Feels like plain and peaceful all at once ocean scent lingers through my skin emotions scribbled and leaves are falling skies darkens and soul is weary unfolding bliss as I continue walking
Do I need a compass to point my direction to you? Is there a map to guide my feet that wants to crawl back to you? This enormous darkness clothing this road My only guide is this bruised heart that used to glow
You said I can find you amidst the sea But these inverted signs confuse the hell out of me And then I remember that sweet memory in my head The warmth of your embrace that stopped my loneliness to spread
Every time I looked in the mirror I’d think so many things And most of those thoughts Weren’t very kind to me Then one day I cried out God why did you make me this way What made you think I was worthy for this life For a stunning moment My world was silent And God said Because you’re a child of mine I made you in my image I gave you your heart I made you for a purpose And I know life can be hard But I’ve been here all along Waiting for your call Trust in me as I in you And I will catch you when you fall For you are my child And I will love you