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 Aug 2016 vivianne
Tyler Durden
I hate clichés as much as you do
But I love you so much it hurts
And I don't know if you know that I do
Or if I whisper it to you as you sleep
To calm this anxious insomniac
You chose to share a bed with.
Don't leave, just stay and keep me warm
That's all I ask, and I can get through the day.
 Aug 2016 vivianne
Tyler Durden
You are my favorite thing to see when I first wake up.
Your voice is my favorite to hear whisper "goodnight."
The perfect beginning
The perfect ending.
You are perfect.
 Oct 2015 vivianne
The storm roars,
The wind blows,
The ocean rises,
But I still remain the same

The rain falls,
The thunder growls,
The earth trembles,
Yet, I am still me

The leaves may turn brown,
The sky may turn black,
The birds may stop singing,
But I may not change

The love I gave yesterday,
The love I give today,
And the love I will give tomorrow,
Is the same love you'll ever receive from me....forever.
 Oct 2015 vivianne
Jesse Madison
She looked at me
With a tenderness that I had never known
And in that moment
I was free
 Sep 2015 vivianne
Tyler Durden
If I Hold Your Hand, I'm Holding On For Dear Life.
 Sep 2015 vivianne
Tyler Durden
I'm just a hand me down friend,
You grew out of me like your loose split ends.
 Sep 2015 vivianne
Tyler Durden
I hope you're happy
And I mean that.
It seems to me my hair is now longer
My pants are no longer darker
And you live a little farther.
Now happy is not black and white
Happy was spelled with a Y
Back in junior high.
Today it's spelled with a joint
A bottle of jack, Oh, I forgot the exclamation point.
In the end it seems okay.
It's been ten years, for some four, for some less.
Nothing can break us, nevertheless.
It wasn't like the movies and it wasn't like the books.
Some got lost,
and we don't exchange looks.
But I won't forget the windows down,
The music loud.
I hope it meant to you what it meant to me,
And I hope you're happy.
Much too fast
 Sep 2015 vivianne
Tyler Durden
You're like
The city lights at night
A scratch in music
Exposed for too long
The coast line
A dislocated spine
Dream sequence on repeat
For years in the backseat
Slow guitar
And the North Star
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