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It touches my heart deeply
When I think back to her

Wiping eyes and waving
As we drove away after each visit

I adored my Granny
And see her sitting in church

Hat and gloves on, elegant in age
A Southern paper fan in hand

Treasured Bible and hymnal on the pew
So worn with use from her very hands

And I hear the old-timey style of singing
As she slides into each of the notes

All that is what is the best within me
Had its beginning with her instruction

Her desire to walk in her Master's steps
And have me follow

If I had not known better
I would have thought she came down

From heaven
Some people in our lives hold a special place and leave an indelible mark on a soul.
Some voices always
remain unheard .
These neglected and rejected voices
make us slow and backward in life.
Let us try ourselves to listen these voices from time to time.
So that we can become self-sufficient during our journey of life.
कभी कभी
हो जाया करता है
धन का लाभ।
इससे हमें
खुश होने की नहीं
है जरूरत ,
हो सकता है कि
इस से होने वाला हो
कोई अनिष्ट।
कोई हमारी उज्ज्वल छवि पर
लगाना चाहे कोई दाग़।
हमें रखना होगा याद
कि कभी अचानक
गंदगी के ढेर से हो
जाता है प्राप्त
कोई चिराग़
जिसे रगड़ने और घिसने से
कोई जिन्न निकले बाहर
और आज्ञाकारी सेवक बनकर
कर दे हमारी तमाम इच्छाएं पूर्ण!
यह भी हमें आधा अधूरा रखने की साज़िश हो सकती है।
अतः हम स्वयं को संतुलित रखने का करें प्रयास,
ताकि निज के ह्रास से बचा जा सके,
जीवन पथ पर ढंग से अग्रसर हुआ जा सके।

यदि कभी अचानक हो ही जाए ,
कोई अप्रत्याशित धन लाभ
तो उसे दीजिए समाज भलाई के लिए
योजनाबद्ध ढंग से बांट।
बांटना और ढंग से धन संपदा को ठिकाने लगाना
बेहद आवश्यक है,
ताकि हमारी कर्मठता पर
न आए कभी आंच।
न हो कभी मंशा को लेकर कोई जांच।
सिद्ध किया जा सके,सांच को आंच नहीं,
यदि सब चलें अपनी राह पर सही , सही, मर्यादा में रहकर।
अप्रत्याशित धन लाभ से रहें सदैव सतर्क।
यदि फंसें किसी मकड़जाल में,
धरे रह जाएंगे सब तर्क वितर्क।

They'll call her ruin.
They'll call her shame.

They'll never call her,
by her name.

Once the deed is done.
Her world it shakes.

As all her secrets.
Are laid out bare.

There is no hiding.
This ruined girl.

They'd call her pretty.
They'd call her smart.
They'd call her art.

Till she fell in love
Then fell apart.

The man he ran.
Like most men do.

Escaping the wreckage.
Of his youth.

The ruined girl,
was left alone.

Becoming a cautionary tale.
Of women's woes.

Whispering through history.
"Be careful with whom you love."
Text me
Text me
Text me
Text me
Text me
Text me
Text me
Text me

And then you never will
Because I'm holding on
While you seem
To have already to go
The moonlit sky hovers
a dark and empty street
A night submerged with wonder
and stillness

In a blissful voice, the night sang
about a faraway land,
where the pastures danced
and summer was everlasting

Lustrous knights roam the land
and the goblins lurks in the shadow
Like the darkness I lay on
As my bones relish in the calm
of this wonderful night
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