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Is it the words whispered
in secret corridors
i love you

are they proclaimed boldly
from roof tops

Or maybe love
sounds like laughter
giggles shared only between two

what if love has no noise
its beauty is similar to a sunset
seen and felt
but never heard
you do love me
remove my misery-

you've set your heart free
I'll enter then
love should know no ambiguity.
 Dec 2018 Roshan Adhikari
This is my favorite.
Christmas night.
Gifts are open,
Everyone asleep from a long day.
Except you and me.

We’ve got the tree on,
But no other lights.
No music or television,
Just basking in the glow.
But there is some sound.
You’re purring in my lap.

I’m sipping my wine and
We’re just resting together
Alone in the dark
in the light of the tree.
You and me.

I run my hands down your back.
Your purring gets louder,
But you don’t open your eyes.
I feel the sharpness of your bones.
The frailty of your small body.
Your fur is dulled these days,
Your joints creak when you move.

There’s a sadness in me this year,
And I know our days are numbered.
We’ve been together a long time,
And I know sometime soon
You’ll have to go.
This might be our last
Christmas night together.  
So let’s just sit awhile longer,
You and me.
For P.
Every girl wants a bad boy
that will be good just for her
and every boy wants a good
girl that will be bad just for

Morning    whispers,    legs
entwined, the tickle of your
skin in  the  soft  light  that
traces  softly through these
sheets  as  I  touch   you  in
places   you   never   knew
existed, and I've never been
in this place,
      with you,
      with me,
       with us.

I want  to  be  the  only  hand
you ever need to hold and I'm
ready  to  do  anything  to  be
                      your  everything.
                                                                                 Jon York   2018
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