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"I had a dream last night. I dreamt of a life without pain, an existence with no pressure to strive, an acceptance of what had been and what was to come."

"Are you sure it was a dream?"

"No, but I am sure I want to go there again."
At 6 feet apart
mask no kisses
love has no heart
only near misses.
Raise yourself up
but don't let others down
with this, you wear
humanity's crown
Scratch the surface and what have you got?
a scratched surface.

Another Sunday working
this bible's getting pretty thin
I may survive this onslaught
but the chance is looking slim

She said be brave
I'll save you
from yourself if not from me.
Mamma's got a song,
She sings late at night,
It makes her so happy,
It's just outta sight,
Just outta sight,
She sings it
She sings it
Can't make out the words
Seems to know.

And their singing all night,  
It's just outta sight,
Momma got a song,
She sings late at night.

Mamma's singing high
And Dad's
Singing low,
I wish I
Knew the words
But I just don't know,
Oh yeah
I just don't know
Mamma's got a song,
She sings late at night.
Not a poem, so technically not for here.
Wanted to capture the feel of 70s rock songs, that hint at something else.
I've written enough
there's no urgency
to write more-
too many flowers
will choke the meadow
too many words
will confusion draw-

silent I'll be for now
for my next inspiration I'll wait
there will be the right ripening
my life I'll then happily celebrate.
"Now, Eliot, you've been a potato for four months. You've gone through training with hot grills, reconnaissance missions to fish and chips shops, and you even rescued the Potato King from an assassination attempt by a housewife in Luton. You have now been selected to serve King and country by being part of a giant feast in honour of Prince Victor of Bulgaria, the highest-ranking potato in the world. Prepare yourself for the proudest moment of your life. Any questions?"

"Should I wear a jacket?"
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