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  Feb 28 Jimmy silker
Mark Bell
Feels like
your drifting
Slip sliding away
The ball
started rolling,
The drifter
in you needs
To go out
and play.
The smiles
have gone
by frowns
Go with
my blessing
And create
new sounds,
New horizons,
Views what you see
Please find in your
Heart to drift
back to me.
Jimmy silker Feb 28
Everything gets in eventually
Unless you have a supernatural defence
Wether it's the ants or the water
Constant baulwalking makes sense
Sealent shrinks
Rubber perishes
Nowt is water tight
Though when your young you don't think so
Why should you give a *****?
The citadel once proud
In the round
With its bitter moat
Now tumbledown
Half brought to ground
Denuded mortar
All she wrote.
  Feb 27 Jimmy silker
There once was a man from Mumbai
Whose face had the laziest eye:
     It opened at noon
     While the other as soon
As the sun rose was focused and spry.
  Feb 27 Jimmy silker
inhale through the heaviness,
glory lies below the crush
rogue and stagnant fires-
does not a moment flush

bruises filled with liquor,
behind which fragments take
man, the soldiers plenty
march on by cherry lake

once, once more and then again
a juncture past and proud
speckled now with claret-
slow the fleet, march on ground

shine down on the many
for sacrifice, but few
keep on for the forward
or find it may be you

persist, the moon is ready
it whispers to the waves-
prepare, though not tremble
be one, be true, be brave
  Feb 27 Jimmy silker
burbling creeks sweep over our feet
the basketballs stuck on the roof-
somebody said that they won’t be our friend
so we play with the man on the moon

we scoot down the street with no helmets
and cycle the length of the track
mum makes dinner in the time that it takes us
to walk to the milk bar and back

our feet pick up all the loose gravel
we use every stone we can find to make rings
inviting the fairies to come dance with us
hoping we’ll catch sight of their wings

we climb to the tops of the monkey bars
my sister can skip four whole rungs
we sit on the couch in the sun room
and watch some old movie about bugs

we drink tea from my new porcelain tea set
and make up dances to dads old cds
we jump off the top of the bunk bed
and trust that we will land on our feet
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