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 Sep 6 Jimmy silker
It started back in sixty one,
Before I could ever drive.
The voice, the wit, the time goes past.
Slower then twenty five.

As I grew up, wisdom grew,
The voice would come alive.
Jim Healy was this character's name.
He saw the world from different eyes.

RIP - J. Healy
NOTATION - I hate change. I'm not too cool with reality either.

"Who Goofed? I've got to know!"
                   Thanks Howard....
my trouble is I analyze life instead of living it.
I recognize that I live now and only now, and I will do what I want to do THIS moment and not what I decided was best for me yesterday.
next time I will...
from now on I will...
what makes me wiser today than I was yesterday?
The door is slowly opening
I can hear the hinges creaking
As it is forced to move.
What pagan wind invades
The solace of this silent chamber
To move what has grown stationary
In the effort to hold back
The machinations that are
Fluttering like brazen banners
On the brightly gilded lances
Of the mavens of decay
Don't ask me- I just write 'em  - I don't get paid to understand 'em.
No matter what I do
The loneliness comes in
She peeks through the window
And lifts up my chin.

No matter what I do
The loneliness is there
She looks at me sadly
And doesn’t seem to care

No matter what I do
The loneliness gets more
She wraps her arms around me
While I lay motionless on the floor
Trying to get back into writing
“Are you okay?”,
my wife asks
when I cough.

“No. I’m fine.
Yes. I’m not”,
I respond,

stumping her
in the poetic irony
of words that

encompass the
yes and no
and the in between.

She flips the finger
at me and I return
the bird to the nest.

We go back to our life
and our tablets,
the drip, drip of my chemo
and I wonder about okay.

“No.  You’re fine.
Yes. You’re not.”,
the bag stares in response.
It's 3am

I'm on the phone
No one's awake and I'm alone

It's 3am

The radio's on
Songs are played on lonely station

It's 3am

I'm in my bed
My eyes are open and sleep has fled

It's 3am

I'm on the balcony
The sky is dark and just quite scary

It's 3am

Some windows have lights
Could they also not sleep tonight

It's 3am

I'm still awake
When will life ever give me a break
Insomniac nights are the worst. And it's been going on like this for quite awhile.
I've begged for you for so long
There's a hole in my carpet
And bruises on my knees
But it doesn't feel wrong
If I bled out for you
You'd only see a mess
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