be allowed? Then we see an object and thus enticement. We go forth into the day being enticed by its prevalent things. We go on the colors vivid the sound and thier source, it's all so wonderful. Then we become see them.. the days shadows.. what are they? Are they memories, pain and pleasure and purpose? Maybe there more then that a calling unheard. Should one go into the shadows or move until they disappear. Can we ever forget them, we'll certainly see them again. can our light be strong enough and why shouldn't it be? Are our souls the ones that hold the answers to the greatest of shadows mysteries. Will light always have a shadow while we're there?
VZ Aug 2016
Though I love you I can't show it I want you strong for days to come, and though you don't know it you mean more to me then the full moon or rising sun. This was the path a hurt hardened heart once took to make his brother stronger then him.
This was the path I wish I had forsaken so that I could walk by love alone
. Now dear sister you are not my blood but I love you so much still, and though you will never be one of my own I will treat with love's will.
It hurts though for you see my brother is gone and the one called sister isn't my blood or kind, so to show her love is too cause much pain in me because I love my brother more and he has been gone for quite some time.
These are the path ways of love that I speak of  of wanting to make one greater and not hurt love again but when I smile at your face dear sister I do it just to pretend, that it doesn't hurt that my brothers gone and i'm left without him.. Still my heart goes on loving you dear brother more then the moon or sun or day or night if I could give them all up to be once more with you I would for my heart walks the pathway of light. It loves dear brother even though it hurts even though its a struggle to live life. My dear brother this poem is for you we will be together in thee after life.
a broken family that still loves

— The End —