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Sanwire 7d
When my chest feels heavy, my heart surrounded by sorrow.
I wish to feel nothing, I don’t want to see tomorrow.
I search for the answer, wondering when this will end.
The question itself wonders, I choose death to be my lonely friend.

Now I am at my decision,  I recall every feeling.
Guilt covers my vision,  regret loses its meaning.
I don’t think I can come back, I don’t even try.
Who sees what this head has, when I was left alone to cry.

When you arrive at my ending, I will remain silent that day.
When you wonder what I was hiding, why I chose this pathway.
The mystery covers your mind, so does the heaviness of maybes.
I wish you to keep me in your good sight, that’s the last wish you can grant me.

Now I am not breathing, but I feel so relieved.
The sorrow is at its ending, I am stepping into my land of dreams.
It offers me numbness, what I was eagerly wanting.
I am immune to emotions ; finally, the heaviness has ended.
Disclaimer might be sensitive topic⚠️
Sanwire Feb 21
The way I’ve hurt,
I think nobody deserves at all.
But I think of those hungry people,
Those helpless people,
Those aimless people.
Oh my lovely people,
Why did they pay the price
That I was investing?
Why did they let their dream die
Instead of following the life as the ending?
Why did I make them fight?
Why did I make them choose the thing I thought was right?
Why didn’t they listen to them?
Or maybe I made them choose this life aim.

I don’t know how many apologies I should owe
That the beautiful world you want to show
To your kids, to your belongings,
To your family happily singing.

Forgive me, my soldier, I let your dream die.
I let you fight against your brother
When you wanted to live a peaceful life.

I taught you to leave your soul dream,
So I could use your skin.
I am so guilty now,
Please forgive me, my dear soldier.
I want to wash my sin.
Sanwire Feb 13
Who’s gonna tell the storm
That its presence causes suffering?
Who’s gonna tell the wind
That it blows away the hope of others?
Who’s gonna tell the rain
The happiness it washed away?
Should we blame nature,
Or are we grown enough to suffer?
How can I blame nature
When its own creation makes her
Dry, wet, cry, and break?
The sun, the cloud, and the thunderstorm she creates,
When she cries, begs, and tries to correct,
The inner floor breaks, and sorrow surrounds the climate.

Be smart, be quick, don’t let the message down.
If you choose to remain silent,
Be prepared to face the unimaginable consequences.
Sanwire Feb 12
When I thought time was slow,  
I recall every single moment.  
Maybe my mind doesn’t know,  
But my wounded heart has to feel it.  

This sorrow I feel,  
The unfairness I’ve been through—  
I started taking things softly,  
Now even the gentlest blow of wind can hurt me too.  

My eyes no longer shed tears,  
Maybe they’ve lost their way.  
Maybe they took a wrong turn  
And made it through my chest.  
Now I understand why my heart feels so heavy—  
It carries a weight of sadness,  
My inner pain remain unseen
Sanwire Feb 6
When time seemed to be fleeting
Your smile and laughter had some hope in them
I recognized joy through your laughter
I wanted to hear the words from your heart

When sorrow began to smile
And happiness turned to tears in beauty
A city of trust began to form
A house of hope remained
Words started to fall short

I wanted to hear the words from your heart
But you didn’t hear, what I said
I couldn't even express it, you couldn’t understand
When the clock of time ticks on
Regret comes forward like a fire
I started to understand the fire of love
Perhaps time itself didn’t know its limits
Before the ticking stopped love was fading.
Sanwire Feb 3
The sun is shining.
And the day is bright.
The last star is dying.
In the moonless night.

Dark clouds just formed.
Blocking the sun.
Wind sounds can be heard.
Calling the person who has yet to return.

Oh now it's raining.
Clearing up the sky.
The thunderstorms are saying
Person left, but grief stays by.

Spark-less eyes of yours I see.
My heart feels cold in the burning sunny heat.
Memories flow like waterfall
In the basin that will never fill.
Sanwire Feb 2
Hollow winds with cold breeze
Snow falls on winter trees.
Heavy heart needs to clear
Should we smile with a happy tear?

Ray of sun touches the ground.
Snow on trees lightens up around
A messy brain can be silent.
Loosened relations need to be tightened.

Depth of pain always take
Time to endure the agony of being left.
Loop of emotions needs to break.
Being to loud, I guess it’s time to wait.

— The End —