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the wretched fin of despair
finally broke through the floorboards
circled around the sofa
and the table upon which
we supped
muffled laughter wafting
up from somewhere below
a thud
here and there
in between rips and tugs
and labored gasps
razor sharp leading edge
chewing slicing sawing
through the kitchen and down
the slate black steps
to the front door
and out
 Sep 8 Jimmy silker
My mind is racing…
Around right now.
I’m easing off the gas.

If I don’t slow down, I won’t remember it.
It’s sad I know, I’m way ahead of you…..
Maybe I’ll stop and listen.

NOTE TO DALE 9-8-24  RIP - for a friend I never wanted to meet, but did. Sorta....
my heart was an open book
full of blank sections
and searching for meaning
I filled it with questions

I looked for connections
or some explanation
I looked for letters
and I found punctuation
The worst traits to have in a relationship,
I'm chalked full of 'em
Might have all of 'em
Been awhile since I counted 'em
Kinda lost count of 'em
Then lost track of 'em
Surely didn't embrace 'em
But didn't try to erase 'em
I was either born with 'em
Given 'em
Or backstabbed with 'em
Then blamed for having 'em
Now all I'll I'm left with is 'em

I knew there was a turn
but it never turned up
and I kept walking straight
in search of it.

The road was familiar
the turn was on the left
in every known way
yet in the broad daylight
it left me.

I know you wouldn't believe it
neither did I
as alike a puzzled wayfarer
I kept on looking for the turn.

It happened to me.
P'raps it happens in other lives too,
the turn always there
keeps eluding.

Then when found,
it's no longer needed.
I’m alone stuck in my head
we both lost track of what was said.
Here I write but you haven’t read,
please just come to bed.

Lost in translation starts a fight,
another disappointing night.
Not sure of much but sure we’re right,
come to bed and turn off the light.

Mind’s running laps but in a line,
avoiding barbed wire and land mine.
Determined to stay up to greet sunshine,
come to bed and it will be fine.

I’m alone stuck in my head
an impending sense of doom and dread.
I write in blue but you mark in red,
please just come to bed.
 Sep 6 Jimmy silker
It started back in sixty one,
Before I could ever drive.
The voice, the wit, the time goes past.
Slower then twenty five.

As I grew up, wisdom grew,
The voice would come alive.
Jim Healy was this character's name.
He saw the world from different eyes.

RIP - J. Healy
NOTATION - I hate change. I'm not too cool with reality either.

"Who Goofed? I've got to know!"
                   Thanks Howard....
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